HyperSpectral Imager for Climate Science Project

Balloons that measured Earth-reflected radiation

The HyperSpectral Imager for Climate Science (HySICS) Instrument Incubator Project consisted of two scientific balloon launches carrying a spectrometer capable of measuring outgoing Earth-reflected radiation with unprecedented accuracy relative to the incident sunlight. Carried in a LASP-built gondola, the two experiments flew successfully on high altitude balloons along with NASA Wallops Flight Facility Wallops Arc Second Pointers in September 2013 and August 2014.

Mission Class:


Mission Status:


LASP Roles:

Research, Instruments, Data, Lead Institute

Science Target:

Earth's Atmosphere

Mission Focus:

Climate, Earth's Atmosphere, Radiation Budget, Solar Irradiance, Solar Physics

Launched: September 29, 2013 and August 18, 2014

Lead Institution: LASP

Lead Funding Agency: NASA Earth Science Technology Office