Total and Spectral Solar Irradiance Sensor 2
Enhancing the legacy of solar radiation measurements

The Total and Spectral Solar Irradiance Sensor–2 (TSIS-2) is a follow on mission to TSIS-1 to continue to monitor the Earth’s solar energy input-a measurement of the Sun’s brightness at the top of Earth’s atmosphere. TSIS-2 includes two instruments – the Total Irradiance Monitor (TIM) and the Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SIM), which are nearly identical to the instruments on TSIS-1. TIM will continue to provide a 40-year uninterrupted measurement record of the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) which is the Earth’s predominant energy source. The SIM will continue to measure the Solar Spectral Irradiance (SSI) and identify the regions in Earth’s atmosphere and surface that are affected by solar variability. TSIS-2 will ride on a free-flying spacecraft, unlike its predecessor TSIS-1 which operates from the International Space Station.
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Launch Date: October 2025
Lead Institution: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Lead Funding Agency: NASA Earth Systematic Missions program
Partners: General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems Group
TSIS-2 acquires measurements of total and spectral solar irradiance (TSI and SSI, respectively). TSI is required for establishing Earth’s total energy input while SSI is needed to understand how the atmosphere responds to changes in the sun’s output. Solar irradiance is one of the longest and most fundamental of all climate data records derived from space-based observations.
TSIS-2 will provide the continuation of the 40-year TSI data record and the 20 year SSI data record.
The TSIS-2 Science Operations Center (TSOC) will provide commanding and data processing of the data from SIM and TIM instruments on TSIS-2.
The TSIS-2 Science Operations Center (TSOC) will provide scientific data from the TIM and SIM instruments when available.
Access to TSIS-1 data is available here: