  • Welcome to the MMS public data site. MMS data from September 1, 2015 - November 15, 2022 is available through this portal, for all the instruments on board the four MMS spacecraft. New data will be released weekly by the MMS science teams. For more information on how to access the data and use the tools provided by the MMS team, see the following pages:

    • To learn how to use the MMS web services to access data, visit the How to Get Data Page.
    • To search for specific data sets from a given instrument or observatory, try the Search Page.
    • To download a single file, or examine the data available at the Science Data Center, Browse the SDC.
  • On 7 June 2018, the MMS Fast Plasma Investigation (FPI) suffered a flight anomaly in one of it's dual spectrometer units on MMS-4. On 15 July 2018, MMS FPI suffered a second, unrelated flight anomaly on a separate dual spectrometer unit on MMS-4. Impacts on data quality are summarized here.
  • A updated list of MMS publications can be found here.
  • The 'MMS Book' is now available via open access from Space Science Reviews.
  • Full archives of the plots below, showing where the MMS spacecraft are in relation to the Earth and magnetopause as well as the tetrahedron formation at apogee, are available at the Historical Orbit Plots and Historical Formation Plots pages.
  • If you have questions about the MMS SDC or problems with the website, please let us know: MMS SDC

The MMS Science Team maintains a continuously updated, sortable list of published papers via Google Scholar.

We are committed to the open dissemination of data and results from the mission. Hundreds of papers exploring magnetic reconnection have been presented at conferences, seminars, symposia, and in peer-reviewed journals.

MMS Instrument teams have updated the Calibration and Measurement Algorithms Document (CMAD) to reflect the current state of MMS data products and calibrations.

Open Access Papers

Available from Space Science Reviews, the 'MMS Book' provides a full description of the MMS mission, it's science objectives, operations, and instruments.
From Geophysical Research Letters, "First results from NASA's Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission" a collection of fifty-eight papers from the first eighteen months of operations.
Contacts and Links
The MMS science team is committed to the accessibility of the mission data, and to its usefulness to the entire scientific community. In ensure the wide range of mission data products are of most use, we encourage everyone to familiarize themselves with the MMS Data Rights and Rules and contact project and instrument scientists to collaborate.

Primary contacts for the mission are listed below. For information and contacts for a particular instrument, see the instrument pages in the Datasets section of the website.

MMS Project Contacts
MMS Science Principal Investigator Dr. James Burch SWRI
MMS Program Scientist Dr. Galen Fowler NASA
MMS Project Scientist Dr. Guan Le NASA GSFC
MMS Current Location, 'Top' View
MMS location, Top View

MMS satellite locations in GSE Coordinates (sun to the left).

How is the magnetopause calculated?

Orbit Plot Archive

MMS Current Location, 'Side' View
MMS location, Side View

MMS satellite locations in GSE Coordinates (sun to the left).

How are the field lines calculated?

Orbit Plot Archive

MMS Apogee Formation
MMS formation

MMS tetrahedron formation at apogee.

TQF = Tetrahedron Quality Factor as reported by MOC.

Formation Plot Archive

About MMS

The four Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft will collect a combined volume of ~100 gigabits per day of particle and field data. On average, only 4 gigabits of that volume can be transmitted to the ground. To maximize the scientific value of each transmitted data segment, MMS has developed the Science Operations Center (SOC) to manage science operations, instrument operations, and selection, downlink, distribution, and archiving of MMS science data sets. The SOC is managed by the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) in Boulder, Colorado and serves as the primary point of contact for community participation in the mission. MMS instrument teams conduct their operations through the SOC, and utilize the SOC's Science Data Center (SDC) for data management and distribution. The SOC provides a single mission data archive for the housekeeping and science data, calibration data, ephemerides, attitude and other ancillary data needed to support the scientific use and interpretation. All levels of data products will reside at and be disseminated from the SDC. Documentation and metadata describing data products, algorithms, instrument calibrations, validation, and data quality will be provided. Arguably, the most important innovation developed by the SOC is the MMS burst data management and selection system. With nested automation and "Scientist-in-the-Loop" (SITL) processes, these systems are designed to maximize the value of the burst data by prioritizing the data segments selected for transmission to the ground. This paper describes the MMS science operations approach, processes and data systems, including the burst system and the SITL concept.

More about MMS