Io Plasma Torus Bibliographies
Bagenal & Dols (2020) The Space Environment of Io and Europa – J. Geophys. Res. Accepted (DOI 10.1029/2019JA027485 Mar 26, 2020) JGR link – contact Fran if you cannot download the paper.
Chronological lists of papers related to the magnetosphere of Jupiter. These are Fran Bagenal’s brief summaries of these papers. Let me know if you have corrections or if you are are not able to access the paper via your usual means (bagenal at colorado dot edu).
UV-Papers-table (5 June 2019)
Physical Chemistry Models – or “neutral cloud theory” of the Io plasma torus (3 January 2018)
Ground-Based Observations – of neutral clouds and the Io plasma torus – (30 January 2018) – complete?
ExtendedNeutrals – neutral clouds extending out beyond the magnetosphere – and into Jupiter’s atmosphere (5 October 2018)
Variabilities – System III, System IV, Local Time, Io Phase, volcanic activity – (28 December 2017) Work in progress
Plasma-Io Interactions – Daunting to start. See review paper at the top. Someone want to help with a spreadsheet?
Io-An Alfven Wave Generator – Ed Schmahl, CU PhD Thesis 1970