Earth magnetoshere: basic dipolar magnetosphere with distance to sub-solar magnetopause (Rmp). Credit: Fran Bagenal & Steve Bartlett (Click image for full size) |
Comparison of planetary magnetospheres: Mercury, Earth, Jupiter, Heliosphere. Credit: Fran Bagenal & Steve Bartlett (Click image for full size) |
Comparison of planetary magnetospheres: Mercury, Earth, Saturn, Jupiter. Credit: Fran Bagenal & Steve Bartlett (Click image for full size) |
Tilts of planetary magnetic fields with respect to their rotation axes. Credit: Fran Bagenal & Steve Bartlett (Click image for full size) |
Earth and Jupiter Magnetosphere Comparison. Credit: Fran Bagenal & Steve Bartlett (Click image for full size) |
Size of Jupiter’s magnetosphere in the sky. Credit: Fran Bagenal & Steve Bartlett (Click image for full size) |
Size of Jupiter’s magnetosphere in the sky. Credit: Fran Bagenal & Steve Bartlett (Click image for full size) |
Magnetospheres scaled by stand-off distance of dipole field. Credit: Fran Bagenal & Steve Bartlett (Click image for full size) |
Magnetospheres on absolute scales. Credit: Fran Bagenal & Steve Bartlett (Click image for full size) |
Magnetosphere scaling to planet radius. Credit: Fran Bagenal & Steve Bartlett (Click image for full size) |
Jupiter’s Magnetosphere as a colossal comet. Based on Saturn graphic from JHUAPL. (Click image for full size) |
Jupiter’s Magnetosphere. Credit: Fran Bagenal & Steve Bartlett (Click image for full size) |
Jupiter’s Magnetosphere. Credit: Fran Bagenal & Steve Bartlett (Click image for full size) |
Magnetic field topology of Jupiter’s magnetosphere (based on magnetic field model of Krishan Khurana). Credit: Krishan Khurana (Click image for full size) |
Trajectory of the Juno spacecraft through the magnetosphere of Jupiter. Credit: Fran Bagenal & Steve Bartlett (Click image for full size) |
Interaction of the magnetosphere with Io (2 views). Credit: Fran Bagenal & Steve Bartlett (Click image for full size) |
Interaction of the magnetosphere with Io (4 views). Credit: Fran Bagenal & Steve Bartlett (Click image for full size) |
Magnetosphere of Ganymede based on model of Xianzhe Jia (JGR, 113, 6212, 2008), with location of auroral emissions (in blue). (Click image for full size) |
Cover of the book Jupiter: The Planet, Satellites & Magnetosphere (Cambridge University Press, 2004). Credit: John Spencer (Southwest Research Institute) (Click image for full size) |
The magnetosphere of Jupiter and Io plasma torus. Credit: John Spencer (Southwest Research Institute) (Click image for full size) |
Water-group pickup ions from Europa-genic neutrals orbiting Jupiter. GRL, 2022 |
Saturn’s magnetosphere. (See Bagenal, Nature 433, 695-696, 2005.) Credit: Fran Bagenal & Steve Bartlett (Click image for full size) |
Saturn’s Magnetosphere, with asymmetric plasma disk and Hubble images of UV aurora (see Bagenal, Nature 433, 695-696, 2005; Clarke et al. Nature 433, 717–719, 2005; Bagenal, Science, 316, 380-381, 2007). Credit: Fran Bagenal & Steve Bartlett (Click image for full size) |
The magnetosphere of Uranus at 1986 solstice (the time of the Voyager 2 flyby). Upper left and right panels show the configuration at different phases of the planet’s 18-hour spin period (see Bagenal, Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., 20, 289, 1992). The lower panel shows a numerical simulation of the helical magnetotail (Toth et al., JGR, 109, A11210, 2004). (Click image for full size) |
The magnetosphere of Neptune in the configuration corresponding to 1989, the time of the Voyager 2 fly-by (see Bagenal, Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., 20, 289, 1992). Over the 19-hour spin period the magnetospheric plasma sheet in the tail changes from roughly planar to cylindrical. |
Uranus’ Magnetosphere in (top) 1986 and (bottom) 2028 epochs. Credit: Fran Bagenal & Steve Bartlett (Click image for full size) |
Neptune’s Magnetosphere (Voyager era 1989) Credit: Fran Bagenal & Steve Bartlett (Click image for full size) |
The draping of tubes of solar magnetic flux around a conducting ionosphere such as that of Venus. The flux tubes are slowed down and sink into the wake to form a tail (after Saunders and Russell 1986). (Click image for full size) |
Interaction of the solar wind with the atmosphere, ionosphere, and magnetized crust of Mars. The several processes whereby the planet may have lost much of its atmosphere are shown. Credit: Fran Bagenal & Steve Bartlett (Click image for full size) |