Outer Heliosphere Workshop
Workshop: Observatory for the Outer Heliosphere and Boundaries
- 2021 Wed-Fri Jul 21-23
- Hybrid – part in-person and part virtual.
- Recorded talks and presentations here
- We had 64 people registered!
- LASP-SPSC, University of Colorado, Boulder
- Also, next… Interstellar Probe Workshop Oct 1, 2021
The Plan (all times are Mountain Daylight = UTC-6):
- Wed July 21 – Session 1 – 4 hours – 9am-1pm (mountain time)
- Capabilities – What measurements could instruments make over next 5 years?
- Voyager, New Horizons, IBEX, IMAP
- Thur July 22 – Session 2 – 4 hours- 9am-1pm (mountain time)
- Models – What regions & processes are being modeled? How? What constraints can the data provide? How can the models output be compared with data?
- The heliosphere from Sun to heliopause; boundary processes; dust: production, transport, loss; Lyman-alpha sources;
- Fri July 23 – Session 3 – 4 hours – 9am-1pm (mountain time)
- Arranging collaborations to leverage assets
- What are the next steps?
- Compare datasets, models
- Plan collaborations
- Assess needs
- Unique contribution of NH following on from Voyager
- Anticipating IMAP
With both Voyager spacecraft in interstellar space, IBEX and the upcoming IMAP missions imaging the outer boundaries of the heliosphere, and New Horizons in the outer heliosphere, it is an ideal time to combine resources from these missions and modeling efforts. This workshop seeks input aimed at developing plans to maximize the use of these observations, and plan any operational changes that can maximize the return from these missions. Of particular interest are comprehensive modeling efforts that span these different regions, and engineering and operational strategies that can extend the lifetime and capabilities of the missions and instrumentation. This workshop will provide information to the heliospheric community about the current capabilities, current and potential extensions to current mission capabilities, and an overview of prior and potential comparisons between the data sets and simulations. We devote a portion of the meeting for free form exchange of ideas and coordination of collaborations.
Scientific Organizing Committee:
Co-Chair Heather Elliott (SwRI), Co-Chair Ralph McNutt, Jr (JHUAPL), John Richardson (MIT), Randy Gladstone (SwRI), Mihaly Horanyi (U Colorado), Elena Provornikova (JHUAPL)
Local Organizer: Fran Bagenal (bagenal at colorado dot edu)