file: TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.INFO]HOW_TO_MAKE_EUV_SAVEFILE.DOC Nov 23, 1998 - KES Updated Mar 28, 2001 - kes An IDL program, TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.SOFTWARE]WRITE_EUV_SAVEFILE.PRO, is used to create the IDL SAVEFILEs containing EUV data. This program creates a Structure containing the Start RIM time, the End RIM time, and the data matrix properly configured based on the Fixed Pattern Noise Table used to obtain the data (the data file supplies the knowledge of of which table was in use). This program was written by Jeremy Gebben expresly for Ian Stewart's analysis of the EUV data and includes the 'hotpixel' correction. An update was added Mar 28, 2001 (by Simmons) so that separate SAVE files of one observation type could be generated. You may now also use an "*" for any, or all, of the three parameters OB, ORBIT, and OBS_TYPE. Run the TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.SOFTWARE]WRITE_EUV_SAVEFILE.PRO in IDL. The program asks for the following parameters: ; OB = 2-character for Sequence Segment, for example: ; we get files named g02c_euv_c3aurmap01.dat ; ^^ -- thus OB is C3 ; ORBIT = 4-character name for Orbit, J0CD, G02C etc... ; ORS_TYPE = 3-character Observation type, such as AUR, ANS or NAN . The program might report an arithmetic error but this is not significant to the SAVE file creation. Two SAVE files are generated: a Vax VMS file and an XDR SAVE file. The VMS file has the file-extension ".IDLSAVE" and the XDR file has the file-extension ".XDR". The two files for all Aurora data from all orbits are EUV_ALL_AUR.IDLSAVE and EUV_ALL_AUR_IDLSAVE.XDR. Another program, TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.SOFTWARE]JEREMY_EUV_IMAG.PRO;2, can be used to view the images stored in the above SAVEFILEs. Run the IDL program and then set the keyword params for the calling seq: image,file=file,range=range,min=min,max=max,sqrt=sqrt you might start with: image,file='filename',range=rang_arr,min=0,max=127 The other parameters are: RANGE is the pixel range to use (an array of indices to use (0-128)) and is returned by the program based on the pixel MIN/MAX values set in the call. If a SQRT assignment is made in the call then the image counts will be compressed with a sqrt function. NOTE: Both programs use the Vax logical "SW" to define the Galileo software directory located at "TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.SOFTWARE]".