file: RT_DATA_PLOT_PROC_INFO.DOC;2 Nov 8, 1999 - Jim Adams This document gives general informaion of the following files: TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.SOFTWARE]RT_DATA.PRO TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.SOFTWARE]RT_DATA_CONVERT.PRO TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.SOFTWARE]RT_DATA_PLOT.PRO RT_DATA.PRO: This program searches through the GLLUVS2:[GLL_RAW.UVS_P2] directory and retireves the header information from all real-time UVS data files. The data is extracted in raw form to an array of structures called FILE_DAT. The sturcture is named 'RT_RAW_UVS_DATA' and has the following form: Ex: FILE_DAT STRUCT = -> RT_RAW_UVS_DATA Array[1656] IDL> help, FILE_DAT, /st ** Structure RT_RAW_UVS_DATA, 13 tags, length=198: FILE STRING 'GLLUVS2:[GLL_RAW.UVS_P2]C03A_URT_...' REC_NUM INT 0 UTC_START STRING '1996-308//02:17:49:116' UTC_STOP STRING '1996-308//02:47:08:448' SCLK_START LONG 3681080 SCLK_END LONG 3681109 CMD_DURATION LONG 20 CMD_STEPS_FIRST LONG 528 CMD_STEPS_SECOND LONG = 528 CMD_IGP LONG 300 CMD_STEPS_TO_MOVE LONG = 0 FIRST_FID LONG Array[18] SECOND_FID LONG Array[18] The entire array of header information is saved in IDL 'save-file' format in the following file: 'DISKK:[GLL_RAW.ADAMS.RAW]RT_RAW_UVS_DATA.IDLSAVE' Run Time Procedure: IDL> .run rt_data % Compiled module: GET_UTC_START. % Compiled module: GET_UTC_STOP. % Compiled module: WRITE_STRUCTS. % Compiled module: GETFILE. % Compiled module: EXTRACT. IDL> EXTRACT A flag parameter exists, but does not have a specific funciton. It was included to allow for customization n later versions. Definitions: File: File name REC_NUM: The record number in the file CMD_DURATION: The commanded summation period CMD_STEPS_FIRST: The number of commanded steps in the first miniscan CMD_STEPS_SECOND: The number of commanded steps in the second miniscan CMD_IGP: The commanded initial grating position CMD_STEPS_TO_MOVE: The cmd number of steps to move to the second spectrum FIRST_FID: The 18 fiducial values for the first fiducial SECOND_FID: The 18 fiducial values for the second fiducial See the following documents for further real-time UVS header information: TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.INFO]UVS_PHASE2_RTS_HDR.DOC TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.INFO]UVS_FIDUCIAL.DOC;1 RT_DATA_CONVERT.PRO: This program retireves the IDL save-file 'DISKK:[GLL_RAW.ADAMS.RAW]RT_RAW_UVS_DATA.IDLSAVE' and converts the raw header data. Mainly the conversion is for roll-over correction. The conversion procedure (as of 9/15/99) uses same general algorithms as used in the traditional program: 'TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.SOFTWARE]READ_UVS_RECORDS.PRO' After conversion, the data is stored in an array of structures named DATA_STRUCT. Each structure has the following format: Ex: DATA_STRUCT STRUCT = -> RT_CONVERTED_UVS_DATA Array[1656] IDL> help, data_struct, /st ** Structure RT_CONVERTED_UVS_DATA, 37 tags, length=290: FILE STRING 'GLLUVS2:[GLL_RAW.UVS_P2]C03A_URT_AURMAP01.DAT'... REC_NUM INT 0 UTC_START STRING '1996-308//02:17:49:116' UTC_STOP STRING '1996-308//02:47:08:448' SCLK_START LONG 3681080 SCLK_END LONG 3681109 CMD_DURATION LONG 20 CMD_STEPS_1ST LONG 528 CMD_STEPS_2ND LONG 528 CMD_IGP LONG 300 CMD_STEPS_MOVE LONG 0 FIRST_FID LONG Array[18] SECOND_FID LONG Array[18] FIRST_FID_DUR LONG 29 SECOND_FID_DUR LONG 29 FIRST_FID_FLAG INT 1 SECOND_FID_FLAG INT 1 START_WL_1 FLOAT 38.3005 ADJ_1ST_EXP_WL FLOAT 44.0000 START_WL_2 FLOAT 54.3448 ADJ_2ND_EXP_WL FLOAT 54.3448 FIRST_F FLOAT 28.3892 FIRST_N FLOAT 27.5172 FIRST_G FLOAT 96.4680 SECOND_F FLOAT 28.3744 SECOND_N FLOAT 27.4926 SECOND_G FLOAT 96.1133 LIMB_SENSOR_1 FLOAT 76.0148 LIMB_SENSOR_2 FLOAT 76.3202 LOGIC_TEMP_1 FLOAT 167.586 LOGIC_TEMP_2 FLOAT 167.621 DET_TEMP_1 FLOAT 174.704 DET_TEMP_2 FLOAT 174.754 LV10 FLOAT 190.764 LV102 FLOAT 190.680 LV5 FLOAT 134.138 LV52 FLOAT 134.133 Definitions: The first 13 variables are exactly the same as the variables listed in the program RT_DATA.PRO. The variables contain the RAW header and fiducial values that RT_DATA.PRO produced. All instances of 'FIRST', '1ST', 'SECOND' or '2ND' refer to the first or second fiducial, respectfully. FIRST_FID_DUR Actual summation period SECOND_FID_DUR FIRST_FID_FLAG Flag to show if fiducial is present SECOND_FID_FLAG START_WL_1 Actual Starting Wavelength ADJ_1ST_EXP_WL Expected Starting Wavelenght START_WL_2 ADJ_2ND_EXP_WL FIRST_F F channel voltage value FIRST_N N channgel voltage value FIRST_G G channel voltage value SECOND_F SECOND_N SECOND_G LIMB_SENSOR_1 Limb sensor value LIMB_SENSOR_2 LOGIC_TEMP_1 Logic temperature LOGIC_TEMP_2 DET_TEMP_1 Detector temperature DET_TEMP_2 LV10 +10 low voltage value LV102 LV5 +5 low voltage value LV52 This data structure is saved to the following file: 'DISKK:[GLL_RAW.ADAMS.raw]rt_raw_uvs_data.idlsave' The main driving function is called: 'CONVERT.' A flag paramater is set, but not used. RT_DATA_PLOT: This procedure plots the RT UVS header information. It reads the DISKK:[GLL_RAW.ADAMS.raw]rt_raw_uvs_data.idlsave (created by The procedure will ask for a starting RIM time and an ending RIM time. The output is 4 plots (on 1 page..similar to the PB Header info plots) containing the following information: +10 low voltage value +5 low voltage value Limb sensor value N channgel voltage value Logic temperature F channel voltage value Detector temperature G channel voltage value