CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3IF0PDSX00000001 /* FILE: E2_V2_ANTISUN_FOOT.LBL */ /* VERSION 1.0: 02-28-2013 SAINSBURY */ PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 1440 FILE_RECORDS = 19824 PRODUCT_ID = "E2_V2_ANTISUN.FOOT" PRODUCT_NAME = "E2HUANTISUN1 EDR FOOT" DATA_SET_ID = "GO-E-UVS-2-EDR-E-V1.0" /* OBSERVATION_ID = "E2NWPWUMAP01*" SPACECRAFT_NAME = "GALILEO ORBITER" INSTRUMENT_NAME = "ULTRAVIOLET SPECTROMETER" MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "EARTH2 ENCOUNTER" TARGET_NAME = "EARTH" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 10-JUN-1993 START_TIME = 1992-329T18:38:08.117Z STOP_TIME = 1992-330T18:29:47.117Z SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = 1631235:00:0 SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = 1632650:84:5 ^TABLE = "E2_V2_ANTISUN.FOOT" DESCRIPTION = " During the generation of the footprint data file a log file is generated that documents the input information, such as the SPICE kernel data sources for the generated data. This information is below. Program SPICE_FOOT, Version 3.0-Unix Log for data file : e2_v2_antisun.foot Data generated on 1/18/12 at 10:07:19 Data target body: EARTH Data coverage : SCET 1992-329 // 18:38:08.11 to 1992-330 // 18:29:47.11 SCLK 1/01631235:00:0:0 to 1/01632650:83:5:7 Delta Time: 0.666 seconds SPICE kernels used in the evaluation: /galileo/ansa4_copy/spice2/Kernels/Spk/spk_s970311a.bsp /galileo/ansa4_copy/spice2/Kernels/Plt/pre_jup/ /galileo/ansa4_copy/spice2/Kernels/Constants/pk96030a.tpc /galileo/ansa4_copy/spice2/Kernels/Constants/naif0007.tls /galileo/ansa4_copy/spice2/Kernels/Constants/mk03112.tsc /galileo/ansa4_copy/spice2/Kernels/Constants/gll34001.ti Number of data records written : ***** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This file was produced by the Galileo UVS/EUV team at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Refer to the Galileo UVS/EUV instrument paper 'Galileo Ultraviolet Spectrometer Experiment', Vol 60, Space Science Reviews, pages 503-530, by C.W. Hord et al, for hardware and calibration information. Also see the UVS instrument template. It may also be useful to compare the UVS pointing geometry files to the EUV pointing geometry files. For explicit Footprint parameter definitions, see the long description in the label format file: uvs_footprint.fmt All Footprint values and reference locations are DOUBLE PRECISION values ( eight byte floating point values ). Each record contains 180 elements. Files generated on the unix machine (those with the '.foot' file extension) are accessed in IDL with the Fortran 77 unformated option. For example: IDL> close,1 & openr,1,'j0cd_urt_g1aura12.dat', /f77_unformatted IDL> a=dblarr(180) & readu,1,a The unix footprint data files were generated in 2012 using the original Vax footprint source code modified to execute on the unix platform. The source code is /ansa4/gllsoft/foot/src/spice_foot. The target bodies of the observations are referenced in the above 'log'. During calibrations and instrument test, the target body is Jupiter although the actual target may have been a star. See the OAPEL file. The UVS field of view is defined by 9 vectors, as defined below, and viewing data for each vector is contained in the footprint file. 8 ----> +---------+ <---- 5 (N/G channel) | | 1.0 deg in length | | | | 4 ----> +---------+ <---- 1 (F channel) | | 0.4 deg in length | | | | | X <-|--- Boresight | | | | | | 3 ----> +---------+ <---- 2 (F channel) | | | | | | 7 ----> +---------+ <---- 6 (N/G channel) 0.1 deg in width ............................................................." OBJECT = TABLE NAME = "UVS POSITION AND VIEWING GEOMETRY" INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY ROWS = 5187 COLUMNS = 180 RECORD_BYTES = 1440 ^STRUCTURE = "UVS_FOOTPRINT.FMT" DESCRIPTION = " Each record contains 180 values of S/C position, UVS pointing viewing geometry information for the specific time. A section of the description area in the footprint label file indicates file generation details such as the record time resolution (Delta Time) and the SPICE Kernel files used to generate the footprint geometry values. " END_OBJECT = TABLE END