file: LYNX::DISKA:[SIMMONS.MM71]F_LINE_CAL_GS7.DOC JULY 16, 1999 - kes The following information is writen on the face card of this deck. " M-71 F-Channel line calib at Gain State 7 DN-SN/ 600 points (10F6.) " April 8, 2002 - kes You may need to open the file with an 'endian' option Feb 1,2012 kes The following IDL procedure demonstrates how to access this (XDR) file: IDL> openr,1,'F_LINE_CAL_GS7.XDR',/xdr IDL> a=assoc(1,fltarr(600)) IDL> plot,a(0) ------- To use the wavelength scale then: IDL> openr,2,'F_WAVE_SCALE.XDR',/xdr IDL> b=assoc(2,fltarr(600)) IDL> w=b(0) IDL> print,w(0) 868.000 IDL> plot,w,a(0)