2007 annual report (.pdf)
Final Presentation Schedule
Summer School Talks
- Eparvier F. Sun-Earth System Overview
- Harder J. REU Training: Solar Irradiance/Radiometry
- Woods T. Current and Future Solar Observing Missions
- Richard E. Spectroscopy and Instrument Design
- Rempel M. Dynamics of the solar convection zone
- Fan Y. The Magnetic Nature of Coronal Mass Ejections
- Chamberlin P. Solar Flares
- Gosling J. T. The Solar Wind
- Eriksson S. The Earth’s Magnetosphere and its Coupling with the Solar Wind
- Elkington S. An overview of Earth’s space radiation environment: the radiation belts
- Kanekal S. Energetic particles in the Heliosphere and the Magnetosphere
- Lu G. Earth’s Atmosphere, with focus on the upper atmosphere – above 100km (Thermosphere and Ionosphere)
- Viereck R. Space Weather: What is it? How Will it Affect You?
- Murtagh B., Spencer M. Space Weather Cycles and their Impacts
- Hill S. Solar Drivers of Space Weather
- Zwickl R. Space Weather Radiation Hazards
(Space Radiation Fact Sheet) - Onsager T. The Radiation Belts and Killer Electrons
- Fuller-Rowell T. The Ionosphere and its Impact on Communications and Navigation
- Singer H. Space-Based Assets for Space Weather Forecasting: Past, Present, and Future
Movie Files for Summer School Talks
- 031028_eit_195.mpg (5.4M)
- 9903c2.mpg (6.1M)
- Apr21trace_sw.mov (2.7M)
- BarMagC.mov (3.5M)
- BastilleSlinky.mov (6.7M)
- BastilledaySlinky3band.mov (1.2M)
- C2Nov00S.mov (7.5M)
- CMErecon_4sm.mov (2.7M)
- EIT_304blow_4.mov (2.3M)
- L1_ESA.avi ( .6M)
- Oct2003_Movie.mpg (64.9M)
- SOHO_spectacular_sun.mpg (3.7M)
- SORCEvideo_640x480.mpg (5.6M)
- STEREO_dancing_sm.mov (0.7M)
- STEREO_heliocentric.mov (0.5M)
- SXI50D_20011019_000344834_DA_12.mpeg (3.6M)
- SunspotsForm.mov (2.0M)
- UnderSunspot_final.mov (2.9M)
- X28_trace_195.mov (6.9M)
- aurSolmax_lo.mov (1.6M)
- dynamo.mov (3.8M)
- hinode_camag_20061113.mov (8.8M)
- hinode_chromosphere.mov (8.6M)
- multisun_2002_RHESSI.mov (16.1M)
- raeder_themis_feb2007_640x480.mpeg (16.8M)
- satmov.avi (1.0M)
- scottc3_himpg copy.mpg (61.2M)
- vis101013.mov (8.0M)
- xmas_c2_big.mpeg (7.2M)
Final Presentation Schedule
Thursday, August 2: Student talk day
8:30 | Gather at LASP |
9:00 | Julius Allison abstract | slides | poster |
9:30 | Peter Ashton and Rachel MacDonald abstract | slides | poster |
10:30 | Will Flanagan abstract | slides | poster |
11:00 | Jim Fuller abstract | slides | poster |
11:30 | Eric Greenfield abstract | slides | poster |
12:00 | Lunch (catered) |
1:00 | David Marchese abstract | slides | poster |
1:30 | Chris Moore abstract | slides | poster |
2:00 | Mike Paniccia abstract | slides | poster |
2:30 | Ellen Pettigrew abstract | slides | poster |
3:00 | Jon Ruel abstract | slides | poster |
3:30 | Ryan Schilt abstract | slides | poster |
4:00 | Colin Triplett abstract | slides | poster |
4:30 | Tom Zimmermann abstract | slides | poster |