Final Presentation Schedule
Wed, July 31 LASP W120
Solar Influence on Atmosphere
1:00-1:30 Kali Roeten
Analysis of Earth Atmospheric Temperature Response to Solar Variability
Abstract | Slides | Poster
1:30-2:00 Katherine Suess
Developing a Proxy Model for Solar EUV Irradiance
Abstract | Slides | Poster
2:00-2:15 break
The Upper Atmosphere
2:15-2:45 Sarah Millholland
Modeling Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events Using the Ionosphere-Plasmasphere‐Electrodynamics (IPE) Model
Abstract | Slides | Poster
2:45-3:15 Mina Khan
Calculating Hemispheric Power and Joule Heating using Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) F-13 data
Abstract | slides | poster
3:15-3:30 break
Space Weather Forecasting
3:30-4:00 Kathryn Ledbetter
Correlating Type II and III Radio Bursts with Solar Energetic Particle Events
Abstract | Slides | Poster
4:00-4:30 Victoria Strait
Early Observable Events in Correlation with Geomagnetic Storms
Abstract | Slides | Poster
Thurs, Aug 1 HAO 3131
Solar Atmosphere
8:30-9:00 William Cramer
Evidence of Rossby Waves in the Sun
Abstract | Slides | Poster
9:00-9:30 Manuel Marcano
Big Flare Hunting
Abstract | Slides | Poster
9:30-9:45 break
9:45-10:15 Alexander Lanzano
Comparison of Observations on the Sodium Abundance of Mercury’s Exosphere
Abstract | Slides | Poster
10:15-10:45 Tristan Weber
Preparatory analysis of the Europa plasma environment
Abstract | Slides | Poster
10:45-11:15 Scott Siler
Analysis of Variations in the Io Plasma Torus Using Galileo PLS Data
Abstract | Slides | Poster
11:15-11:30 break
The Solar Dynamo
11:30-12:00 Akshaya Suresh
Simulating Cyclic Evolution of Coronal Magnetic Fields using a Potential Field Source Surface Model Coupled with a Dynamo Model
Abstract | Slides | Poster
12:00-12:30 Ryan Horton
Modeling Kinematic Dynamos in 2 and 3D
Abstract | Slides | Poster
12:30-1:45 Lunch
1:45-2:15 Seth Folley
Performance and Verification Testing of an Electrical Power System for a CubeSat
Abstract | Slides | Poster
2:15-2:45 Mara Johnson-Groh
Flattening ChroMag: Flat Fielding Solar Images
Abstract | Slides | Poster
4:45-3:00 break
The Interplanetary Medium
3:00-3:30 Stephanie Wood
Hypervelocity Dust Impacts on the Wind Satellite
Abstract | Slides | Poster
3:30-4:00 Lauren Biddle
Autonomous CME Detection for STEREO Heliospheric Imagers
Abstract | Slides | Poster
Fri, Aug 2 LASP SPSC Lobby
9:00-12:00 Posters Session