Final Presentation Schedule
Wed, July 30 LASP (SPSC W120)
Space Weather
1:00-1:30 Sara Swenson
Exploring Solar Signals: A Bayesian Approach to Developing a Composite Mg II Index Record
Abstract | Slides | Poster
1:30-2:00 Demi StJohn
Ensemble CME Forecasting
Abstract | Slides | Poster
2:00-2:15 break
2:15-2:45 Hanna Kristensen
USTEC Model Analysis
Abstract | Slides | Poster
2:45-3:15 Christina Wilson
Data Visualization Software for the MinXSS CubeSat
Abstract | Slides | Poster
3:15-3:30 break
3:30-4:00 Natalie Vezina
Geocoronal Hydrogen Density Estimates Using Solar Absorption in the Exosphere
Abstract | Slides | Poster
4:00-4:30 Derek Young
Space Weather on a Sphere
Abstract | Slides | Poster
Thurs, Jul 31 HAO (CG 3131)
Solar Activity
9:00-9:30 Sierra Ashley
Solar Energetic Particle Event Prediction
Abstract | Slides | Poster
9:30-10:00 Cody Gladney
Quiet Sun Magnetic Fields
Abstract | Slides | Poster
10:00-10:30 Max Genecov
Spectropolarimetry and Line Synthesis
Abstract | Slides | Poster
10:30-10:45 break
10:45-11:15 Willow Reed
Flare response of the FUV Continuum
Abstract | Slides | Poster
11:15-11:45 William Wilson
North-South Asymmetry During the Solar Cycles
Abstract | Slides | Poster
11:45-1:00 Lunch
1:00-1:30 Samantha Ballard
Coronal Mass Ejections in Interplanetary Space
Abstract | Slides | Poster
1:30-2:00 David Rice
Comet Tracking and Solar Wind Turbulence
Abstract | Slides | Poster
2:00-2:30 Taylor Cox
Extrapolating the Magnetic Field in the Heliosphere from Solar Simulations
Abstract | Slides | Poster
2:30-2:45 break
Space Physics
2:45-3:15 Summer Thresher
Categorization of Cusp Structures in the Magnetosphere
Abstract | Slides | Poster
3:15-3:45 Abe Farley
Improved Algorithms for Scintillation Indices of GPS Signals
Abstract | Slides | Poster
3:45-4:15 Casey Honniball
Data Assimilation Study of Global Ionospheric Response to Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events
Abstract | Slides | Poster
Fri, Aug 1 LASP (SPSC Lobby)
9:00-12:00 Posters Session