Wednesday, July 26th- LASP SPSC N100
- 1:00 PM- Paige Campbell
- The Effects of Precipitating Solar
Energetic Protons in the Martian
Atmosphere - Abstract | Presentation
- The Effects of Precipitating Solar
Wednesday, August 2nd- LASP SPSC W120
Session 1- Magnetosphere and Heliosphere
- 9:00 AM- Meghan Hill
- Photospheric properties of solar faculae: comparison of MHD simulations with observations
- Abstract | Presentation
- 9:30 AM- Pauline Dredger
- Coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere simulation of the system response to a sudden reversal in the interplanetary magnetic field by component
- Abstract | Presentation | Poster
- 10:00 AM- Shaniya Jarrett
- Detecting solitary waves in Earth’s magnetosphere
- Abstract | Presentation
- 10:30- 11:00 AM- Break
- 11:00 AM- Margie Bruff
- Location and dynamics of the plasmapause compared to the outer radiation belt electron
- Abstract | Presentation
- 11:30 AM- Evin O’Shea
- Interpreting dust impact signals detected by STEREO
- Abstract | Presentation
- 12:00 PM- Lunch (Provided by Cosmo’s Pizza)
Session 2- Atmospheres of Mars and Earth
- 1:00 PM- Hind Saeed
- Perschlorates supporting liquid water on Mars
- Abstract | Presentation
- 1:30 PM- Aisha AlMannaei
- An analysis of Mars’ hydrogen corona
- Abstract | Presentation
- 2:00- 2:15 PM- Break
- 2:15 PM- Chase Hatcher
- CO2 Sublimation and wind patterns on mars
- Abstract | Presentation | Poster
- 2:45 PM- Santiago Mejia
- Analysis of top-down solar influence using MERRA data
- Abstract | Presentation
Session 3- GOES-16
- 3:30 PM- Marcus Hughes
- SUVI solar thematic map generation
- Abstract | Presentation
- 4:00 PM- Henry Rook
- Modeling the 13.3 nm FeXXIII flare emission using the GOES-R EXIS instrument
- Abstract | Presentation
- 4:30 PM- Erica Nathan
Thursday, August 3rd- HAO Center Green 2126
Session 4- The Sun- Observations and Models
- 9:00 AM- Bailey Donaldson
- Solar spectral irradiance: measurements vs models
- Abstract | Presentation | Poster
- 9:30 AM- Kenzie Nimmo
- Numerical MHD coronal simulations: energy statistics and the study of the cause and evolution of a CME event
- Abstract | Presentation | Poster
- 10:00- 10:15 AM- Break
- 10:15 AM- Jackie Jensen
- Cusp structures and magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause
- Abstract | Presentation
- 10:45 AM- Emily Atkinson
- Determining properties of the solar atmosphere as a function of height
- Abstract | Presentation | Poster
- 11:15 AM- Andrew Schwarz
- Modeling the global coronal field with simulated synoptic magnetograms from Earth and L5
- Abstract | Presentations
- 11:45 AM- Lunch
- 1:00 PM- Kirsten McMichael and Oliver Vierkens
- The evolution of the solar magnetic field: a comparative analysis of two models
- Abstract | Presentation
Friday, August 4th- LASP SPSC Lobby
- 9:00- 11:30 AM- Poster Session
- 12:00 PM- BBQ