Space Weather Products

Space Weather Products

SEE Version 12 Data Products Are Now Available
Version 12 Release Notes

SEE Space Weather Solar Irradiance Data

    • The figure above represents each of the solar indices available in the SEE Space Weather product with independent relative color scale. Solar rotations are noticeable as rainbow colors with black/violet as minimum and red/white as maximum. The scale is logarithmic to enhance the soft X-ray band.

Space Weather Data Directory– browse the http data directory

Detailed Space Weather Description

README_SEE_SPWX_012.TXT – information for using SEE Space Weather data

The SEE Space Weather data products contain 8 solar indices useful for space weather research and operations. These solar indices are irradiance bands that are averaged over each 3-minute solar observation and have corrections applied for instrument degradation, 1-AU, and atmospheric absorption. These are ASCII (text) files that provide a convenient method to access select SEE data and are organized into a file for each year. These solar indices are appropriate proxies for modeling the chromospheric, transition region, and coronal emissions. The best coronal proxies are the 0.1-7 nm band, Fe XVI 33.5 nm line, and Mg IX 36.8 nm line. The best transition region proxies are the 27-34 nm band (like the SOHO SEM first order band), He II 30.4 nm line, and H I 121.6 nm line. The best chromospheric proxies are the C II 133.5 nm line and the 145-165 nm band.


Region Wavelength
  • 0.1 – 7 nm band
  • 33.5 nm line
  • 36.8 nm line
  • 27 – 34 nm band
  • 30.4 nm line
  • 121.6 nm line
  • 133.5 nm line
  • 145 – 165 nm band

SEE Space Weather Software

  • – Zip file containing IDL source code to read and plot Space Weather data. All the following files are locating within this one zip file.
  • – IDL procedure for reading one ASCII file as a structure
  • – IDL procedure for plotting a time series of space weather data files.
  • Space Weather HTTP Directory– browse the http directory for support files. All IDL procedures are contained in the zip file shown above.

SEE Space Weather Solar Irradiance Data Format

Each data file contains columns of data that are converted into a structure by

SPWX_DATA       STRUCT    = ->  Array[60972]

Each SPWX_DATA structure has the following form:


** Structure <381098>, 23 tags, length=88, data length=84, refs=2:

   YEAR            INT           2002

   MO              INT              2

   DD              INT              8

   HH              INT              0

   MM              INT             56

   SS              INT              2

   JD              DOUBLE           2452313.5

   E1_7            FLOAT          0.894300

   U1_7            FLOAT          0.100000

   E27_34          FLOAT           1.64600

   U27_34          FLOAT           17.4000

   E304            FLOAT          0.542000

   U304            FLOAT           37.8000

   E335            FLOAT          0.231400

   U335            FLOAT           15.8000

   E368            FLOAT         0.0712900

   U368            FLOAT           9.40000

   E121            FLOAT           10.9100

   U121            FLOAT           10.3000

   E1335           FLOAT          0.259400

   U1335           FLOAT           11.4000

   E145_165        FLOAT           3.19400

   U145_165        FLOAT           2.40000

File attributes for this year


; Data_list: latest_TIMED_SEE_obs.dat

; Last_Update: 2014 Mar 16 1421 UTC

; Prepared by the CU/LASP, TIMED-SEE POC

; Please send comments and suggestions to tom.woods @


; Label: E1_7     = Solar irradiance from 0.1-7 nm measured by XPS diode 1

; Label: U1_7     = Stddev of 0.1-7 nm irradiance reported in L2A

; Label: E27_34   = Solar irradiance from 27-34 nm measured by EGS

; Label: U27_34   = Stddev of 27-34 nm irradiance

; Label: E304     = Solar irradiance from 30.4 nm measured by EGS (He II)

; Label: U304     = Stddev of 30.4 nm irradiance

; Label: E335     = Solar irradiance from 33.5 nm measured by EGS (Fe XVI)

; Label: U335     = Stddev of 33.5 nm irradiance

; Label: E368     = Solar irradiance from 36.8 nm measured by EGS (Mg IX)

; Label: U368     = Stddev of 36.8 nm irradiance

; Label: E121     = Solar irradiance from 121.5 nm measured by EGS (H I)

; Label: U121     = Stddev of 121.5 nm irradiance

; Label: E1335    = Solar irradiance from 133.5 nm measured by EGS (C II)

; Label: U1335    = Stddev of 133.5 nm irradiance

; Label: E145_165 = Solar irradiance from 145-165 nm measured by EGS

; Label: U145_165 = Stddev of 145-165 nm irradiance

; Units: Irradiance  = Watts per meter squared per nanometer

; Units: Uncertainty = Percent

; Source: The NASA TIMED-SEE instrument

; Version: 011

; Location: LEO, alt: 625 km, inclination: 74.1 deg

; Missing data: -1.000E+00

; Info:

; Note: All times are at the center of the observation

; This file spans 30 days. The most recent two days may not be complete.

; 7% is added to the uncertainties for those days.


;   3-minute Observation Averaged TIMED-SEE Solar Irradiance

;           Created From Level 2A Irradiances


; UTC Date  Time  Julian 1_7 26_34 304 335 368 121 1335 145_165

; YR MO DA HHMMSS  Date  E U  E U  E U E U E U E U  E U   E U

; -------------------------------------------------------------
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