

SNOE re-entered the atmosphere on 12/13/2003 at 09:34Z +/- 6 minutes, descending over 2.9 deg S, 273.8 deg E, on orbit 32248, after 5 years and 290 days.

See the SNOE Mission Page for information about the lifetime of the SNOE mission.

Select papers, posters, and talks that were presented at AGU meetings and published in journals, available in HTML and PDF formats.


This page is intended as support for the SNOE NSSDC datasets, supplying documentation and data.
The two instruments on SNOE are the Solar X-ray Photometer (SXP) and the Ultra-Violet Spectrometer (UVS).  Data from March 11, 1998 through September 30, 2000 are available from both the UVS and the SXP instruments. Data are available in both geographic and geomagnetic coordinates, and hosted by the NSSDC.

Notice: As of September 26, 2004, the data has been updated to SNOE Version 2 Data.

Comparison of Version 1 and Version 2 SNOE databases

In the preparation of the Version 1 nitric oxide database, we used a value for the g-factor of the (0,1) nitric oxide gamma band of 2.25 x 10-6 photons/sec-molecule [Barth et al., 2003]. We took into account the varying heliocentric distance of the Earth. The solar flux at 226 nm was taken from measurements by the Spacelab 2 SUSIM instrument.

In the preparation of the Version 2 nitric oxide database, we used a value for the g-factor of 2.62 x 10-6 photons/sec-molecule [Barth et al., 2004]. We took into account the varying heliocentric distance of the Earth and we used daily values of the solar flux at 226 nm measured by the SOLSTICE instrument on UARS. We have adopted the Stevens [1995] g-factors as normalized to SOLSTICE on February 25, 1992.

The ratio between the Version 1 g-factor and the Version 2 database is 0.856.


Barth, C. A., K. D. Mankoff, S. M. Bailey, and S. C. Solomon, Global observations of nitric oxide in the thermosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 108(A1), 1027, doi:10.1029/2002JA009458, 2003. Barth, C.A., K.D. Mankoff, S.M. Bailey and S.C. Solomon, Global Observations of Nitric Oxide in the Thermosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 108, 2003. [JGR]

Barth, C. A. and S. M. Bailey, Comparison of a thermospheric photochemical model with SNOE observations of nitric oxide, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2003JA010227, 2004. [JGR]

Stevens, M. H., Nitric oxide gamma band fluorescent scattering and self-absorption I the mesosphere and lower thermosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 14,735-14,742, 1995. [JGR]

Available on the SNOE Publications page.


You can download the entire documentation set in zip (windows) format.


Note: If clicking on a link to a data file causes problems, please use one of these three solutions

  1. Hold the SHIFT key down, click on the link
  2. Mac: Click and hold on the link, choose “Save…” from the menu
  3. Unix/Win: Click on the link with right button. Choose “Save…” from menu

The SNOE SXP dataset is available in both ASCII and NetCDF format. Additional documentation is available, and includes images and references for further information.

The SNOE UVS has multiple dataset levels. Read the PROCESSING.TXT file, along with FILE_USAGE_ASCII.TXT and/or FILE_USAGE_NCDF.TXT (above) to decide what dataset level(s) you would like.

The ASCII data can be downloaded from 

The NCDF data and IDL binary .DAT files can be downloaded from 

An ancillary dataset containing the
Beta Angle, Beta Hour Angle, MLT, and MLT Hour.


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