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Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics

Call for Abstracts

The agenda for this interactive 3.5-day meeting consists of invited and contributed oral and poster presentations. Please submit all abstracts by Friday, Nov. 8 (changed from Oct. 11 due to govt. shutdown) to Vanessa George via email ( Please limit your abstract to 250 words and include your session preference, your affiliation and contact information, and whether you prefer an oral or poster presentation. Please note that this year’s SORCE Meeting is slightly longer than in the past. We will be meeting Tuesday morning through Friday noon, Jan. 28-31, 2014.

Important Note: With the current NASA sequestration issues, this meeting is considered a “conference” which means that there is an attendee limit for NASA civil servants and contractors (CS/C). We are considering requesting a waiver to go over the 50-person limit (again this applies to just NASA CS/C), but doubt it will be necessary. When you submit your abstract, please include if you are a NASA contractor or civil servant. We will submit all CS/C names to NASA for travel approval, and we are confident they will all be accepted.

If you have any questions regarding the science program, please contact one of the 2014 SORCE Meeting Organizing Committee members.

Continue to Abstract Form.

Continue to Presentation Guidelines