CUTE, LASP’s latest cereal box-sized spacecraft, to study ‘Hot Jupiter’ exoplanets
September 23, 2021
Get involved: MAVEN blast-off to Mars!
November 14, 2013
MAVEN arrives in Florida for launch preparations
August 5, 2013
Kepler spacecraft discovers smallest “habitable zone” planets to date
April 18, 2013
LASP scientists elected as AGU fellows
January 23, 2012
Students use Student Dust Counter data to improve understanding of space dust
January 9, 2012
LASP scientist successfully models Saturn dust streams
December 3, 2011
LASP researcher leads study on migration of Mars volcanic activity
November 1, 2011
LASP scientists instrumental in mission to Jupiter
August 3, 2011
PRESS RELEASE: LASP-led mission to Mars achieves major milestone
July 22, 2011
Study finds strong evidence for salt-water ocean on Saturn moon
June 23, 2011
CU-Boulder students build NSF satellite to study space weather
May 24, 2011
LASP Director co-chairs report: single-agency Earth and space missions less risky
November 29, 2010
Study reveals likelihood of ice caves on Mars
October 25, 2010
Student-built space-science instrument breaks distance record; new results published
October 11, 2010
PRESS RELEASE: NASA gives LASP-led Mars mission green light
October 5, 2010
Final MESSENGER fly-by past Mercury reveals trove of data
August 24, 2010