Mapping the three-dimensional paths of electromagnetic waves from outer space to the ground
December 8, 2021
LASP researcher and Aerospace Engineering professor Xinlin Li elected a 2021 AGU Fellow
September 30, 2021
Major space mystery solved using data from student satellite
December 13, 2017
NASA’s Van Allen Probes spot man-made barrier shrouding Earth
May 17, 2017
Ready for launch: Instrument suite to assess space weather
November 10, 2016
LASP director elected AIAA Fellow
February 9, 2016
LASP Director Awarded Sarabhai Professorship and Prize
April 2, 2015
LASP instrument reveals a particle accelerator in near-Earth space
July 25, 2013
LASP instrument discovers a third radiation belt around Earth
February 27, 2013
PRESS RELEASE: LASP instrumentation to explore harsh near-Earth space environment
August 20, 2012
NASA picks teams for space weather mission and studies
August 1, 2006