

Important notes:

  • Because of low signal levels for minor species and high background count rates in the radiation belt the key paramteer data include extensive quality and background paramters. These quality and background parameters are described HERE. This quality and background information is required for proper use of TIMAS Key Parameters.

  • The assumptions about instrumental energy ranges made in the algorithms used to generate the TIMAS Key parameters are not valid for data acquired after the high voltage breakdown event of December 8, 1998. TIMAS Key parameters in the format described here are not available after this date.

  • A revised key parameter data product, the so-called K1 key parameter data set, has been generated for all valid data acquired after December 1998. This product consists of 32 spin (192 second) omnidirectional average fluxes between ~700 eV and 25 keV. The Flux summary plots display K1 data after December 1998 as well as a similar data over the original TIMAS energy range (15 eV to 33 keV) before.

  • Complete and Virtual Observatory Compatible digital K0 and K1 data from TIMAS are available from NASA's CDAWeb

  • Key parameters for data acquired before December 8, 1998 are designated K0 paramters. An overview of them is presented on the KP summary plots described below.

    The K0 Key Parametr 24 hour summary plot has 5 panels. example kp plot
    More information about TIMAS Key Parameters (including pointers to three different software packages to access them) is available on-line

    Only a few of the quality and density key parameters are given on the KP0 summary plot.

    NOTES:A low value of the H+ quality parameter indicates that either the H+ signal detected by TIMAS is too low for reliable measurements or the background counting rate is too high for reliable measurements. The full timas key parameter data set contains data quality parameters for each mass constituent.

        The Three KP0 Energy Ranges are TIMAS mode dependent
        The TIMAS KP0 Velocity Coordinate system is non standard 
        The NASA CDAWeb Provides graphical displays of 
    	Additional TIMAS K0 Key Parameters
    Data gaps appear because of spacecraft or instrumental anomolies which are noted in the Timas major event log
    Prepared by WK (Bill) Peterson, May 2008.