The discovery of a second type of ion conic distribution and the determination of its occurrence patterns.

Klumpar et al. (1984) reported a second type of "ion conic" distribution. This "bi-modal" distribution was characterized by an "extended range" of pitch angles. Until the Klumpar et al. report, it was assumed that an ion conics conic was characterized by a single pitch angle and the distance below the spacecraft where the ions were energized was uniquely determined from the conic angle. Klumpar et al. showed that the distribution could be formed by two independent processes acting on the same field line energizing ions parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field.

Several other mechanisms have been shown to produce "extended" or "bi-modal" ion distributions including the Ion Resonance Heating (ICRH) mechanism

Peterson et al. developed an automated conic finding algorithm and search the DE/EICS data base for extended (i.e. bi-modal) and restricted (i.e. classic) conic distributions.

Results from the large scale studies are given in the papers noted below.

References (In alphabetical order by first author)

Last updated October, 1995 by
W.K. Peterson