pro timas_kp_plot, file_name, ps_or_x ; modified 6/96 to read all values for each record..... ; ; ; 10/10 ADDED A NEW VARIABLE Q_FILE_FLAGS_CORRUPTED..... ; 9/23/95 add switch to make a gif file of spectrogram only ; in x mode ; ; ;for i=0, info.nvars-1 do begin ; vinfo= cdf_varinq(cdfid,i) ; print, vinfo.name, ' ', vinfo.datatype ;endfor ; Z Varaibles names and dimensions ; ; you entered ; CDFID 1990328 ; ** Structure <203910>, 8 tags, length=40, refs=1: ; NDIMS LONG 0 ; ENCODING STRING 'NETWORK_ENCODING' ; MAJORITY STRING 'COL_MAJOR' ; MAXREC LONG -1 ; NVARS LONG 0 ; NZVARS LONG 45 ; NATTS LONG 39 ; DIM LONG Array(1) ; Dimensions: 0 ; ; Z Variable names and Types ; Epoch CDF_EPOCH ; Time_PB5 CDF_INT4 ; Density_H CDF_REAL4 ; Density_O CDF_REAL4 ; Density_He_1 CDF_REAL4 ; Density_He_2 CDF_REAL4 ; Vel_H_low CDF_REAL4 ; Vel_O_low CDF_REAL4 ; Velocity_H CDF_REAL4 ; Velocity_O CDF_REAL4 ; Temp_H_Low CDF_REAL4 ; Temp_O_Low CDF_REAL4 ; Temperature_H CDF_REAL4 ; Temperature_O CDF_REAL4 ; Mode_ID CDF_INT4 ; Energy_Range_ID CDF_UINT1 ; TIMAS_B CDF_REAL4 ; Quality_H CDF_REAL4 ; Quality_O CDF_REAL4 ; Quality_HE_1 CDF_REAL4 ; Quality_HE_2 CDF_REAL4 ; Geomagnetic_Position CDF_REAL4 ; Geographic_Position CDF_REAL4 ; label_geomagnetic CDF_CHAR ; units_geomagnetic CDF_CHAR ; format_geomagnetic CDF_CHAR ; label_geographic CDF_CHAR ; units_geographic CDF_CHAR ; format_geographic CDF_CHAR ; label_time CDF_CHAR ; unit_time CDF_CHAR ; format_time CDF_CHAR ; Labels_for_TIMAS_B CDF_CHAR ; Labels_for_Quality CDF_CHAR ; label_Energy_Ranges CDF_CHAR ; label_H_density CDF_CHAR ; label_O_density CDF_CHAR ; label_H_Low_Velocity CDF_CHAR ; label_O_Low_Velocity CDF_CHAR ; label_H_Full_Velocity CDF_CHAR ; label_O_Full_Velocity CDF_CHAR ; label_H_Low_Temp CDF_CHAR ; label_O_Low_Temp CDF_CHAR ; label_H_full_Temp CDF_CHAR ; label_O_full_Temp CDF_CHAR ; % CDF_CONTROL: Function completed but: NO_PADVALUE_SPECIFIED: A pad value has ; not been specified. ; NOTE: The NO_PADVALUE_SPECIFIED: error is a feature of idl. no problem/wkp. ; MAXRECORDS= -1 ; po_k0_timas ; ; Z Variable names and Types start out with keeping only ; one variable add 1440 of ; seletected variables for ; 24 hour plots when you have ; some data to plot!!!! ; Epoch CDF_EPOCH EPOCH=1.0D1 ; trick to get epoch as a double variable Time=fltarr(1440) ; 1440 minutes per day ...time in decimal hours!!! ; Time_PB5 CDF_INT4 Pb5time=fltarr(3) ; Pb5 times of last record only ; Density_H CDF_REAL4 hydrogen=fltarr(4,1440) ; Density_O CDF_REAL4 oxygen=fltarr(4,1440) ; Density_He_1 CDF_REAL4 he1den=fltarr(1440) ; Density_He_2 CDF_REAL4 he2den=fltarr(1440) ; Vel_H_low CDF_REAL4 hvlow=fltarr(3) ; Vel_O_low CDF_REAL4 ovlow=fltarr(3) ; Velocity_H CDF_REAL4 hvel=fltarr(3) hvelocity=fltarr(2,1440) ; par and perp ovelocity=fltarr(2,1440) htemperature=fltarr(2,1440); par and perp otemperature=fltarr(2,1440) ; Velocity_O CDF_REAL4 ovel=fltarr(3) ; Temp_H_Low CDF_REAL4 htlow=fltarr(2) ; Temp_O_Low CDF_REAL4 otlow=fltarr(2) htemp=fltarr(2) ; Temperature_H CDF_REAL4 otemp=fltarr(2) ; Temperature_O CDF_REAL4 mode=intarr(1440) ; Mode_ID CDF_INT4 erid=intarr(1440) ; Energy_Range_ID CDF_UINT1 timasb=fltarr(3) BB=fltarr(3,1440) ; TIMAS_B CDF_REAL4 quality=fltarr(4,1440) ; h, o he+ he++ qh=fltarr(3) ; Quality_H CDF_REAL4 qo=fltarr(3) ; Quality_O CDF_REAL4 ; Quality_HE_1 CDF_REAL4 ; Quality_HE_2 CDF_REAL4 ; Geographic_Position CDF_REAL4 geo_pos=fltarr(3) ; geographic position altitude=fltarr(1440) ; lat=fltarr(1440) ; longitude=fltarr(1440) ; ; Geomagnetic_Position CDF_REAL4 mag_pos=fltarr(3) ; geomagnetic position mlt=fltarr(1440) ; invl=fltarr(1440) ; mag_lat=fltarr(1440) ; year=0L Month=0L Day=0L Hour=0L Minute=0L Second=0L Milli=0L ;for cdf_epoch iarray_3=intarr(3) array_3=fltarr(3) array_2=fltarr(2) dum=0L idum=0 ibyte=intarr(1) ;reading in CDF_INT1 format print,'file_name from input: ',file_name print,'ps_or_x from input: ', ps_or_x ; note you have to enter the file name and ps_or_x on the ; command line between single quotes ' ; example: IDL>check_cdf,'81310_de_eics','ps' cdfname=file_name set_plot,'x' ;print, a(-1) ; make code crash for test ;print, 'Using ',cdfname+'.cdf and outputing to device: ',ps_or_x if ps_or_x eq 'ps' then begin set_plot,'ps' DEVICE, FILENAME=cdfname+'.ps', /Landscape print, 'Opening ',cdfname,'.ps file for line plots...' endif ; ; gif option added 9/23/95 gif_or_no='n' if ps_or_x eq 'x' then begin gif_name='' gif_or_no='' print, 'DO you want to make a gif file? y/n' read,gif_or_no print, 'you entered ',gif_name,' if gif_or_no eq 'y' then begin device,retain=2 ;let idl do the backing store ; TVRD needs this to work ; on my sparc station 2/wkp gif_name='' print, 'making a gif file: ',gif_name ; and make a gif at the end endif endif ; ;open cdf ; cdfid=cdf_open(cdfname) print,'CDFID ',cdfid info=cdf_inquire(cdfid) help,/structure, info print, 'Dimensions: ',info.dim print, '' ;print,'Z Variable names and Types' ;for i=0, info.nzvars-1 do begin ; vinfo= cdf_varinq(cdfid,i,/zvariable) ; print, vinfo.name, ' Type:', vinfo.datatype, ' DIMS:', vinfo.DIM ;endfor ; cdf_control,cdfid,variable=0,/zvariable,get_var_info=einfo max_records=einfo.maxrec print, 'NOTE: The NO_PADVALUE_SPECIFIED: error is a feature of idl. no problem/wkp.' ;% CDF_CONTROL: Function completed but: NO_PADVALUE_SPECIFIED: A pad value has ; not been specified. print,'MAXRECORDS= ',max_records if max_records eq 0 then begin print, 'No valid Summary Data for this UT day' print_null,cdfid,einfo ; call to print_null.pro ???? print,cdfname stop endif if max_records lt 0 then begin print, 'ERRORR NO FILL RECORD IN THIS CDF' print, 'KEY PARAMETER CDF NOT CLOSED when generated' print, ' ..... or .......' print, 'you forgot to specify bin when you used ftp ' print, 'to transfer the file here! ' print, cdfname stop endif ;print,' use command cdf_attget,cdfid,VALIDMIN inquotes, varname in quotes, local variable' status='' ; 86400/96 seconds = 1440 max intervals per day! print, cdfname print, 'This version reads all values for each variable first...its faster' i=0 ; make the record star===0 (insruance statement ; epoch ; ; cdf_varget,cdfid,'Epoch',EPOCH, rec_start=i,/zvariable ; cdf_varget,cdfid,'Epoch',EPOCH, rec_count=max_records,/zvariable ; Result=CDF_ERROR(status) ; if result ne 'CDF_OK: Function completed successfully.' then $ ; print, 'Status after cdf_varget for Epoch call/',Result,'/', status ; you don't really need epoch!!! use pb5 time.... ;cdf_epoch, EPOCH, year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, milli,/break ;print Format= '("Record #: ",i4,2x,i4, 2x,i2,"/",i2,3x,i2,":",i2,":",i2,".",i3 )',$ ; i, year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, milli ;;time ; Time_PB5(3) yyyy doy seconds.microseconds cdf_varget,cdfid,'Time_PB5',pb5time, rec_count=max_records,/zvariable Result=CDF_ERROR(status) if result ne 'CDF_OK: Function completed successfully.' then $ print, 'Status after cdf_varget for Time_PB5 array call/',Result,'/', status yrday=(pb5time(0,1)MOD 100)*1000+pb5time(1,1) for j=0, max_records-1 do begin time(j)=pb5time(2,j)/3600000. ; time in decimal hours endfor ;print,time ;print, 'From Time_PB5:', iarray_3 ;print 'From PB5: ',yrday, time(i),' In decimal hours' ;>>>>>; third line of output icp # and enery mode ;mode=intarr(1440) ; Mode_ID CDF_INT4 ; cdf_varget,cdfid,'Mode_ID',mode, rec_count=max_records,/zvariable Result=CDF_ERROR(status) if result ne 'CDF_OK: Function completed successfully.' then $ print, 'Status after cdf_varget for Mode_ID call/',Result,'/', status ;erid=intarr(1440) ; Energy_Range_ID CDF_UINT1 cdf_varget,cdfid,'Energy_Range_ID',erid, rec_count=max_records,/zvariable Result=CDF_ERROR(status) if result ne 'CDF_OK: Function completed successfully.' then $ print, 'Status after cdf_varget for Energy_Range_ID call/',Result,'/', status ;print Format='("ICP# ",i5," Energy code: ",i3, " H+ (3) O+(3) He+ and He++ ")',$ ;mode(i),erid(i) ;>>>>>> LINE of DENSITIES ; Density_H CDF_REAL4 cdf_varget,cdfid,'Density_H',hden, rec_count=max_records,/zvariable Result=CDF_ERROR(status) if result ne 'CDF_OK: Function completed successfully.' then $ print, 'Status after cdf_varget for Density_H array call/',Result,'/', status for k=0, max_records-1 do begin hydrogen(0:2,k)=hden(0:2,k) hydrogen(3,k)=hden(0,k)+hden(1,k)+hden(2,k) endfor ;oden=fltarr(3) ; Density_O CDF_REAL4 cdf_varget,cdfid,'Density_O',oden, rec_count=max_records,/zvariable Result=CDF_ERROR(status) if result ne 'CDF_OK: Function completed successfully.' then $ print, 'Status after cdf_varget for Density_O array call/',Result,'/', status for k=0, max_records-1 do begin oxygen(0:2,k)=oden(0:2,k) oxygen(3,k)=oden(0,k)+oden(1,k)+oden(2,k) endfor ; Density_He_1 CDF_REAL4 ;he1den=fltarr(3) cdf_varget,cdfid,'Density_He_1',he1den, rec_count=max_records,/zvariable Result=CDF_ERROR(status) if result ne 'CDF_OK: Function completed successfully.' then $ print, 'Status after cdf_varget for Density_He_1 call/',Result,'/', status ; Density_He_2 CDF_REAL4 ;he2den=fltarr(3) cdf_varget,cdfid,'Density_He_2',he2den, rec_count=max_records,/zvariable Result=CDF_ERROR(status) if result ne 'CDF_OK: Function completed successfully.' then $ print, 'Status after cdf_varget for Density_He_2 call/',Result,'/', status ;printFormat='("Density: ",8f12.3 )',$ ; hden,oden,he1den(i),he2den(i) ;>>>line of low velocities....... ; Vel_H_low CDF_REAL4 ;hvlow=fltarr(3) cdf_varget,cdfid,'Vel_H_low',hvlow, rec_count=max_records,/zvariable Result=CDF_ERROR(status) if result ne 'CDF_OK: Function completed successfully.' then $ print, 'Status after cdf_varget for Vel_H_low array call/',Result,'/', status print,'low range h and o velocities not plotted!' ; Vel_O_low CDF_REAL4 ;ovlow=fltarr(3) cdf_varget,cdfid,'Vel_O_low',ovlow, rec_count=max_records,/zvariable Result=CDF_ERROR(status) if result ne 'CDF_OK: Function completed successfully.' then $ print, 'Status after cdf_varget for Vel_O_low array call/',Result,'/', status ; ;printFormat='("Vel Low: ",6f12.3)',hvlow,ovlow ;>>>Line of full velocities::::: ; Velocity_H CDF_REAL4 ;hvel=fltarr(3) cdf_varget,cdfid,'Velocity_H',hvel, rec_count=max_records,/zvariable Result=CDF_ERROR(status) if result ne 'CDF_OK: Function completed successfully.' then $ print, 'Status after cdf_varget for Velocity_H array call/',Result,'/',status for k=0,max_records-1 do begin hvelocity(0,k)=hvel(0,k) ; par vel x component! hvelocity(1,k)=sqrt( hvel(0,k)^2+hvel(1,k)^2+hvel(2,k)^2 ) ; perp velocity endfor ; Velocity_O CDF_REAL4 ;ovel=fltarr(3) cdf_varget,cdfid,'Velocity_O',ovel, rec_count=max_records,/zvariable Result=CDF_ERROR(status) if result ne 'CDF_OK: Function completed successfully.' then $ print, 'Status after cdf_varget for Velocity_O array call/',Result,'/', status for k=0,max_records-1 do begin ovelocity(0,k)=ovel(0,k) ; par vel x component! ovelocity(1,k)=sqrt( ovel(0,k)^2+ovel(1,k)^2+ovel(2,k)^2 ) ; perp velocity endfor ;print Format='("Vel High: ",6f12.3)',hvel,ovel ;>>>>>line of low temperatures zero=0.0 ; place holder in output array without a format!!!! ; Temp_H_Low CDF_REAL4 ;htlow=fltarr(2) cdf_varget,cdfid,'Temp_H_Low',htlow, rec_count=max_records,/zvariable Result=CDF_ERROR(status) if result ne 'CDF_OK: Function completed successfully.' then $ print, 'Status after cdf_varget for Temp_H_Low array call/',Result,'/', status print, 'low range h/o temperatures not plotted either' ; Temp_O_Low CDF_REAL4 ;otlow=fltarr(2) cdf_varget,cdfid,'Temp_O_Low',otlow, rec_count=max_records,/zvariable Result=CDF_ERROR(status) if result ne 'CDF_OK: Function completed successfully.' then $ print, 'Status after cdf_varget for Temp_O_Low array call/',Result,'/', status ;print Format='("Temp Low: ",2f12.3,12x,2f12.3)',htlow,otlow ;>>>>>> line of full temperatures.... ;htemp=fltarr(2) ; Temperature_H CDF_REAL4 cdf_varget,cdfid,'Temperature_H',htemp, rec_count=max_records,/zvariable Result=CDF_ERROR(status) if result ne 'CDF_OK: Function completed successfully.' then $ print, 'Status after cdf_varget for Temperature_H array call/',Result,'/', status for k=0, max_records-1 do begin htemperature(0,k)=htemp(1,k) ;the cdf is perp and par!!! htemperature(1,k)=htemp(0,k) endfor ;htemperature=fltarr(2,1440); par and perp ;otemp=fltarr(2) ; Temperature_O CDF_REAL4 cdf_varget,cdfid,'Temperature_O',otemp, rec_count=max_records,/zvariable Result=CDF_ERROR(status) if result ne 'CDF_OK: Function completed successfully.' then $ print, 'Status after cdf_varget for Temperature_O array call/',Result,'/', status for k=0, max_records-1 do begin otemperature(0,k)=otemp(1,k) ;the cdf is perp and par!!! otemperature(1,k)=otemp(0,k) endfor ;otemperature=fltarr(2,1440); par and perp ;print Format='("Temp High: ",2f12.3,12x,2f12.3)',htemp,otemp ;>>>>>>>>>>> line of qualities ;qh=fltarr(3) ; Quality_H CDF_REAL4 cdf_varget,cdfid,'Quality_H',qh, rec_count=max_records,/zvariable if result ne 'CDF_OK: Function completed successfully.' then $ print, 'Status after cdf_varget for Quality_H array call/',Result,'/', status for k=0, max_records-1 do begin quality(0,k)= (qh(0,k)+qh(1,k)+qh(2,k))/3.0 ; why not? endfor ;qo=fltarr(3) ; Quality_O CDF_REAL4 cdf_varget,cdfid,'Quality_O',qo, rec_count=max_records,/zvariable Result=CDF_ERROR(status) if result ne 'CDF_OK: Function completed successfully.' then $ print, 'Status after cdf_varget for Quality_O array call/',Result,'/', status for k=0, max_records-1 do begin quality(1,k)= (qo(0,k)+qo(1,k)+qo(2,k))/3.0 ; why not ? endfor ;qhe1=fltarr(1440) ; Quality_HE_1 CDF_REAL4 cdf_varget,cdfid,'Quality_HE_1',dum, rec_count=max_records,/zvariable Result=CDF_ERROR(status) if result ne 'CDF_OK: Function completed successfully.' then $ print, 'Status after cdf_varget for Quality_HE_1 call/',Result,'/', status quality(2,i)=dum ;qhe2=fltarr(1440) ; Quality_HE_2 CDF_REAL4 cdf_varget,cdfid,'Quality_HE_2',dum, rec_count=max_records,/zvariable Result=CDF_ERROR(status) if result ne 'CDF_OK: Function completed successfully.' then $ print, 'Status after cdf_varget for Quality_HE_2 call/',Result,'/', status quality(3,i)=dum ;print Format='("Quality: ",8f12.3)',qh,qo,quality(2,i),quality(3,i) ;>>>>>>>>>>> timas b position line ;timasb=fltarr(3) ; TIMAS_B CDF_REAL4 cdf_varget,cdfid,'TIMAS_B',bb, rec_count=max_records,/zvariable Result=CDF_ERROR(status) if result ne 'CDF_OK: Function completed successfully.' then $ print, 'Status after cdf_varget for TIMAS_B array call/',Result,'/', status ;BB=fltarr(3,1440) ;BB(0:2,i)=timasb(0:2) ;print Format='("Mag Field: ",3f12.3)',timasb ;>>>>>>>>>>> line of geo and geomag positions..... ; Geographic_Position CDF_REAL4 ; Geographic_position cdf_varget,cdfid,'Geographic_Position',geo_pos,rec_count=max_records,/zvariable Result=CDF_ERROR(status) if result ne 'CDF_OK: Function completed successfully.' then $ print, 'Status after cdf_varget for Geographic_Position array call/',Result,'/', status ;geo_pos=fltarr(3) ; geographic position ;altitude=fltarr(1440) ; ;lat=fltarr(1440) ; ;longitude=fltarr(1440) ; for k=0,max_records-1 do begin altitude(k)=geo_pos(2,k) lat(k)=geo_pos(0,k) longitude(k)=geo_pos(1,k) endfor ; Geomagnetic_Position CDF_REAL4 ; Geomagnetic_position cdf_varget,cdfid,'Geomagnetic_Position',mag_pos, rec_count=max_records,/zvariable Result=CDF_ERROR(status) if result ne 'CDF_OK: Function completed successfully.' then $ print, 'Status after cdf_varget for Geomagnetic_Position array call/',Result,'/', status ;mag_pos=fltarr(3) ; geomagnetic position ;mlt=fltarr(1440) ; ;invl=fltarr(1440) ; ;mag_lat=fltarr(1440) ; for k=0,max_records-1 do begin invl(k)=mag_pos(0,k) mlt(k)=mag_pos(1,k) mag_lat(k)=mag_pos(2,k) endfor ;print Format='("lat/long(deg) R/re invl mlt mag lat",/,6f12.3)',geo_pos,mag_pos ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>start PLOTS plots <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; new first page 5 lines !P.multi=[0,1,5,0,0] ; hdensity for three energy ranges plot,time(0:max_records-1),hydrogen(0,0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='Hydrogen density 3 energy ranges for '+string(yrday)+' (erid = 1(full),2, or 3)', $ charsize=2, $ /ylog,yrange=[0.0001,10.0], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day'+string(yrday), $ ytitle='cm^-3' oplot,time(0:max_records-1),hydrogen(1,0:max_records-1),linestyle=0 oplot,time(0:max_records-1),hydrogen(2,0:max_records-1),linestyle=1 oplot,time(0:max_records-1),(erid(0:max_records-1)+1),linestyle=2 ; he++/h total ratio ratio=fltarr(max_records) for k=0, max_records-1 do begin ratio(k)=he2den(k)/hydrogen(3,k) endfor plot,time(0:max_records-1),ratio(0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='He++/H+ ratio for '+string(yrday), $ charsize=2, $ /ylog,yrange=[0.0001,10.0], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day'+string(yrday) ; o+/h+ ratio for k=0, max_records-1 do begin ratio(k)=oxygen(3,k)/hydrogen(3,k) endfor plot,time(0:max_records-1),ratio(0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='O+/H+ ratio for '+string(yrday), $ charsize=2, $ /ylog,yrange=[0.0001,10.0], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day'+string(yrday) ; he+/h ratio for k=0, max_records-1 do begin ratio(k)=he1den(k)/hydrogen(3,k) endfor plot,time(0:max_records-1),ratio(0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='He+/H+ ratio for '+string(yrday), $ charsize=2, $ /ylog,yrange=[0.0001,10.0], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day'+string(yrday) ; h average quality plot,time(0:max_records-1),quality(0,0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='H+ average quality for '+string(yrday), $ charsize=2, $ /ylog,yrange=[1.0 ,1000.0], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day'+string(yrday) xyouts, 0.7, 0.01,file_name+systime(),size=0.5,/normal dummy='' if ps_or_x eq 'x' then begin if gif_or_no eq 'y' then write_gif,cdfname+'_0.gif', tvrd() print , 'Hit Return to continue to next xplot' read, dummy endif !P.multi=[0,1,4,0,0] !P.PSYM=3 ; dot's galore 0=lines, 1= +'s etc. plot,time(0:max_records-1),hydrogen(0,0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='Hydrogen density 3 energy ranges for '+string(yrday)+' (erid = 1(full),2, or 3)', $ charsize=2, $ /ylog,yrange=[0.0001,10.0], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day'+string(yrday), $ ytitle='cm^-3' oplot,time(0:max_records-1),hydrogen(1,0:max_records-1),linestyle=0 oplot,time(0:max_records-1),hydrogen(2,0:max_records-1),linestyle=1 oplot,time(0:max_records-1),(erid(0:max_records-1)+1),linestyle=2 plot,time(0:max_records-1),oxygen(0,0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='Oxygen density 3 energy ranges for '+string(yrday)+' (ICP#+1 solid line)', $ charsize=2, $ /ylog,yrange=[0.0001,10.0], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day'+string(yrday), $ ytitle='cm^-3' oplot,time(0:max_records-1),oxygen(1,0:max_records-1),linestyle=0 oplot,time(0:max_records-1),oxygen(2,0:max_records-1),linestyle=1 oplot,time(0:max_records-1),(mode(0:max_records-1)+1)/100.,linestyle=2 plot,time(0:max_records-1),hydrogen(3,0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='Sum H+ density for '+string(yrday), $ charsize=2, $ /ylog,yrange=[0.001,10.0], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day'+string(yrday), $ ytitle='cm^-3' plot,time(0:max_records-1),oxygen(3,0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='Sum O+ density for '+string(yrday), $ charsize=2, $ /ylog,yrange=[0.001,10.0], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day'+string(yrday), $ ytitle='cm^-3' xyouts, 0.7, 0.01,file_name+systime(),size=0.5,/normal dummy='' if ps_or_x eq 'x' then begin if gif_or_no eq 'y' then write_gif,cdfname+'_1.gif', tvrd() print , 'Hit Return to continue to next xplot' read, dummy endif plot,time(0:max_records-1),he1den(0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='Helium + density for '+string(yrday), $ charsize=2, $ /ylog,yrange=[0.001,10.0], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day'+string(yrday), $ ytitle='cm^-3' plot,time(0:max_records-1),he2den(0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='Helium ++ density for '+string(yrday), $ charsize=2, $ /ylog,yrange=[0.001,10.0], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day'+string(yrday), $ ytitle='cm^-3' plot,time(0:max_records-1),hvelocity(0,0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='H+ Parallel velocity for '+string(yrday), $ charsize=2, $ /ylog,yrange=[1.0 ,1000.0], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day'+string(yrday), $ ytitle='km/s' plot,time(0:max_records-1),hvelocity(1,0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='H+ perpendicular velocity for '+string(yrday), $ charsize=2, $ /ylog,yrange=[1.0 ,1000.0], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day'+string(yrday), $ ytitle='km/s' xyouts, 0.7, 0.01,file_name+systime(),size=0.5,/normal dummy='' if ps_or_x eq 'x' then begin if gif_or_no eq 'y' then write_gif,cdfname+'_2.gif', tvrd() print , 'Hit Return to continue to next xplot' read, dummy endif plot,time(0:max_records-1),ovelocity(0,0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='O+ parallel velocity for '+string(yrday), $ charsize=2, $ /ylog,yrange=[1.0 ,1000.0], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day'+string(yrday), $ ytitle='km/s' plot,time(0:max_records-1),ovelocity(0,0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='O+ perpendicular velocity for '+string(yrday), $ charsize=2, $ /ylog,yrange=[1.0 ,1000.0], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day'+string(yrday), $ ytitle='km/s' plot,time(0:max_records-1),otemperature(0,0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='O+ parallel temperature for '+string(yrday), $ charsize=2, $ /ylog,yrange=[.01,100.], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day'+string(yrday), $ ytitle='keV' plot,time(0:max_records-1),otemperature(1,0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='O+ perpendicular temperature for '+string(yrday), $ charsize=2, $ /ylog,yrange=[.01,100.], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day'+string(yrday), $ ytitle='keV' xyouts, 0.7, 0.01,file_name+systime(),size=0.5,/normal dummy='' if ps_or_x eq 'x' then begin if gif_or_no eq 'y' then write_gif,cdfname+'_3.gif', tvrd() print , 'Hit Return to continue to next xplot' read, dummy endif plot,time(0:max_records-1),htemperature(0,0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='H+ parallel temperature for '+string(yrday), $ charsize=2, $ /ylog,yrange=[.01,100.], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day'+string(yrday), $ ytitle='keV' plot,time(0:max_records-1),htemperature(1,0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='H+ perpendicular temperature for '+string(yrday), $ charsize=2, $ /ylog,yrange=[.01,100.], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day'+string(yrday), $ ytitle='keV' plot,time(0:max_records-1),quality(0,0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='H+ average quality for '+string(yrday), $ charsize=2, $ /ylog,yrange=[1.0 ,1000.0], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day'+string(yrday) plot,time(0:max_records-1),quality(1,0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='O+ average quality for '+string(yrday), $ charsize=2, $ /ylog,yrange=[1.0 ,1000.0], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day'+string(yrday) xyouts, 0.7, 0.01,file_name+systime(),size=0.5,/normal dummy='' if ps_or_x eq 'x' then begin if gif_or_no eq 'y' then write_gif,cdfname+'_4.gif', tvrd() print , 'Hit Return to continue to next xplot' read, dummy endif plot,time(0:max_records-1),quality(2,0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='He+ quality for '+string(yrday), $ charsize=2, $ /ylog,yrange=[1.0 ,1000.0], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day'+string(yrday) plot,time(0:max_records-1),quality(3,0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='He++ quality for '+string(yrday), $ charsize=2, $ /ylog,yrange=[1.0 ,1000.0], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day'+string(yrday) ;BB=fltarr(3,1440) ;BB(0:2,i)=timasb(0:2) plot,time(0:max_records-1),BB(0,0:max_records-1), linestyle=0, $ title='X(solid), Y(dotted) and Z(dashed) component of magnetic field used for timas kps', $ charsize=2, $ yrange=[-10000,+10000], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day'+string(yrday) oplot,time(0:max_records-1),BB(1,0:max_records-1), linestyle=1 oplot,time(0:max_records-1),BB(2,0:max_records-1), linestyle=2 plot,time(0:max_records-1),BB(0,0:max_records-1), linestyle=0, $ title='X(solid), Y(dotted) and Z(dashed) component of magnetic field used for timas kps', $ charsize=2, $ yrange=[-200,+200], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day'+string(yrday) oplot,time(0:max_records-1),BB(1,0:max_records-1), linestyle=1 oplot,time(0:max_records-1),BB(2,0:max_records-1), linestyle=2 xyouts, 0.7, 0.01,file_name+systime(),size=0.5,/normal dummy='' if ps_or_x eq 'x' then begin if gif_or_no eq 'y' then write_gif,cdfname+'_5.gif', tvrd() print , 'Hit Return to continue to next xplot' read, dummy endif !P.multi=[0,1,4,0,0] ; last three plots on separage sheet plot,time(0:max_records-1),altitude(0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='Alitude R/Re for '+string(yrday), $ yrange=[1.0,10.0], $ charsize=2, $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day' plot,time(0:max_records-1),invl(0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='Invariant Latitude in degrees for '+string(yrday), $ charsize=2, $ yrange=[40.0,90.0], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day' plot,time(0:max_records-1),mlt(0:max_records-1),linestyle=3, $ title='Magnetic Local Time (decimal hours) for '+string(yrday), $ charsize=2, $ yrange=[0.0,25.0], $ xrange=[0,24],xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Decimal Hours of Day' xyouts, 0.7, 0.02,file_name+systime(),size=0.7,/normal if gif_or_no eq 'y' then write_gif,cdfname+'_6.gif', tvrd() if ps_or_x eq 'ps' then begin device,/close_file set_plot,'x' ; reset the retain device,retain=1 loadct,0 ; back to b/w sdt display print, 'ENTER ' print, ' $lp -d lps17 ',cdfname+'.ps ' print, 'TO PRINT on the internal Lockheed Martin network' endif else begin print, 'loadct,13 for a colorful display' print, 'loadct,0 for normal display' print, 'wb_tbl, or bw_tbl are also possible' device,retain=1 ; reset the retain endelse !P.Multi=[0,0,0,1,0] !P.PSYM=0 end ;