References relevant for understanding TIMAS Key Parameters
- Papers Primarily Describing the Instrument
- Shelley et al., The Toroidal Imaging Mass-Angle Spectrograph (TIMAS)
for the Polar Mission, pages 497-530 in The Global Geospace Mission,
edited by C.T. Russell, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995.
- Shelley et al., The Toroidal Imaging Mass-Angle Spectrograph (TIMAS)
- An on-line instrument description
- Papers reporting results obtained from analysis of TIMAS data (Not available before launch!!!!)
- A complete list of all papers reporting results from analysis of data from the DE -1 Energetic Ion Mass Spectrometer
- An on line description of NASA’s Common Data Format, the platform independent file format in which all GGS key parameters archived.
Prepared by W.K. Peterson
Last updated 08/09/2005 by Daryl Carr