X-2 Flare
1.0 Summary of Significant Activities for the Week POLAR spacecraft operations were not routine for this reporting period. On May 6 at 08:15:27 UT, the POLAR spacecraft was upset by a solar proton event associated with an X-2 class flare. On data acquisition at 10:00 UT, all spacecraft and instrument telemetry were found to be unintelligible. An unscheduled DSN contact was immediately arranged to assess the status of spacecraft subsystems and instruments. The ability of the spacecraft to accept commands was verified by executing command macros stored on the spacecraft. Verification of command receipt and execution was verified by noting the presence or absence of the garbled telemetry. A reset of the spacecraft telemetry module (GTM) was accomplished by reloading the module's code from ROM. On recovery of valid telemetry, the magnetometer (MFE) was found to have suffered a single event upset (SEU). Invalid magnetics data being sent to the spacecraft processor (CAP) for computation of magnetics azimuth and elevation (Magaz/Magel) caused an overflow error in the CAP. This error was cleared by turning off the flow of the high rate data from MFE to the CAP. In addition, because of the interruption of telemetry caused by resetting the GTM, the HYDRA instrument automatically entered a safe mode (high and low voltage off, main power remains on). SEPS also entered a safe mode. The TIDE and TIMAS instruments recorded the interrupt in telemetry as queuing errors, with no affect on the instruments. The spacecraft and instruments were subsequently returned to normal operations at the scheduled DSN contact at 15:40 UT. However, anomalous temperature readings persist in the housekeeping telemetry for HYDRA, CEPPAD and MFE, suggesting that a telemetry multiplexer was also upset. The specific multiplexer has not yet been identified. Correct readings of the temperatures in question for MFE and CEPPAD (a single parameter in each case) appear in each instrument's telemetry allocation, as distinct from the spurious values occurring in the spacecraft housekeeping telemetry allocation. Anomalous HYDRA temperatures remain in both instrument and spacecraft telemetry allocations. The Plasma Source Instrument (PSI), part of the TIDE experiment, could not be ignited as planned May 6. A second attempt at ignition on May 7 was aborted during the initial bakeout cycle due to an anomalous hight voltage reset of the TIDE instrument. TIDE was returned to full operation on May 8. Another attempt at PSI ignition will occur on May 11. The TIDE instrument suffered a high voltage reset on May 7 from an unidentified source. The recovery to full operation was executed on May 9. In association with the TIDE reset, the HYDRA eeprom write-protect circuitry was enabled. In addition, the VIS heater current on the pulse bus showed a dropout. The source of the anomaly is under investigation. Data capture - Week 17 (DOY 117-123): 100.0% Year to date : 99.8%. 2.0 Upcoming Events The last eclipse of this season will occur on March 13. 3.0 Instrument Status On a routine daily basis, instruments execute orbit position-dependent commands from the stored table. Commanding for the platform instruments is dictated by the daily platform pointing plan. Non-routine activities are indicated below. CAMMICE HIT Fully Operational MICS Fully Operational Events/Comments: CEPPAD IPS Fully Operational IES Fully Operational HIST Fully Operational Events/Comments: Reconfiguration not required for maneuvers. EFI Fully Operational Events/Comments: HYDRA Fully Operational Events/Comments: EEPROM write-protect enable and error clear. MFE Fully Operational Events/Comments Instrument recovery following single event upset on May 6. PIXIE Anomalous power supply behavior in front detector limits that detector's operating time. Events/Comments: Duty cycling of the front detector from the stored command table. PSI Fully Operational. Part of TIDE experiment. Events/Comment: Unsuccessful ignition attempt on May 6. Second attempt on May 7 aborted due to anomalous TIDE HV reset. PWI Non-operational Events/Comments: SEPS Fully Operational Events/Comments: Processor reset following single event upset on May 6. TIDE Fully Operational Events/Comments: Full HV recovery following nomalous reset on May 7 Reset telemetry queuing error flag. TIMAS Fully Operational Events/Comments: Reset telemetry queuing error flag. UVI Fully Operational on B-side. Events/Comments: . VIS Fully Operational Events/Comments 4.0 Spacecraft Status Spacecraft status is detailed in Attachment A. 5.0 Problem Reports For This Week Eleven problem reports were written during the reporting period. A summary listing of the reports is provided as Attachment B. 1. April May 4. Station 46 was unable to provide 3 kw uplink or range due to inoperable PA1 and PA2. The PA bypass (16 watts) was used to overcome the problem. 2. May 6. All spacecraft and instrument telemetry invalid at AOS. Suspected SEU of telemetry subsystem (GTM). Per established contingency procedure, GTM reset performed in the blind. Valid telemetry restored. Through subsequent analysis of tape dump, SEU determined to occur at 126:08:15:27. 3. May 7. Degraded data on Channel 1from 00:30 - 01:00 due to TGC-5 problem at Station 66. Station switched to TGC-3 to recover. 4. May 7. A TIDE high voltage telemetry indicated a reset condition at 22:13:22. This occurred during bakeout of the Plasma Source Instrument associated with the TIDE experiment. PSI powered off. TIDE HV recovery scheduled for later contact. 5. May 7. HYDRA eeprom write-protect flag "Enabled" at same time as TIDE reset. Flag reset to "Disabled" under direction of instrumenter. 6. May 8. Flight software single bit error noted at AOS (128:07:10). Error cleared using standard procedure. 7. May 8. Flight software single bit error noted at AOS (128:15:50). Error cleared using standard procedure. 8. May 8. Real-time and playback data lost from 16:20:00to 16:22:00 due to loss of contact by Station 16. Station performed a re-sweep to recover contact. FOT repositioned tape recorder before resuming playback. Data are recoverable. 9. May 8. Flight software single bit error noted at 128: 01:55:22. Error cleared using standard procedure. 10 May 8. Flight software single bit errors noted at 129:07:10 and 129:01:20. Errors cleared using standard procedure. SEPS real-time commanding interrupted. 11. May 10. Station 66 had problems establishing 2-way configuration. Noted that spacecraft was in non-coherent mode. Executed on-board macro to place spacecraft in coherent mode. Station acquired spacecraft to proceed with normal contact.