Date DOY Time (UT) Event
01/02/2001 2001-002 18:01 STIM_RST Reboot TIMAS no TM recovery.
Executed scheduled TIMAS computer reboot exercise.
01/08/2001 2001-008 19:23 STIM_OFF TIMAS main power off
Executed scheduled TIMAS main power cycle exercise.
01/10/2001 2001-010 18:38 STIM_ON TIMAS main power on after 2 days off
Executed scheduled TIMAS main power cycle
exercise. No TM recovery
01/15/2001 2001-015 17:09 STIM_RST Reboot TIMAS no TM recovery.
Executed scheduled TIMAS computer reboot exercise.
01/22/2001 2001-022 20:25 STIM_RST Reboot TIMAS no TM recovery.
Executed scheduled TIMAS computer reboot exercise.
01/29/2001 2001-029 18:24 STIM_RST Reboot TIMAS no TM recovery.
Executed scheduled TIMAS computer reboot exercise.
2/05/2001 2001-036 18:37 STIM_OFF TIMAS main power off
Executed scheduled TIMAS main power cycle exercise.
02/07/2001 2001-038 16:56 STIM_ON TIMAS main power on after 2 days off
Executed scheduled TIMAS main power cycle exercise.
02/19/2001 2001-050 20:38 STIM_RST Reboot TIMAS no TM recovery.
Executed scheduled TIMAS computer reboot exercise.
02/26/2001 2001-057 16:05 UT STIM_RST Reboot TIMAS no TM recovery.
Executed scheduled TIMAS computer reboot exercise.
03/05/2001 2001-064 17:03 STIM_OFF TIMAS main power off No TM recovery
Executed scheduled TIMAS main power cycle.
03/07/2001 2001-066 18:51 UT STIM_ON TIMAS main power on after 2days off
Executed scheduled TIMAS main power cycle.
No TM recovery
03/12/2001 2001-071 16:55 STIM_RST Reboot TIMAS no TM recovery.
Executed scheduled TIMAS computer reboot.
Spring 2001 Flip There was no TIMAS TM so the time was
not logged… the spin rate after the flip was checked
and it was 9.982 rpm. which TIMAS requires
03/27/2001 2001-086 22:10 GTM switch to backup system
22:10:29 TIMAS recovered telemetry,
all parameter values are nominal.
TIMAS reconfigure cmd session in (POLAR) SCI mode:
23:29 STIM_RST reboot TIMAS
23:32 STIM_ENA start stim pulse
23:33 DISC_ADJ 2 disc adjust to level 2
23:35 HV_STD standard voltage mode
23:37 HV_REDUCED reduced voltage mode
23:41 PROC PITIMRELOAD_4 load mlut and icp tables.
proc terminated with minor glitch after loading
mlut tables and icp table TIMI0130. Remain in
icp mode 13. load session will resume this Friday
03/30/2001 2001_089 Command session to complete TIMAS configuration
and turn on high voltage.
14:42 start cmd session
Loaded remaining 7 icp tables
14:51 Load elut 0006 into RAM
data load error; reset error flag and try again
failed again, reset error flag, load elut 0005
15:30 Load elut 0005 into RAM
15:31 Switch to RAM source for elut TIME0005
15:32 Switch to ENGRG mode to invoke elut RAM mode
15:38 Switch to icp mode 35 and include stim_ena
15:53 Turn off stim pulse
15:54 Turn on TIMAS high voltage
16:12 Completed high voltage turnon
16:17 Tune Det1 to level B7
16:32 Completed Det1 tune
16:33 MCPCAL
16:45 stim_dis
(Switch after mcpcal restored stim_ena)
04/03/2001 2001_093 Command session to reload elut 0006.
There was a failed earlier version TIME0006 file
left in GSFC directory which was used on 30 Mar
cmd session instead of updated version.
The bad file has been deleted, and the new TIME0006 file,
dated 04/14/99, replaced it and was used here today:
18:01 Load energy lookup table TIME0006.MIC intoRAM.
These are the “best” fits that Arthur Ghilemetii came
up with in 1999. Because of various reasons
they did not load the first time. The fix was
to have them rebuilt at Goddard.
18:03 Turn off TIMAS high voltage using PROC TIMHVOFF_2.
18:06 Switch to RAM source for elut TIME0006.
18:07 Switch to ENGRG mode (this will invoke elut RAM mode).
18:14 Switch to icp mode TIMI0321. A temporary switch.
18:19 Turn on stim pulse. Collect 5 min of data.
18:25 Switch back to the stored cmd icp mode TIMI0343.
18:32 Turn on stim pulse (forced turnoff by
previous command).
18:42 Turn off stim pulse after collecting
10 min of data.
18:45 Turn on TIMAS high voltage using PROC TIMHVON_3.
18:52 Increase DET1 HV to step B7.
18:54 Finish session with an MCPCAL.
04/16/2001 2001_106 Command session to tune DET1.
19:30 Start with DET1 HV at step B7.
19:31 Increase DET1 HV to step B8. fec cts slight
increase (peak)
19:34 Increase DET1 HV to step B9. fec cts sharp
drop to 0
19:38 Decrease DET1 HV to step B8. fec cts restored
19:40 Decrease DET1 HV to step B7. fec cts decrease
19:42 Decrease DET1 HV to step B6. fec cts decrease
19:44 Increase DET1 HV to step B7. fec cts increase
The final step B7 is one step below the peak at B8,
same as 04/03/01 and same as July 2000.
05/01/2001 2001_121 Burst of bad TM…From the weekly report
May 1. During a support with Station 66, DTF21 inadvertently
put high rate data on line during a test, resulting in degraded
data were from 121/04:46 to 05:08. JPL requested DTF21 to
remove the high rate data from the line. (DR N71470)
05/11/2001 2001_131 Data gap ~08 to ~11 UT
May 11. At 131/13:57:06, the POCC stopped receiving playback
frames as verified by the IRTS monitor. The problem occurred when
recorder 2 switched from tape unit A to unit B. No problems were
observed by Station 27. Approximately 3 hrs. of playback data were
lost and are not recoverable. This problem has previously been
observed. The FOT suspects an intermittent problem with tape recorder 2.
05/14/2001 2001_134 Command session to tune DET1.
19:30 Start with DET1 HV at step B7.
19:43 Increase DET1 HV to step B8. fec cts slight
increase (peak)
19:46 Increase DET1 HV to step B9. fec cts sharp
drop to 0
19:47 Decrease DET1 HV to step B7. fec cts decrease
19:49 Decrease DET1 HV to step B6. fec cts decrease
19:51 Decrease DET1 HV to step B5. fec cts decrease
19:53 Increase DET1 HV to step B7. fec cts increase
The final step B7 is one step below the peak at B8,
same as 04/16/01 and same as july 2000.
06/13/2001 2001_164 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
16:50 Start with DET1 HV at step B7. low fec cts on
this pass and moderate to rapid fluctuations
16:55 Increase DET1 HV to step B8. fec cts slight decrease
19:46 Increase DET1 HV to step B9. fec cts sharp drop to 0
16:55 Decrease DET1 HV to step B8. fec cts sharp increase
16:55 Decrease DET1 HV to step B7. fec cts slight increase
16:55 Decrease DET1 HV to step B6. fec cts moderate decrease
16:55 Increase DET1 HV to step B7. fec cts moderate increase
16:55 INcrease DET1 HV to step B8. fec cts no change
16:55 Decrease DET1 HV to step B7. fec cts slight increase
16:55 Decrease DET1 HV to step B6. fec cts moderate decrease
16:55 Increase DET1 HV to step B7. fec cts moderate increase
Leave at step B7. appears to be most steady level.
06/19/2001 2001_170 DATA GAPS The data has only a 78.53% recovery rate
with the following data gaps (UT):
00:29:47 – 01:05:21
01:57:20 – 06:29:57
22:08:03 – 22:08:40
The problem was reported to us as ‘data not recoverable’
due to support 170/1020, D-16 (Goldstone), network/Reliable
Network Server (RNS) failure. DR# N100005 was opened for the problem.
07/08/2001 2001_189 POLAR data for LZ Group DOY 189, 08 Jul 2001, has a
percent data recovery of 93.60. LZ for day 189
contained degraded data from 123904-130422 &
134926-175001 due to a problem at the station,
DR# G100063. More information on that DR was reported
as Telemetry Ground Controller (TGC) at Goldstone
station had intermittent dropout throughout the pass.
TGC was rebooted and it was opted to take the data as is.
07/11/2001 2001_192 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
16:50 Start with DET1 HV at step B7.
moderate fec cts for this session.
Ran DET1 up to B9 then down to B5 then back to B7
in single steps. B7 shares peak with B8, leave at B7.
Final cmdct = 134
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at level B7.
07/15/2001 2001_194 Two separate and unrelated anomalies occurred on the
despun platform on Sunday, July 15:
1. At 194/01:49:11, the platform lost lock
2. At 194/05:29:49, the earth trailing edge time tag
for horizon sensor #2 remained static for 4 spin periods
at which point the platform went into a safe mode.
08/06/2001 2001_218 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
17:00 Start with DET1 HV at step B7. moderate fec cts
for this session. Ran DET1 up to B9 then down to B5
then back to B7 in single steps. B7 slightly below peak
at B8, leave at B7. Final cmdct = 167
Conclusion: the DET1 optimum tuned value remains at B7.
08/29/2001 2001_241 Playback data lost (092402-130509) nonrecoverable
08/31/2001 2001_243 Degraded TM data from 080231-125959
09/06/2001 2001_249 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
14:33 Start with DET1 HV at step B7. moderate fec cts
for this session. Ran DET1 up to B9 then down to B5
then back to B7 in single steps. B7 share peak
with B8, leave at B7. Final cmdct = 203 at UT 14:47.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at level B7.
09/07/2001 Garbeled message in log that calls 9/7 day 258??
> 2. September 7. During a support with Station 66, playback data were
> degraded from 258/21:57:59 to 22:40:00. Reason unknown. Station
> twice replaced the TGCs, to no avail. (DR M100159)
Fall 2001 Flip
09/14/2001 2001_257 Realtime Command session to turn off TIMAS High voltage
and set spin_free state in preparation for the fall flip.
Final cmdct = 221
Segments 1 and 2 of the flip maneuver were completed on Day 257 (9/15/01).
Spacecraft subsystem performance was nominal for both segments. The sun angle
at completion of Segment 2 was ~121 deg. Segment 3 will be executed on
Day 274 (Oct 1) followed by attitude and spin adjustments on Day 276 (Oct 2).
The predicted sun angle at completion of Segment 3 is ~96 deg.
The eclipse season began on Day 260 (Sep 17) and will end on Day 275 (Oct 2).
10/04/2001 2001_277 Realtime Command session to turn on TIMAS High voltage
after the fall flip.
21:15 spin rate = 9.995 RPM (lt 10.000 RPM = OK )
21:18 spin_lock
21:20 stim_ena
21:26 mode 32
21:36 HV_ON Ended at Det1 level B6
21:46 Det1 B7
21:49 Det1 B8
21:51 Det1 B7
21:54 MCPCAL
All values nominal: a successful HV turnon
11/08/2001 2001_312 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
Start at 22:10 UT with DET1 HV at step B7.
good fec cts for this session. Ran DET1 up
to B9 then down to B5 then back to B7 in
single steps. B7 is one step below peak
at B8, leave at B7. Final cmdct = 032
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at level B7.
11/17/2001 2001_321 In spite of our request to leave the HV on
during the 2001 Leionid shower period, “High
Officials” at Goddard had the SPOF turn the
HV off between 18:10 and 19:20
11/19/2001 2001_323 Realtime Command session to turn on TIMAS High voltage
after the Leonid Scare.
18:30 spin rate = 9.994 RPM (lt 10.000 RPM = OK )
18:38 spin_lock
interruption becase of nrt data dropout,
restart go_nrt,get_spins,
hk, hkstat, dps_fec
18:50 HV_ON Ended at Det1 level B6
18:53 Det1 B7
18:56 Det1 B8
18:57 Det1 B9
18:58 Det1 B8
18:59 Det1 B7
19:01 MCPCAL
All values nominal: a successful HV turnon,
12/04/2001 1. December 4. Station 46 was declared “red” at 336/23:00 due to an
encoder failure because of a lightning strike. The failure resulted
in the inability of the POCC to playback tape recorder #1, loss of 70
min. of realtime data, and recorder data loss from 337/10:43-12:22.
(DR C100658)
12/12/2001 2001_346 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
initial cmdct = 106
19:53 Start with DET1 HV at step B7.
adequate fec cts
for this session. Ran DET1 up to B9 then down to B5
then back to B7 in single steps. B7 shares
peak with B8, leave at B7.
completed session at 20:05. Final cmdct = 114
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at level B7.
The DET1 level has remained stable since TM recovery
in March 2001.
Date DOY Time (UT) Event
01/16/2002 2002_016 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
initial cmdct= 144
16:22 Start with DET1 HV at step B7. good fec cts
for this session. Ran DET1 up to B9 then down to B6
then back to B7 in single steps. B7 below peak atB8,
leave at B7. finish session at 16:38 Final cmdct =154
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at level B7.
02/04/2002 2002_035 DPM anomaly. February 4, 2002. Day 035
A despun platform anomaly occurred on February 5 at 035/11:45:51. The
anomaly was first observed during the contact at 035/17:20. Following
recovery, the platform was commanded back to normal science pointing
mode at 035/21:20,
02/15/2002 2002_046 Realtime Command session to tune DET1. initial cmdct= 176
18:30 Start with DET1 HV at step B7. good fec cts
for this session. Ran DET1 up to B9 then down to B6
then back to B7 in single steps. B7 below peak at B8,
leave at B7. finish session at 18:40 Final cmdct = 182
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at level B7.
Schedule for POLAR half-flip maneuver. Mar. 18-21, 2002
The half flip will be executed on March 18-21, 2002. The schedule is attached.
NOTE: Following completion of the maneuver to ecliptic normal attitude and for the remainder
of the eclipse season, March 21 to May 2, there will be no PSPRP (pseudo spin phase reference
pulse) provided during eclipse periods. Coincident horizon and sun sensor data are required
for the computation of PSPRP. With the very limited horizon sensor coverage at perigee (20
min.) and the 10 min. pre-eclipse lead-in required for starting the computation, there can be
no PSPRP. The maximum eclipse time for the season is approx. 26 minutes.
Spring 2002 Half-Flip maneuver. Mar. 18-21
03/18/2002 2002_077 Realtime Command session to turn off TIMAS High voltage
and set spin_free state in preparation for spring half-flip.
Final cmdct = 220
03/21/2002 2002_080 Realtime Command session to turn on TIMAS High voltage
after spring half-flip.
22:40 spin rate = 9.993 RPM (lt 10.000 RPM = OK )
22:42 spin_lock
22:43 stim_ena
22:47 mode 32 turns off stim
22:54 mode 36 back to mode 36
23:00 HV_ON Ended at Det1 level B6
23:09 Det1 B7
23:11 Det1 B8
23:13 Det1 B9
23:14 Det1 B8
23:15 Det1 B7
23:18 Det1 B6
23:21 Det1 B7
23:23 MCPCAL
All values nominal: a successful HV turnon,
TIMAS collecting data.
Final cmdct = 005
04/23/2002 2002_113 Realtime Command session to tune DET1. initial cmdct=041
14:30 Start with DET1 HV at step B7. good fec cts
for this session. Ran DET1 up to B8 then down to B6
then back to B7 in single steps. B7 at peak, 15% higher
then B6. leave at B7. finish session at 14:40.
Final cmdct=047
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at level B7.
5/29/2002 2002_149 Realtime Command session to tune DET1. initial cmdct= 094
18:00 Start with DET1 HV at step B7. adequate fec cts
for this session. Ran DET1 up to B8 then down to B4
then back to B7 in single steps. B7 at peak, ~10-15% higher
then B6. leave at B7. finish session at 18:20.
Final cmdct = 104
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at level B7.
07/04/2002 2002_185 Detector DET1 level changed to B6
Realtime Command session to tune DET1. initial cmdct= 151
14:13 Start with DET1 HV at step B7. adequate fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B9, down to B4, up to B7,
down to B6, and left it there. Level B6 is one step below
the peak at B7 and collecting about 20% fewer cts than
at the peak. finish session at 14:28. Final cmdct = 162
Result: DET1 high voltage shift downward one level to B6.
Note that this is the first change in DET1 level since
telemetry recovery on March 27, 2001
08/05/2002 2002_217 Realtime Command session to tune DET1. initial cmdct =204
13:41 Start with DET1 HV at step B6. adequate fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B9,down to B4, up to B7,
down to B6, and left it there. Level B6 is one step
below the peak at B7 and collecting about 20% fewer
cts than at the peak. finish session at 13:57. Final
cmdct = 216
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at level B6.
09/05/2002 2002_248 Realtime Command session to tune DET1. initial cmdct = 001
14:07 Start with DET1 HV at step B6. adequate fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B9, down to B4, up to B7,
down to B6, and left it there. Level B6 is one step
below the peak at B7 and collecting about 25% fewer cts
than at the peak. finish session at 14:23.
Final cmdct = 011
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at level B6.
Fall 2002 Half-Flip to orbit normal
09/10/2002 2002_253 18:22 Turn HV off for Fall flip and eclipse period
Cmds include pitimhvoff2 and spin_free,
total 13 cmds. Final cmdct = 031
9/28/2002 2002_271 Realtime Command session to turn on TIMAS High voltage
after Fall half-flip.
19:12 spin rate = 9.983 RPM (lt 10.000 RPM = OK )
19:14 spin_lock
19:24 HV_ON Proc finished at Det1 level B6
19:25 Det1 B7
19:26 Det1 B8
19:30 Det1 B7
19:31 Det1 B6
19:32 Det1 B5
19:33 Det1 B6 solid one step below max
19:35 MCPCAL
All values nominal: a successful HV turnon,
TIMAS collecting data.
Final cmdct = 077
10/30/2002 2002_303 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
Initial cmdct=119
18:30 Start with DET1 HV at step B6. adequate fec cnts
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B9, down to B4, up to B9
down to B7 and left it there. Level B7 is one step below
the peak at B8 and collecting about 20% fewer cnts than
the peak. Finish session at 18:50. Final cmdct=132
Result: DET1 high voltage shift upward one level to B7
12/02/2002 2002_336 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
Initial cmdct= 119
18:13 Start with DET1 HV at step B7. adequate fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B9, down to B5, up to B8,
down to B6, and left it there. Level B6 is one step below
the peak at B7 and collecting about 30% fewer cts than
at the peak. finish session at 18:33. Final cmdct = 185
Result: DET1 high voltage shift downward one level to B6.
Date DOY Time (UT) Event
01/06/2003 2003_006 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
Initial cmdct = 230
19:20 Start with DET1 HV at step B6. adequate fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B9, down to B5, up to B8,
down to B7, and left it there. Level B7 is one step below
the peak at B8 and collecting about 12% fewer cts than
at the peak. finish session at 19:40. Final cmdct = 241
Result: DET1 high voltage shift upward one level to B7.
02/11/2003 2003_042 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
Initial cmdct = 032
17:39 Start with DET1 HV at step B7. adequate fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B9, down to B5, up to B8,
down to B7, and left it there. Level B7 is one step below
the peak at B8 and collecting about 20% fewer cts than
at the peak. finish session at 17:57. Final cmdct = 042
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at level B7.
02/21/2003 2003_052 Realtime Command session to test contingency/science mode.
The contingency/science mode doubles the data rate.
Initial cmdct = 055 operating in normal science mode
17:00 Switch to contingency/science mode, remain for an hour
18:00 Switch back to normal science mode. Test complete.
Final cmdct = 057
Result: All housekeeping parameters remained normal, there were
no error flags generated, data was a little noisy, some data
stream errors, but fec and ms products appeared to be unaffected.
Spring 2003 Full Flip to orbit normal. Mar 09-15
03/09/2003 2003_068 Realtime Command session to turn off TIMAS High voltage
and set spin_free state in preparation for the Spring flip.
03/15/2003 2003_074 Realtime Command session to turn on TIMAS High voltage
after the Spring flip.
06:10 spin rate = 9.992 RPM (lt 10.000 RPM = OK )
06:14 spin_lock
06:16 stim_ena
06:21 mode 36
06:30 HV_ON Ended at Det1 level B6
Tune DET1: very high/variable cts
06:38 Det1 B7
06:40 Det1 B8
06:42 Det1 B7
06:45 Det1 B6
06:48 Det1 B7
06:50 Det1 B6
06:51 MCPCAL
07:00 Det1 B5
07:02 Det1 B4
07:04 Det1 B5
07:05 Det1 B6
07:07 Det1 B7
07:08 Det1 B6
All values nominal: a successful HV turnon.
03/18/2003 2003_077 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
Initial cmdct = 181
Started at 15:19 with DET1 HV at step B6. adequate fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B8, down to B5, up to B6,
and left it there. Level B6 is one step below
the peak at B7 and collecting about 20% fewer cts than
at the peak. finish session at 15:27. Final cmdct = 187
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at level B6.
03/20/2003 2003_079 Realtime Command session to verify spin lock.
Initial cmdct = 193
03/21/2003 2003_080 00:46 SPIN_LOCK FINAL CMDCT = 195
04/21/2003 2003_111 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
Initial cmdct = 236
13:53 Start with DET1 HV at step B6. adequate fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B9, down to B6, up to B7,
and left it there. Level B7 is one step below peak at B8
and collecting about 25% fewer cts than at the peak.
Finish session at 14:02. Final cmdct = 243
Result: DET1 high voltage shift upward one level to B7.
05/19/2003 2003_139 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
Initial cmdct = 024
13:36 Start with DET1 HV at step B7. adequate fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B9, down to B5, up to B9,
down to B7,and left it there. Level B7 is one step below
peak at B8 and collecting ~10% fewer cts than at the peak.
Finish session at 13:51. Final cmdct = 034
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at level B7.
06/26/2003 2003_177 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
Initial cmdct = 084
19:18 Start with DET1 HV at step B7. adequate fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B9, down to B4, up to B6,
and left it there. Level B6 is one step below peak at B7
and collecting ~25% fewer cts than at the peak.
Finish session at 19:28. Final cmdct = 093
Result: DET1 high voltage shift downward one level to B6.
07/31/2003 2003_212 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
Initial cmdct = 139
15:18 Start with DET1 HV at step B6. adequate fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B9, down to B5, up to B8,
down to B7 and left it there. There is a broad slightly
rising peak from B6 through B8, however, Level B7 has
slightly fewer cts (~10%) than the peak at B8.
Finish session at 15:44. Final cmdct = 152
Result: DET1 high voltage shift upward one level to B7.
Fall 2003 Half-Flip to ecliptic normal. Sep 01-04
08/31/2003 2003_243 15:32 spin period 6.004 sec
15:34-15:38 Turn HV off for Fall flip and eclipse period
Cmds include pitimhvoff2 and spin_free,
total 13 cmds. Final cmdct = 207
09/19/2003 2003_262 Realtime Command session to turn on TIMAS High voltage
after the 2003 Fall flip.
17:42 spin period 6.008 sec (gt 6.000 sec = OK )
17:43 spin_lock
17:45 switch to mode 0130 (startup icp mode 0)
17:53 stim_ena
18:03 switch to mode 36 (disables stim pulse)
18:18 HV_ON at Det1 level B6
Tune DET1: low cts
18:19 Det1 B7
18:21 Det1 B8
18:22 Det1 B7
18:23 Det1 B6 remain at B6
18:25 mcpcal
All values nominal: a successful HV turnon.
10/20/2003 2003_293 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
Initial cmdct = 054
20:10 Start with DET1 HV at step B6. Good fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B9, down to B5, up to B6,
and left it there. Level B6 has ~30% fewer cts than the
peak at B7. Finish session at 20:23. Final cmdct = 064
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
11/06/2003 A further test of Science mode 2 operations is planned for November 12,
Day 316, 21:00 – 22:00 during the DSN contact at 20:50 – 22:50.
11/10/2003 2003_314 18:26:18 A Polar GTM2 upset #1 occurred, affecting TIMAS and other instruments.
There is also a ground equipment problem resulting in temporary loss of NRT.
NOAA 3 Day Satellite Environment Plot
11/11/2003 2003_315 At 19:51:39 UT POCC sent STIM_HVMOFF command sequence to TIMAS to
turn off high voltage. A TIMAS command session is planned for tomorrow
to reset, reconfigure, and restore full operation, pending recovery of the NRT
data stream. This is the first time in 2.5 yrs that TIMAS has had to reset.
11/12/2003 2003_316 At 1300 UT a TIMAS RTC recovery session took place.
A reset was performed, then several cmds followed per our script.
There was puzzling long delay in display of the Reduced mode cmd action,
and the get_spins display did not follow the hkstat display in reporting
the expected mode changes. Finally, a new untested modification in the
cmd script preceding the reload of mass and icp tables raised an error flag.
The session was terminated in order to study the results and make changes
in the procedure.
11/13/2003 2003_317 1610 UT Another TIMAS RTC session took place starting to investigate
apparent lagging in the displays updates. A later study of an earlier almost identical
session with delays showed no harmful effects on the instrument performance.
11/14/2003 2003-318 1409 UT Another TIMAS RTC session took place starting with two voltage
state cmds repeated to ensure the “state” changes were made. The session continued
thru the mass, icp, and energy table loads, all successful, The high voltage turn on
and DET1 tune commands will be sent in the next session.
11/17/2003 2003_321 At 15:13 GMT (10:13 EST) on 17 November (DOY 321) the GGS Telemetry Module
(GTM2) experienced another GTM2 upset #2 in the past week, causing corrupted
data on both R/T and Playback channels.
NOAA 3 Day Satellite Environment Plot
No cause has been determined for the upset.
All housekeeping and science data was corrupted for the duration of the anomaly.
Four instruments (HYDRA, MFE, TIDE and TIMAS) were affected.
HYDRA and MFE have been fully restored. TIDE and TIMAS are safe but are not
in their normal operating state. TIMAS had not yet been fully recovered
following the last GTM2 upset. Significant portions of the recovery for
TIDE and TIMAS will likely be conducted during an extended support on DOY
322 (1940z).
11/18/2003 2003_322 At 19:40 UT a successful TIMAS recovery RTC session took place,
starting with a TIMAS reset cmd, continuing with switch to standard voltage
mode (repeated), to reduced voltage mode (repeated), reload of all tables,
and high voltage turn on at 20:39 UT.
TIMAS is now back to full operational status. A DET1 tune was performed,
DET1 voltage level set at B6 at 21:01 UT, and finally, an mcpcal sequence
was run to complete the session.
11/24/2003 2003_328 At 16:38 UT on 24 November the GGS Telemetry Module experienced
GTM2 upset #3, causing corrupted data on both R/T and Playback channels.
Shortly after confirming the upset, POCC executed the TIMAS safe proc which ramped
down high voltage off at ~19:40 UT and reset the TIMAS processor.
NOAA 3 Day Satellite Environment Plot
11/25/2003 2003_329 13:10-14:45 UT a recovery cmd session was performed for TIMAS for table
reloads and reconfiguration. The POCC crew graciously extended the pass cmd
time for another 30 minutes to allow completion of first phase of TIMAS recovery.
A follow-on cmd session a few hrs completed the recovery process,
turning TIMAS high voltage on at 19:25 UT, restoring TIMAS to full operation.
12/06/2003 2003_340 21:44 UT the GGS Telemetry Module experienced GTM2 upset #4,
NOAA 3 Day Satellite Environment Plot
causing corrupted data on both R/T and Playback channels. POCC discovered the upset
on the next pass, and restored the GTM system on day 241 at 01:00 UT. TIMAS and TIDE
were both affected by the anomaly, and will have perform recovery cmds. The TIMAS team
was contacted shortly after, and began to prepare cmds for a recovery RTC session.
12/08/2003 2003_342 17:15-18:10 UT a recovery cmd session was performed for TIMAS, starting
with commands to turn off high voltage, reset TIMAS, reload all tables,
and turn on high voltage. TIMAS was restored to full operation by 18:02 UT,
The remaining minutes of the pass were used to tune DET1 to level B6 and
run an MCPCAL session. It was noted during the reloads that, because the reset cmd
cleared all icp slots, the 8 icp tables could be loaded consecutively without
overwriting errors. An updated proc will be built to perform the mass and icp table
loads after an upset/reset occurs.
12/18/2003 2003_352 On or before 17:40 UT Another GTM2 upset #5 occurred.
NOAA 3 Day Satellite Environment Plot
The TIMAS team at LMMS had started the go_nrt process to sample the
nrt data housekeeping at the start of the pass at 17:40 UT, and noticed the upset.
The NASA POCC team detected the upset at about the same time, which affected both
TIMAS and TIDE. Since this was the only pass of the day, and TIMAS and TIDE were both
pressing to perform their recovery command sessions, POCC was under very heavy time
constraint, and was unable to send our suggested TIMAS recovery test “spinfree” and
“clr_errflg” commands before performing the GTM reset. TIMAS team sent a recovery
TIM352.RTC to SPOF, POCC immediately vetted it, and scrambled to edit a new tables
reload proc PITIMRELOAD6 which was included in the rtc. The recovery cmd session
started with “clr_errflg” cmd, no effect. The TIMAS High Voltage turned off,
and TIMAS reset performed, unlocking processor. Proceeded with table reloads,
High Voltage on, and at 19:32 UT we were back to full operation.The POCC people
did a superb job under very heavy pressure, even performed instant glitch fixes
to the procs during the session! A big thanks to POCC (especially John and Aurora).
Date DOY Time (UT) Event
S/C Attitude Adjust. A one day maneuver 07 Jan 2004
01/07/2004 2004_007 Following realtime commands:
14:49 Turn off TIMAS High voltage PROC PITIMHVOFF2
19:46 Attitude maneuver completed, ready to send more TIMAS commands
19:47 spin rate = 9.989 RPM (lt 10.000 RPM = OK )
19:57 turn on TIMAS High voltage
19:59 Begin Tune DET1: adequate cts
20:07 Completed Tune DET1, DET1 remains at level B6
All values nominal: a successful command session for TIMAS.
02/12/2004 2004_043 A GTM2 upset #6 occurred at 043/03:04:52 UT.
NOAA 3 Day Satellite Environment Plot
POCC sent our suggested TIMAS recovery test “spinfree” and “clr_errflg” commands
before performing the GTM reset, but no recovery occurred. The TIMAS team then
proceeded with a recovery session, using the recovery TIM040.RTC command procedures.
The TIMAS High Voltage turned off, TIMAS reset performed, unlocking processor.
Proceeded with table reloads, TIMAS High Voltage on, at 18:15 UT TIMAS restored
to full operation.
S/C Attitude Adjust. A one day maneuver 01 Mar 2004
03/01/2004 2004_061 Following realtime commands:
14:19 Turn off TIMAS High voltage PROC PITIMHVOFF2
22:05 Attitude maneuver completed, ready to send more TIMAS commands
22:08 spin rate = 9.992 RPM (lt 10.000 RPM = OK )
22:15 turn on TIMAS High voltage TIMAS back to full operation.
22:19 Postponed DET1 Tune: counts changing too rapidly,
03/03/2004 2004_063 A GTM2 upset #7 occurred at 20:14:33 UT, while in contingency science mode
(science 2). S/C Telemetry was recovered at 04/063/21:03:20 UT.
NOAA 3 Day Satellite Environment Plot
TIMAS team began recovery session at 21:39 UT by sending TIMAS HVOFF,
followed by TIMAS reset at 21:41 UT. The monitored displays after reset were as
get_spins had no information except for:
205/3 minor frame (sync and/or count)
dps fec showed nothing, as if it were waiting
for a data frame to begin..
hk showed a nominal normal set of values
to be expected after a reset.
hkstat showed a nominal normal set of values
to be expected after a reset.
This is a change from earlier displays of science 2 data: earlier monitoring
gave us a get_spins which looked fairly normal except for occasional spin sync
errors, and dps fec displayed the counts. I assumed that instrument reset in
science 2 mode had affected the get_spins and dps fec displays, but the hk
and hkstat displays indicated a successful reset, and decision made to continue
the recovery process in spite of the diminished monitoring information.
all reference tables loaded, and TIMAS HVON at 22:32 UT. All available
displays indicated a successful recovery, however the DET1 tune process was
postponed until fec counts can be displayed in a later session. More investigation
into the display anomaly uncovered a TIMAS cmd I_TIM_MAJ CON which must be sent
after a TIMAS reset cmd while in contingency science mode. This cmd adjusts the
get_spins display format to conform to contingency science mode output.
03/04/2004 2004_064 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
Polar has transtioned to science 1 and now back to science 2 since the TIMAS reset
yesterday, and both get_spins and dps fec displays have returned to normal,
allowing TIMAS to monitor counts, a requirement for DET1 tune process.
22:31 UT Start with DET1 HV at step B6. Good fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B8, down to B5, up to B6,
and left it there. Level B6 has ~25% fewer cts than the
peak at B7. Finish session at 22:41 UT.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
04/03/2004 2004_094 A GTM2 upset #8 occurred at 09:04:52 UT. S/C Telemetry was recovered
at 17:40:59 UT. A TIMAS recovery session was scheduled for next available pass
tomorrow at approx 20:30 UT.
04/04/2004 2004_095 A TIMAS recovery cmd session, starting at 20:55 UT, and finishing at 21:56 UT.
A hangup occurred during the ICP loads, requiring a complete restart of the
recovery process, and this time all tables loaded successfuly, and the rest
of the cmds were sent without incident. Best guess is that there was a momentary
transmission glitch/noise? All available displays indicated a successful recovery,
however the DET1 tune process was postponed because of time constraints.
04/06/2004 2004_097 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
17:15 UT Start with DET1 HV at step B6. adequate fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B9, down to B5, up to B6,
and left it there. Level B6 has ~30% fewer cts than the
peak at B7. Finish session at 17:37 UT. The pass TM was noisy,
with one glitch which caused a one step jump in cmdct,
but enough clean data to verify the cmds and normal operations
status of TIMAS.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
05/14/2004 2004_135 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
13:16 UT Start with DET1 HV at step B6. good fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B8, down to B5, up to B6,
and left it there. Level B6 has ~25% fewer cts than the
peak at B7. Finish session at 13:27 UT. The pass TM was in
Contingency Science mode, with clean data to verify the cmds
and normal operations status of TIMAS.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
06/28/2004 2004_180 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
13:20 UT Start with DET1 HV at step B6. good fec cts.
Ran DET1 up to B7, then lost nrt data stream.
13:44 return DET1 to level B6, end session.
Try again tomorrow, when, hopefully, nrt s/w is fixed.
06/29/2004 2004_181 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
13:40 UT Start with DET1 HV at step B6. good fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B8, down to B5, up to B6,
and left it there. Level B6 has ~25% fewer cts than the
peak at B7. Finish session at 13:48 UT. The pass TM was in
Normal Science mode, with clean data to verify the cmds
and normal operations status of TIMAS.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
07/29/2004 2004_211 A Polar SEU (single event upset) occurred at 21:20 UT.
Spacecraft communications were restored, and all instruments turned off.
A recovery schedule will be issued soon
08/04/2004 2004_217 A TIMAS recovery cmd session, starting at 20:46 UT and finishing at 21:56 UT.
restored TIMAS to full operation, however an ambiguous set of mode displays were
noticed at the end of the session. HKSTAT display showed standard voltage mode,
while GET_SPINS display showed STD/LOW. After a discussion, A possible explanation
for the ambiguity: caused by starting a recovery session from a
“main power off” state, rather than the usual “main power on” state, and not
including redundant cmds to overwrite possible “stale” values in the displays.
A decision was made to schedule an additional command session to clear the ambiguity.
08/05/2004 2004_218 A TIMAS cmd session to resolve a display ambiguity was started at 19:37 UT,
and finished at 19:50 UT. Commands sent to turn off high voltage,
switch to standard/reduced voltage mode, and turn on high voltage.
Display ambiguities resolved, and TIMAS restored to full operation.
08/10/2004 2004_223 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
17:04 UT Start with DET1 HV at step B6. adequate fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B8, down to B5, up to B6,
and left it there. Level B6 has ~20% fewer cts than the
peak at B7. Finish session at 17:12 UT. The pass TM was in
Normal Science mode, with clean data to verify the cmds
and normal operations status of TIMAS.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
08/27/2004 2004_240 TIMAS and two other instruments upset by Polar glitch at ~1400 UT while spacecraft
in eclipse. A new cmd file TIM220.rtc was provided for the recovery.
TIMAS recovery session started at 2016 UT with hvoff, reset, reloaded mass
and energy tables, hvon, and full operations restored by 2154 UT.
09/22/2004 2004_266 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
17:38 UT Start with DET1 HV at step B6. adequate fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B8, down to B5, up to B6,
and left it there. Level B6 has ~20% fewer cts than the
peak at B7. Finish session at 17:46 UT. The pass TM was in
Normal Science mode, with clean data to verify the cmds
and normal operations status of TIMAS.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
S/C Attitude Adjust. Nov 08-10, 2004
A proton event occurred during the attitude adjust period,
starting on day 313 ~19:10 UT, and peaking at 00:00 UT day 314.
No effect on TIMAS operation was apparent, except for TM data
loss from from day 313 ~19:10 to 24:00 UT.
11/09/2004 2004_314
TIMAS CMDS: 20:04 CLR_ERRFLG to clear cmd receipt error flag from last month
11/10/2004 2004_315
18:30 Check Polar spin rate: 9.986rpm spin period: 6.004 sec
DET1 Tune: high cts.
Start at DET1 level B6
18:41 Det1 B7
18:42 Det1 B8
18:44 Det1 B7
18:45 Det1 B6
18:47 Det1 B7
18:48 Det1 B6 remain at B6
All values nominal: a successful HV turnon.
11/13/2004 2004_318 A Polar GTM2 upset occurred at ~18:45 UT.
Spacecraft communications were restored within a few minutes,
and all instruments turned off.
A TIMAS recovery cmd session, started at 19:50 UT and some cmds
sent before the end of the pass.
11/14/2004 2004_319 17:00 TIMAS recovery cmd session continued from yesterday,
TIMAS restored to full operation at 17:45. There was no time left on this pass
to tune DET1, This will be done on the next pass having suitable conditions.
12/03/2004 2004_338 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
17:57 UT Start with DET1 HV at step B6. high fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B8, down to B5, up to B6,
and left it there. Level B6 has ~25% fewer cts than the
peak at B7. Finish session at 18:06 UT. The pass TM was in
Contingency Science mode, and normal operations status of TIMAS.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
Date DOY Time (UT) Event
01/04/2005 2005_004 A Polar GTM2 upset occurred at 03:05 UT.
Spacecraft communications were restored at 16:24 UT.
A TIMAS recovery cmd session, started at 17:03 UT,
TIMAS restored to full operation at 17:44 UT.
There was no time left on this pass to tune DET1, this will be done
on a future pass having suitable conditions.
01/08/2005 2005_008 Realtime Command session to tune DET1.
17:04 UT Start with DET1 HV at step B6. high fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B9, down to B5, up to B6,
and left it there. Level B6 has ~30% fewer cts than the
peak at B7. Finish session at 17:15 UT. The pass TM was in
Normal Science mode, and normal operations status of TIMAS.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
S/C Attitude Adjust. Jan 19-20, 2005
A planned one day maneuver 19 Jan 2005, post man extended to next day
01/19/2005 2005_019 Following realtime commands:
14:38 UT Turn off TIMAS High voltage PROC PITIMHVOFF2
16:05 UT Although the maneuver was completed, the S/C was low on the horizon,
and data was v noisy. TIMAS ops restoration cmds postponed until tomorrow.
01/20/2005 2005_020 Following realtime commands to restore TIMAS ops:
19:20 UT spin rate = 9.991 RPM (lt 10.000 RPM = OK )
19:30 UT Turn on TIMAS High voltage TIMAS back to full operation.
19:31 UT Start session to tune DET1.
DET1 HV at step B6: Good fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B8, down to B5, up to B6,
and left it there. Level B6 has ~15% fewer cts than the
peak at B7. Finished session at 19:41 UT.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
01/21/2005 2005_021 A Polar GTM2 upset occurred at ~0400 UT.
Spacecraft communications were restored by ~16:20 UT.
A TIMAS recovery cmd session, started at 16:22 UT,
TIMAS restored to full operation at 17:11 UT.
Tune DET1: 21:32 UT Start with DET1 HV at step B6. high fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B8, down to B5, up to B6,
and left it there. Level B6 has ~20% fewer cts than the
peak at B7. Finish session at 21:41 UT. The pass TM was in
Normal Science mode, and normal operations status of TIMAS.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
02/23/2005 2005_054 A Polar GTM2 upset occurred at ~2155 UT.
Spacecraft communications were restored by ~23:00 UT.
A TIMAS recovery cmd session, started at 23:45 UT,
TIMAS restored to full operation at 00:25 UT. day 055.
During the rtc session, the nrt programs stopped collecting
data at the changeover to the next day. The nrt programs
were restarted for the new day, and ran normally.
There was time left on this pass to tune DET1, but the count
rates were fluctuating too rapidly. The DET1 tune will be
performed at a later time when conditions are suitable.
S/C Attitude Adjust. Mar 01-03, 2005
Premaneuver cmds on Mar 01, 2005, post-maneuver cmds on Mar 03, 2005
03/01/2005 2005_060 Following realtime commands sent:
18:56 UT Turn off TIMAS High voltage PROC PITIMHVOFF2
03/03/2005 2005_062 Following realtime commands sent to restore TIMAS ops:
19:25 UT spin rate = 9.991 RPM (lt 10.000 RPM = OK )
19:35 UT Turn on TIMAS High voltage TIMAS back to full operation.
19:39 UT Start session to tune DET1.
DET1 HV at step B6: adequate fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B8, down to B5, up to B6,
and left it there. Level B6 has ~30% fewer cts than the
peak at B7. Finished session at 19:48 UT.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
S/C Attitude Adjust. Apr 20-21, 2005
Premaneuver cmds on Apr 20, 2005, post-maneuver cmds on Apr 21, 2005
04/20/2005 2005_110 Following realtime commands sent:
13:56 UT Turn off TIMAS High voltage PROC PITIMHVOFF2
04/21/2005 2005_111 Following realtime commands sent to restore TIMAS ops:
19:14 UT spin rate = 9.993 RPM (lt 10.000 RPM = OK )
19:21 UT Turn on TIMAS High voltage TIMAS back to full operation.
19:23 UT Start session to tune DET1.
DET1 HV at step B6: adequate fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B8, down to B6, up to B7,
down to B6, and left it there. Level B6 has ~15% fewer cts than the peak at B7.
19:33 UT Finished session to tune DET1.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
05/21/2005 2005_141 A Polar GTM2 upset occurred at ~09:10 UT.
Spacecraft communications were restored by ~17:00 UT.
A TIMAS recovery cmd session, in contingency science mode,started at 17:55 UT,
TIMAS restored to full operation at 18:49 UT. day 141.
Command session continued with commands to tune DET1:
18:50 UT Started with DET1 HV at step B6. Adequate fec counts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B8, down to B5, up to B6, and left it there.
Voltage level B6 has ~20% fewer counts than the peak at B7.
Finished session at 18:58 UT.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
06/03/2005 2005_154 A Polar GTM2 upset occurred at ~08:00 UT.
Spacecraft communications were restored by ~14:00 UT.
A TIMAS recovery cmd session, started at 14:31 UT,
TIMAS restored to full operation at 15:20 UT. day 154.
Command session to tune DET1:
21:52 UT Started with DET1 HV at step B6. Adequate fec counts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B8, down to B5, up to B6, and left it there.
Voltage level B6 has ~20% fewer counts than the peak at B7.
Finished session at 21:59 UT.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
06/14/2005 2005_165 A Polar GTM2 upset occurred at ~22:15 UT.
Spacecraft communications were restored by ~22:30 UT.
Timas cmd sent to turn off high voltage sent at 22:51 UT.
No time left on pass to send recovery cmds.
06/15/2005 2005_166 A TIMAS recovery cmd session, started at 19:51 UT,
TIMAS restored to full operation at 20:30 UT.
Command session to tune DET1:
20:33 UT Started with DET1 HV at step B6. Adequate fec counts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B8, down to B5, up to B6,
and left it there.
Voltage level B6 has ~25% fewer counts than the peak at B7.
Finished session at 20:46 UT.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
07/31/2005 2005_212 A Polar GTM2 upset occurred at ~1750 UT or earlier.
Spacecraft communications were restored by ~19:20 UT.
A TIMAS recovery cmd session, started at 19:40 UT,
TIMAS restored to full operation at 20:16 UT. day 212.
Command session to tune DET1:
20:18 UT Started with DET1 HV at step B6. Adequate fec counts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B8, down to B6, and left it there.
Voltage level B6 has ~20% fewer counts than the peak at B7.
Finished session at 20:24 UT.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
09/12/2005 2005_255 A Polar GTM2 upset occurred at ~16:30 UT or earlier.
Spacecraft communications were restored by ~19:10 UT.
A TIMAS recovery cmd session, started at 19:25 UT,
only time left on pass to turn off TIMAS HV, reset TIMAS,
and set TIMAS contingency mode, ended session at 19:42.
09/13/2005 2005_256 16:45 UT A noisy com link at POCC prevented TIMAS recovery
cmd session today.
09/14/2005 2005_257 The TIMAS recovery cmd session completed today,
TIMAS restored to full operation at 19:31 UT. day 257.
Command session to tune DET1:
19:34 UT Started with DET1 HV at step B6. Adequate fec counts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B8, down to B6, and left it there.
Voltage level B6 has ~20% fewer counts than the peak at B7.
Finished session at 19:41 UT.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
S/C Attitude Adjust. Nov 16, 2005
A planned one day maneuver 16 Nov 2005.
11/16/2005 2005_320 Following realtime commands:
14:59 UT Turn off TIMAS High voltage PROC PITIMHVOFF2
Following realtime commands to restore TIMAS ops:
18:00 UT spin rate = 9.995 RPM (lt 10.000 RPM = OK )
18:11 UT Turn on TIMAS High voltage TIMAS back to full operation.
18:12 UT Start session to tune DET1.
DET1 HV at step B6: Adequate fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B8, down to B6,
and left it there. Level B6 has ~15% fewer cts than the
peak at B7. Finished session at 18:18 UT.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
Date DOY Time (UT) Event
S/C Attitude Adjust. Feb 07, 2006
A planned one day maneuver 07 Feb 2006.
02/07/2006 2006_038 Following realtime commands:
19:39 UT Turn off TIMAS High voltage PROC PITIMHVOFF2
2006_038 Following realtime commands to restore TIMAS ops:
22:32 UT spin rate = 9.996 RPM (lt 10.000 RPM = OK )
22:39 UT Turn on TIMAS High voltage TIMAS back to full operation.
22:43 UT Start session to tune DET1.
DET1 HV at step B6: Adequate fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B8, down to B6,
and left it there. Level B6 has ~15% fewer cts than the
peak at B7. Finished session at 22:49 UT.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
04/18/2006 2006_108 A Polar GTM2 upset occurred at ~20:11 UT.
04/19/2006 2006_109 A TIMAS recovery cmd session, started at 13:04 UT,
TIMAS restored to full operation at 16:45 UT. day 109.
Command session to tune DET1:
16:46 UT Started with DET1 HV at step B6. Adequate fec counts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B8, down to B6, and left it there.
Voltage level B6 has ~10% fewer counts than the peak at B7.
Finished session at 16:55 UT.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
S/C Attitude Adjust. Nov 06, 2006
A planned one day maneuver 06 Nov 2006.
11/06/2006 2006_310 Following realtime commands:
11:59 UT Turn off TIMAS High voltage PROC PITIMHVOFF2
2006_310 Following realtime commands to restore TIMAS ops:
14:34 UT spin rate = 9.98 RPM (lt 10.000 RPM = OK )
14:45 UT Turn on TIMAS High voltage TIMAS back to full operation.
14:48 UT Start session to tune DET1.
DET1 HV at step B6: Adequate fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B8, down to B6,
and left it there. Level B6 has ~25% fewer cts than the
peak at B7. Finished session at 14:55 UT.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
12/17/2006 2006_351 Session to restore TIMAS High Voltage
POCC noticed that housekeeping values on TIMAS and several other
instruments were degraded during pass data collection.
Reviewed TIMAS realtime data next pass at 2330, all looked OK
except that High voltage was off. started RTC session to turn on
TIMAS high voltage and tune DET1.
23:52 UT Turned on TIMAS High voltage.
TIMAS back to full operation.
23:54 UT Start session to tune DET1.
DET1 HV at step B6: Adequate fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B8, down to B6,
and left it there. Level B6 has ~25% fewer cts
than the peak at B7.
Finished session at 00:10 UT 2/18/2006 2006_352
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
Date DOY Time (UT) Event
S/C Attitude Adjust. Jan 09, 2007
A planned one day maneuver 09 Jan 2007.
01/09/2007 2007_009 Following realtime commands:
14:02 UT Turn off TIMAS High voltage PROC PITIMHVOFF2
2007_009 Following realtime commands to restore TIMAS ops:
19:46 UT spin rate = 9.99 RPM (lt 10.000 RPM = OK )
19:54 UT Turn on TIMAS High voltage TIMAS back to full operation.
19:57 UT Start session to tune DET1.
DET1 HV at step B6: Adequate fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B8, down to B6,
and left it there. Level B6 has ~25% fewer cts than the
peak at B7. Finished session at 20:11 UT.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
S/C Attitude Adjust. Feb 26 – Mar 03 2007
This may be the final maneuver operation for TIMAS
PRE-MANEUVER Feb 26, 2007
02/26/2007 2007_057 Following realtime commands:
13:41 UT Turn off TIMAS High voltage PROC PITIMHVOFF2
POST-MANEUVER Mar 02, 2007
03/02/2007 2007_061 Following realtime commands to restore TIMAS ops:
13:39 UT spin rate = 9.983 RPM (lt 10.000 RPM = OK )
13:46 UT Turn on TIMAS High voltage PROC PITIMHVON3
TIMAS back to full operation.
13:48 UT Start session to tune DET1.
DET1 HV at step B6: Adequate fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B9, down to B6,
and left it there. Level B6 has ~10% fewer cts than the
peak at B7. Finished session at 13:59 UT.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
05/15/2007 2007_135 TIMAS, CAMMICE, TIDE Power off to conserve Polar
power during eclipse period.
03:53:59 – 04:01:11 CAMMICE/HIT Power down
04:02:05 – 04:10:54 TIDE Power down
04:11:10 – 04;20:50 TIMAS power down (TIM129.RTC)
04:36:59 Comm system turned off
05/30/2007 2007_150 TIMAS main power up, restore to full operations.
17:08 UT spin rate = 9.982 RPM (lt 10.000 RPM = OK )
17:10 UT TIMAS main power on
17:11 UT Reset TIMAS
17:15-17:38 UT configure, load tables,
17:49 UT Turn on TIMAS High voltage PROC PITIMHVON3
TIMAS back to full operation.
17:43 UT Start session to tune DET1.
DET1 HV at step B6: Adequate fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B8, down to B6,
and left it there. Level B6 has ~10% fewer cts than the
peak at B7. Finished session at 13:57 UT.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
S/C Attitude Adjust Aug 21 – Aug 24 2007
This may be the final maneuver operation for TIMAS
PRE-MANEUVER Aug 21, 2007
08/21/2007 2007_233 Following realtime commands:
14:48 UT Turn off TIMAS High voltage PROC PITIMHVOFF2
POST-MANEUVER Aug 24, 2007
08/24/2007 2007_236 Following realtime commands to restore TIMAS ops:
22:00 UT spin rate = RPM (lt 10.000 RPM = OK )
22:16 UT Turn on TIMAS High voltage PROC PITIMHVON3
TIMAS back to full operation.
22:18 UT Start session to tune DET1.
DET1 HV at step B6: Adequate fec cts.
Ran DET1 in single steps up to B8,
down to B5, up to B6,and left it there.
Level B6 has ~15% fewer cts than the
peak at B7. Finished session at 22:26 UT.
Result: DET1 high voltage remains at B6.
Date DOY Time (UT) Event
Load Shed Event Jan 24 2008
The Polar spacecraft executed a loadshed event this morning, January 24,
2008 between 0435 UT and 0830 UT. All instruments were shut off by the
loadshed and the stored command table was suspended. On the next
pass, the Flight Operations Team manually commanded the Polar transmitter
on. Telemetry was received immediately and the Polar FOT began diagnosing
the problem. Telemetry indicates that the
spacecraft had experienced an Under-voltage-1 condition leading to the
loadshed. The trip point for the under voltage condition has been commanded
from 21.0 V to 19.6 V. This can be lowered to 19.1 V
or deactivated if necessary. At this time, all indications are that the
Polar spacecraft is operating nominally.
The FOT are still in the process of determining the exact cause of the
under-voltage condition, but the working hypothesis is that this problem is
related to the eclipse season that Polar began on January
20th. The scheduled contacts are being extended to allow the instruments to
be brought back on line quickly and staffing arrangements are being made for
the weekend. The last loadshed event
for Polar was July 29, 2004.
The spacecraft has been recovered. The next step is to recover the
instruments. We have the procedures used during the last load shed in July 2004
Jan 26 2008 TIMAS main power up, restore to full operations.
15:10 UT spin rate = 9.989 RPM (lt 10.000 RPM = OK )
15:13 UT TIMAS main power on
15:15-17:39 UT configure, load tables,
15:47 UT Turn on TIMAS High voltage PROC PITIMHVON3
15:55 UT TIMAS back to full operation.
Jan 28 2008 The recovery time for MFE was at 028/18:51:55-19:29
Feb 11 2008 15:53:56 TIMAS HV OFF for last flip manoever
We asked to leave the power on but the request was denied
The last hyrazine was burned during this flip. The flip was completed using the He pressurization gas.
Feb 21 2008 TIMAS main power up, restore to full operations.
18:45 UT spin rate = 9.974 RPM (lt 10.000 RPM = OK )
18:57 UT Turn on TIMAS High voltage PROC PITIMHVON3
19:05 UT TIMAS back to full operation.
13:22 UT Turn of TIMAS High voltage
Prepared by Bill Peterson
Last updated 04/16/2008 by Daryl Carr