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TIMAS NRT Monitoring

/timas/local/operations/doc/timas_nrt_monitor_doc   DLCARR 17 Oct 98


TIMAS Operations phone numbers/email:

Daryl Carr (Lockheed)		650-424-2044 (W  Bldg 255)
				415-271-5113 (H  cell phone)
				970-229-0726 (Fort Collins, Colorado)
                                415-454-6742 (San Rafael, CA Lucy)
				706-265-1307 (Atlanta, GA - daughter Suzy)
				770-271-4438 (Atlanta, GA - daughter Shannon)

Dave Chenette (Lockheed)        650-424-3449 (W  Bldg 255)
				560-854-7789 (H  Palo Alto)

Harry Collin (Lockheed)		650-424-3445 (W  Bldg 255)
				650-856-3891 (H  Palo Alto)

Jerry Drake (Lockheed)		650-424-3404 (W  Bldg 252)
				650-424-3333 (W  FAX  Bldg 252)
				408-730-4824 (H  Cupertino, CA)
				209-795-6320 (H  BlueLake Springs, CA)

Gary Heyman (Lockheed)		650-424-3063 (W  Bldg 255)
				650-424-3206 (W  Bldg 252)
				650-965-1777 (H  Mtn View)
				800-SKY-PAGE, PIN=255-0217# (pager)
                                800-759-7243  2550217#  YourNumber#

Tony Magoncelli (Lockheed)	650-424-3438 (W  Bldg 255)
                		510-643-9515 (W  Berkeley)
				415-431-9793 (H  San Francisco)
				415-921-1156 (H  Parents)

Bill Peterson (Lockheed)	650-424-3269 (W  Bldg 255)
				650-322-5872 (H  Palo Alto)
                                303-492-0686 (W  Boulder,CO)
                                303-333-5609 (H  Denver, CO)
                                email: pete@willow.Colorado.EDU

Ed Shelley (Lockheed)		541-552-1491 (H  Ashland, OR)

Ron Black (SwRI)		210-522-3562 (W)
				210-235-5487 (pager)
				210-647-8686 (H)

POCC                    	301-286-9313,7  (GSFC Bldg 14)
  Polar Operations Control Center
  Steve: telemetry questions, upload realtime commands, nrt data

TIMAS Ground Station (POCC)     301-286-0726

TIMAS modem (POCC)          	301-286-3100 x-60726
  (modem on B, while ringing switch to A on A/B switch box)


SCAMA				301-286-5473 (SCAMA 158) or 8737

TIMAS GSE Rm. OF-121, B. 255	650-424-3302

Gerry Blackwell (GSFC)		301-794-2318

Carol (GSFC Y2K)		301-286-8675

Mike Cassidy (GSFC)		301-286-7163

John Galloway (GSFC IM)		301-286-4874
				800-SKY-PAGE, PIN=517-0777
				301-294-2542 (H)
				301-286-1736 (FAX at GSFC)

Ed Macy (GSFC OPS Manager)	301-286-0762

Bill Mish (GSFC)		301-286-5444

PAC (GSFC) 		        301-286-9453

Chris Raymond (SPOF)		301-286-7864
   				301-303-9078 (pager)

Ann Strickling (GSFC)  		301-286-9453

Ken Tom (POCC Manager)		301-286-0666

John Wainwright (GSFC OPS)	301-286-0724

Sheila	Wroe (GSFC)		301-286-2487,-9453

SAGNET dial in:


nrt monitoring procedure:
NOTE: Use "go_nrt" instead of "nrt" :
The nrt program has been upgraded and renamed as "go_nrt"
If there is any doubt about the "go_nrt" connection, just re-run "go_nrt".
It will automatically kill any old "go_nrt" that may be running.
A command script "nrt_check" has been added to give status of NRT data
processing. It will tell if you are collecting data during an active pass time.

telnet     The nrt code is now on timas

type "nrt_check"            Verifies that  nrt process is running.
                            If not running the response message will tell you
                            to type "go_nrt" to restart nrt process

If nrt process not running then:
type "go_nrt"   and do "returns" for default values for login process.
Any old "go_nrt" that may be running will automatically be killed.

If go_nrt login process (to istp6 or istp7) fails with read socket error,
then call PAC Ann Strickling and ensure that stip1, istp6, istp7 are up.

After confirming that "go_nrt" is running then run following processes:
  - get_spins data-nrt date-3/6/97
  - dps fec
  - hk
  - hkstat

If I failed to collect the nrt data on realtime passes,
I can get it from CDHF:
cd /timas/data/nrt
ftp> cd polar_nrttl:[polar_nrt.tim]
250 Connected to POLAR_NRTTL:[POLAR_NRT.TIM].
ftp> ls
200 Port 190.156 at Host accepted.
150 List started.
get po_lz_tim_20000704_v01.0945
Now, modify name to po_lz_tim_20000704_v01.dat
then run it either for survey plots, or thru
get_spins, hk, etc

An efficient way to make the processes run simultaneously is to
 open a new cmdtool window for each process.
If you are running from a remote computer and want to display windows:
Before you telnet to TIMAS type "xhost timas"
After you have logged onto TIMAS, type"setenv DISPLAY YourComputerName:0"
Now you can create cmdtool windows for each process.

Some useful commands:
process      open process
Ctrl z       suspend process
bg process   restarts and put process into background
fg process   bring process to foreground
Ctrl c       kill process
zapmem       clears get_spins buffer if problem
zap go_nrt   kills the process
nrt_check    See if go_nrt is running.  use it after you start go_nrt to make
                 sure that 2 go_nrt's are not running
Ctrl H       Use for backspace on the MAC
ps -ef |grep nrt

If zapmem cannot clear memory, log on as superuser (root),
then:  /timas/code/gse/release/zapmem
This should clear any memory that was owned by root...

If you cant acquire the data stream:
- Verify the pass times
- zapmem
- Restart go_nrt
- nrt_check
- Call POC at 301-286-9313, ask if pass is acquired and downloadin nrt data
- Call Carr, peterson, Drake, or Heyman for help.

GaryH suggested a way to monitor on a mac when you have only one screen:
  the trick is to first make sure go_nrt running in bkgd, then start the
  get_spins program with output directed to null, so that it is not in the
   way when you run hk, hkstat, dps progrmas serially:

      get_spins data-nrt date-04/18/97 >! /dev/null &
      dps fec
      fg fg# (bring get_spins to foreground then can terminate with a Ctrl C
         or ps -ef | grep get_spins, then kill proc#

Another hint: to set a key:
stty function  'hit a key'    eg stty erase 

Note: I can do monitoring even if I miss a pass by replaying nrt data using:
   get_spins play step data-lz dir-/timas/data/nrt date-05/25/99 time-00:04:00
   hk play
     now back to get_spins to step thru.
   hkstat play
     now back to get_spins to step thru.
   dps fec play
     now back to get_spins to step thru.

Run dps:

dps needs to have get_spins running before it will work: you can start dps,
but must then start get_spins in order to collect data..
This is because get_spins provides the args to identify the data, sets up
a shared memory link for dps to find the specified data when it is called.

get_spins play step data-lz dir-/timas/data/lz date-02/05/99 time-00:04:00
dps esweep play
now back to get_spins to step thru.

or without stepping::
 dps esweep play
then  get_spins play data-lz dir-/timas/data/lz date-02/05/99 time-00:04:00

Here is an example of what I did on 5/26/99 to look at possible bad files:

Check playlist code answers to monitor problem
I saved one of the offending nrt files:
and did playlist run:
   get_spins play step data-lz dir-/timas/data/nrt date-05/25/99 time-00:04:00
   hk play
     now back to get_spins to step thru.
   hkstat play
     now back to get_spins to step thru.
   dps fec play
     now back to get_spins to step thru.
Result: could not read file, same error as before

I next tried next day file po_lz_tim_19990525_v99.dat,
and successfully stepped through the data, got monitor values..


 dps help
Running dps ( %Z% %M% v%I% - %G% )
Parameters enclosed in [] are optional.
If [] parameter is not present all members of group are displayed.
Command Summary:
Spin Filters:
    odd          Turn off display of even spins
    even         Turn off display of odd spins
Instrument imode filters:
    all-mode     Display ALL Spin headers (default)
    no-mode      Display No Spin Headers
    sci-mode     Display Science Spin headers
    scical-mode  Display Science Cal-On Spin headers
    mcp-mode     Display MCP CAL Spin headers
    event-mode   Display EVENT Spin headers
    dump-mode    Display DUMP Spin headers
    engr-mode    Display ENGINEERING Spin headers
Data Product filters:
    all-dp   Display all DP data
    no-dp    Display no DP data (default)
    ms[n]    Display mass spectra data products, n=1-8
    lrdf[nm] Display lrdf data product n=1-4, m=a,b
    mrdf[nm] Display mrdf data product n=1-4, m=a,b
    pad[nm]	 Display pad data product n= 1-4, m= a,b
    fec      Display fast event count data product
    pec      Display processed event count data product
    bcr      Display background count rate data product
    mcp      Display MCP PHA data product
    event    diplay event data product
    dump[-nnn]  Display dump data product nnn= dp, imp or mlut
    engr[-nnn]  Display engineering data product
                nnn= hv, ea1, ea2, cmd
     play      Playback mode enabled, read data from playlink/playlist
    -bell      Disable console bell at error conditions
    -dp        Disable DP headers
    -sh        Disable Spin headers
DPS only:
     address=0xnnnnnn start address of DUMP
     length=nnnnn     length of DUMP
     checksum=nnnnnn  expected checksum of DUMP
Special Data product filters (dps only):
    esweep   	 Generate a sweeping ps, monitor report- all
    esweep-pa    Generate a sweeping ps, monitor report- pa
    esweep-ea[n] Generate a sweeping ps, monitor report- ea
    raw          Supress data product unique display
    sum          Generate a summary data product display
    -decomp      Supress De-precompression of DP data
Engineering Monitor Filters(dps only):
MISC (dps only):
    coeffs       Display analog conversion coeffs., then exit dps
    sh  Print full spin header


If you want to review an nrt data, they are same format as any tim_lz
data file, so you can use the same diagnostic tools, noting however that
you do not have the scr or spha or or_pre files available which are required by some of the programs.  But, you can always run "view_edp:

e.g.  view_edp ms1 dir-/timas/data/nrt date-09/29/98 time-00:04:00 dsecs-600  > ms1_980929.dat

or if you dont know the times of the data:

view_edp ms1 dir-/timas/data/nrt date-09/29/98 time-00:04:00 > ms1_980929.dat

Example of a monitor session:
login: carr

timas% nrt_check

go_nrt running since Aug_05
Process ID: 12081
%cpu ussage: 0.0
Last MaF received at UT= 17:38:05:0 08/06/1997 MaF=70
Current UT  is:          17:41:16     08/06/97

timas% get_spins data-nrt date-3/6/97     start get_spins
Start at: 06-Mar-1997 00:00:00
Stop  at: 06-Mar-1997 23:59:59
Running get_spins (@(#) get_spins.c v1.20 - 09/12/96)

HOME= /export/home/carr
Creating shared memory for spins
Starting control process
Creating data product spin files in /export/home/timas/timas/spins
(getdatafile) Opened /timas/data/nrt/po_lz_tim_19970305_v99
Skip to end of file
Awaiting next MaF

spin: 08/1/040     16:58:04.602 03/05/97 UT  length: 3768      SCIENCE
9995959595  elut    e_range  reduced_e      stim: OFF  mode_change: NO
state/cmd: ROM/ROM  STD/LOW   NO /NO         dtc: ENA   ICP_table#: 006
       dp: R=1 ID=20 E=0 A=0 length=00F5    FEC
       dp: R=1 ID=21 E=0 A=0 length=00F5    PEC
       dp: R=1 ID=22 E=0 A=0 length=0063    BCR
       dp: R=1 ID=10 E=1 A=0 length=033D    MRDF1A
       dp: R=1 ID=12 E=1 A=0 length=01FE    MRDF2A
       dp: R=1 ID=16 E=1 A=0 length=0248    MRDF4A
       dp: R=1 ID=13 E=0 A=0 length=0146    MRDF2B
       dp: R=1 ID=17 E=0 A=0 length=016E    MRDF4B
       dp: R=1 ID=11 E=0 A=0 length=01EC    MRDF1B

spin: 09/1/041     16:58:04.602 03/05/97 UT  length: 2589      SCIENCE
9595959595  elut    e_range  reduced_e      stim: OFF  mode_change: NO
state/cmd: ROM/ROM  STD/LOW   NO /NO         dtc: ENA   ICP_table#: 006
       dp: R=1 ID=01 E=0 A=0 length=0187    MS2

Now put it in bkgnd or switch to a new screen for dps, hk, and hkstat:

timas@cis% dps fec   look at fec outputs
Running dps ( @(#) display_product.c v1.40 - 09/10/96 )
FEC DP data filter enabled
/* conversions.txt v1.6   03/07/96 conversion coefficients */

*spin_index= 16Waiting for NEXT spin ...
spin: 24/1/056  3185 bytes  16:59:36.602 03/05/97 UT v1.42      mode: SCIENCE
            elut   e_range  reduced_e       stim: OFF  mode_change: NO
state/cmd: ROM/ROM  STD/LOW   NO /NO         dtc: ENA   ICP_table#: 006
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Data product: length rice energy angle id
                             0245  YES    --     --  20    FEC
WARNING: Compressed data(245) >= expected data(240)
RICE decompressed from 245 to 240 bytes
Spin    De-precompressed Counts (DEC)
Sector           Energy  Sequence\Step -->
        0\14  1\12  2\10  3\8   4\6   5\4   6\2   7   8\BG  9\26 10\24 11\22 12\20 13\18 14\16
   00:   308   308   297   278   308   341   391   570   287   353   330   365   341   308   297
   01:   341   297   287   278   287   319   308   551   260   330   341   391   353   330   308
   02:   297   308   297   269   260   341   365   551   226   330   365   353   330   278   287
   03:   278   251   251   278   269   297   378   551   251   308   365   330   341   269   260
   04:   287   260   287   278   287   287   353   532   260   297   341   341   330   260   260
   05:   251   278   269   319   278   353   365   551   242   330   319   378   341   308   278
   06:   319   251   319   297   269   353   378   610   251   341   341   378   287   297   319
   07:   278   297   269   297   287   341   341   631   269   319   378   391   319   269   278
   08:   278   287   297   297   278   341   391   653   260   319   330   365   341   287   308
   09:   234   278   308   260   278   330   391   676   287   297   319   330   297   260   278
   10:   287   278   278   278   269   278   341   551   234   287   341   297   297   260   251
   11:   278   269   269   242   242   251   330   570   226   297   319   341   319   242   278
   12:   269   269   287   287   260   297   330   551   260   297   341   365   308   287   234
   13:   278   278   287   260   251   278   378   532   260   297   365   365   308   251   269
   14:   278   260   269   260   287   308   330   449   260   319   341   365   319   319   251
   15:   251   278   278   260   269   319   330   497   278   297   330   308   287   287   287
Counts/spin:   76416  Counts/accum:  318.4  Spin: 24/1/56    16:59:36.602 03/05/97 UT v1.42 FEC

timas@cis% hk   look at housekeeping parameter values
Running hk (v1.18 )
/* conversions.txt v1.6   03/07/96 conversion coefficients */

getenv"TZ")= US/Pacific...

mode: NORMAL/SCIENCE      TLM  errors:
TIMAS power: ON               Temps (Deg C)                   Maj Fr: 060
INP Current (mA):   410     ICDPS:  36.4  EA1:  56.8       SuperSpin: 1
+5V          (V):  4.95        uP:  31.6  EA2:  66.3         Cmd Cnt: 181
+15V         (V):  11.9        ME:  49.8   PA:  41.0
VAC IMON    (mA):  93.2       SEN:  34.9   PS:  37.9
V BIAS       (V):  25.3                                 Overcurrent Status
+10             :  ON 	                  EA1: OFF   EA2: OFF   DTPS: OFF

HV Status: ENA  ROM STANDARD  HV                 PWR  IMON HVMON  DAC
     PWR  CTRL   +VF   -VF    REF   VSEL  DTPS1: ON   33.0  2607  BC
EA1: ON   ENA   -0.77  0.73  4175    0    DTPS2: ON   34.4  2607  BC
EA2: ON   ENA   -0.77  0.80  4195    0     PABS: ON   12.4
PA1: ON   ENA   -0.69        3225     PS_settle: 8
PA2: ON   ENA   -0.69        3198                           DET Elect.
                                   CTRL          DAC        STIM    : DIS
ARM Status: ARM  FULL       ANODE: ENA -0.53 VF  C0          Disc Adj:  2
TIMAS ARM : ARM               MCP: ENA -3580 HV  2          PHA Mode: DIS
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 16:59:55.002 03/05/97 UT (hk v1.18 ) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
^C  exit hk

timas@cis% hkstat  look at housekeeping status values
Running hkstat v1.13
getenv("TZ")= US/Pacific...
mode: NORMAL/SCIENCE      TLM  errors:
TIMAS power: ON                Command/TLM Status            Maj Fr: 089
                                 Cmd Receipt: OK          SuperSpin: 3
Instrument Mode: SCIENCE        Cmd Executed: OK            Cmd Cnt: 181
    Mode Change: NO               DP Command: OK
                                   Data Load: OK
                                   TLM Queue: OK
Esweep Control                   ICP Control: OK
LUT Source: ROM                ICP Parameter: OK
      Mode: STD                          PAD: OK
   Reduced: NO                                     Initialization Status
                           LUT Status                     IMP      DP
                             MLUT: OK               RAM:  OK       OK
 Operations                Esweep: OK               ROM:  OK       OK
      DP Health: OK                          Shared RAM:  OK       OK
  Data Acq Mode: SUN                        Data/MS Acq:           OK
Debug Initiated: NO                           TLM Valid:  YES
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 17:04:21.802 03/05/97 UT (hk v1.13 ) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

timas% exit
Connection closed.
