Admin & Super Admins:

You are logged in as an Admin or Super Admin user. 
Please add/remove, and edit posts, events, and pages from primary WordPress dashboard.You must be logged in as an Editor level or below to access the user dashboard.

User Profile Setup

Complete this form to set up your LASP public user profile.

Once your profile has been submitted, it will take us a day or so to approve your account, and set it up at the proper location.    Once your request has been processed, your account will appear online and we will email you to let you know the account URL.  

  • Display Name – First and Last *
    The ending part of the URL to your our LASP Professional page will be built at 
  • Job Title(s) – * (one required)
    List up to 3
  • User Bio * 
    no more than 1500 characters.
  • User Profile Picture *
    (see profile picture guidelines at the bottom of the page)

LASP User Profile Image Guidelines


  • JPEG images only
  • Image crop: Square-cropped images only to match the profile image standard set by CU
  • Image scale: 600 x 600px pre-formatted jpeg images are preferred.  (smallest image size allowed = 300 X 300px)
  • File-size: 1MB maximum image size
  • Clothing / attire: Professional or business casual attire.  Please keep it professional and refrain from overly-revealing clothing.
  • Props & pets: Please do not use hats, sunglasses, or pets, or props  in profile pictures.   
  • Pose and position: shoulders facing forward (NOTE: a small amount of shoulder-tilt or body-turn is ok.)  Please try to submit a profile picture that is as close as possible to the examples below.  Eyes should be looking at the camera
  • Filters & Color: avoid heavy use of image filters, artistic effects, stylized images, and black & white images.

Sample Images


These are examples of images that meet our user image guidelines.
Images will be presented in either a square, or a masked circle throughout the site.

Bad Example Images

User profile already exist.