MMS Workshops

June 6 - 8, 2023

9th MMS Community Workshop
University of Colorado, Boulder

Important Dates:
Meeting dates: June 6th 2023 – June 8th 2023
Submission and registration: Opens March 1
Early Registration deadline: April 14
Late Registration deadline: May 5
Virtual Registration deadline: May 22
Abstract submission deadline: May 15

Phase 8D Multi-mission Conjunction Opportunity

>3 missions conjunctions with MMS, ARASE, THEMIS and/or Cluster, some with foot point in North-American sector 

Presentation by Nakamura, Y. Miyoshi, N. Kitamura:  MMS-ARASE Conjunction observations during Phase 8d,(9a) - slides attached here.

MMS Calibration and Measurement Algorithms Document (CMAD)

v2.0 Released 22 November 2022

includes and supersedes previous Instrument User Guides

Appendix G - CMAD - MMS_SeniorReview2023_v22Nov2022.pdf

Comments/Additions are always welcome. Send those to Ashley Barrett (, who will forward them to the appropriate team for inclusion.

Special Issues

Physics of Plasmas
"Plasma Physics from the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission”

Closed for submissions, the Special Issue is available online here. A limited number of hard copies will be printed and distributed. More details to come soon.

Guest Editors: Julia E. Stawarz (Imperial College London) and Kevin Genestreti (Southwest Research Institute)

MMS Science Telecons

Tuesdays, 10:00 am | Central US Time | 1 hour

Join the meeting

May 23, 2023

APL/Aerospace: Hosted by Ian Cohen

Sanjay Chepuri (Univ. of Iowa): “A Comparison of Energetic Particle Energization Observations at MMS and Injections at Van Allen Probes” 

Yulun Liou (Embry-Riddle Aero Univ.): “Statistical Study of the Energetic Electron Microinjections at the High-latitude Magnetosphere” 

Xun Zhu (JHU/APL): “Effects of Resistivity on the Reconstructed Plasma Fields Revealed by a Three-Dimensional Empirical Reconstruction Model” -


NOTE for those that visit NASA Goddard – A new Main Gate entrance and badging office on ICESat Road will be operational beginning April 17 (see map). The new badging office in Building 17 is intended to provide an improved experience for visitors and employees. 

When hosting, please feel free to think broadly about your approach. For example,

  • It is perfectly fine to have fewer, longer presentations rather than the standard three short presentations.
  • Consider simply leading a discussion of an open question, a new event, or an analysis/simulation tutorial.
  • Invite people to present that are “further afield” than your own team. (e.g., a newly published paper of interest.)
  • If your week overlaps with a major conference or MMS SWT meeting, please anticipate that telecon will be cancelled.

As always, every host prioritizes anyone from across our community that wishes to present their new material for feedback from the team, especially to check the use or interpretations of the datasets.

If you are a "late breaking" co-author addition to an about-to-be submitted paper, it is a good practice to ask the author of that paper to present at this forum.

Orbits / Formations / SROIs - Year 8

Find previous Years / Orbit Phases / SRIO maps here

FY24-FY25 Formation Change

Details submitted to the MOC/SOC
2023 Senior Review Proposal

Links to Other Meetings:

2023 US-Japan Workshop on Magnetic Reconnection, from Jun. 26 to Jun. 29, 2023, at Daiwa Royal Hotel, Ise Shima, Japan

Links to Previous Meetings:

Want to add a meeting to this list?  Please feel free to log in and hit that "edit" button.
(both at the upper right corner of the screen).