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MEETING ZOOM DETAILS (All Sessions except Splinter #6)

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Password: 860924


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(5 Apr)

(6 Apr)

(7 Apr)

(8 Apr)

(9 Apr)

Morning Session

Splinter #1

Reconnection, Turbulence,  & Waves

Splinter #3

Transient Magnetopause Processes

Splinter #4

Collisionless Shocks

Plenary #2

Outbriefs from Splinter Sessions

(10a-12p Eastern; 7-9a Pacific;
4-6p Paris; 11p-1a Tokyo)

Afternoon Session

Plenary #1

Mission Updates

Splinter #2

MMS in the HSO


Splinter #5

Electron-only Reconnection

Splinter #6

Particle Acceleration

(1-3p Eastern; 10a-12p Pacific;
7-9p Paris; 2-4a Tokyo)

Please refresh your browser windows frequently as folks will be updating continuously

Plenary Session #1

Monday, April 5 (Afternoon)

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Eastern
(10a-12p Pacific; 7-9p Paris; 2-4a Tokyo)

Mission Updates


Chairs/Organizers: Ian Cohen

PresenterTalk TitleTime
Ian Cohen (APL)Welcome & Meeting Logistics10 min
Jim Burch (SwRI)Project Updates10 min
Seth Shulman (GSFC)Mission Status/MOC Updates20 min
Trevor Williams (GSFC)Formation Updates20 min
Gina Lafferty (LASP)POC Updates20 min
Kris Larsen (LASP)SDC Updates20 min

Splinter Session #1

Tuesday, April 6 (Morning)

10:00 am - 12:00 pm Eastern
(7-9a Pacific; 4-6p Paris; 11p-1a Tokyo)

Reconnection, Turbulence, & Waves


Chairs/Organizers: Shan Wang, Bill Matthaeus, Alexandros Chasapis, Riddhi Bandyopadhyay, Rohit Chhiber, Roman Gomez, Li-Jen Chen

PresenterTalk TitleTime
Matthew ArgallKinetic entropy and information loss with MMS10:02 EST
Kyunghwan DokgoEnergy dissipation via upper-hybrid waves10:12
Rick WilderWhistler wave observations10:22
Naoki BesshoWhistler waves due to nongyrotropic and gyrotropic electron beams in asymmetric guide field reconnection10:32
Giulia CozzaniThe structure of a perturbed EDR with electromagnetic fluctuations at the lower-hybrid frequency10:42
Deirdre WendelDissipation and Angular Momentum in Reconnection10:52
Riddhi BandyopadhyayDissipation, J.E and Pressure-Strain Interaction11:02
Michael HesseCan low-density inflow drive current sheet turbulence?11:12
Subash AdhikariReconnection as a Turbulence Process11:22
Owen RobertsPreliminary study of the electron density spectrum at high frequencies in the turbulent magnetotail11:32

Open Discussions11:42

Splinter Session #2

Tuesday, April 6 (Afternoon)

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Eastern
(10a-12p Pacific; 7-9p Paris; 2-4a Tokyo)

MMS as part of the Heliophysics System Observatory


Chairs/Organizers: Rachael Filwett, Sarah Vines, Allison Jaynes

PresenterTalk TitleTIME
Rachael FilwettBrief Session Introduction
Rumi NakamuraScene-Setting: Multi-point observations of dipolarization during an intense substorm
Craig KletzingScene-Setting: The science of TRACERS and how it informs M-I coupling and reconnection
Kevin GenestretiScene-Setting: Magnetotail reconnection onset: multi-mission observations
Mojtaba Akhavan-TaftiScene-Setting: Magnetic Reconnection in Extreme Plasma Environments
Christine GabrielseScene-Setting: Energetic Particles in Two Different Regions: Plasma Sheet and Solar Wind 
                                             HSO Discussion Breakouts
                                                 Summary Discussion

Followed by topical discussion groups will be focusing on: (1) solar wind (including bow shock and transients); (2) M-I coupling; (3) inner magnetosphere; (4) outer magnetosphere - dayside; (5) outer magnetosphere - tail. We will provide initial discussion questions to jump-start group dialogue. 

Additionally, we are looking for graduate student or post-doc volunteers to be discussion-facilitators and notetakers in our discussion groups. If you are interested in assisting in these discussion groups please send an email to

Splinter Session #3

Wednesday, April 7 (Morning)

10:00 am - 12:00 pm Eastern
(7-9a Pacific; 4-6p Paris; 11p-1a Tokyo)

Transient Processes at the Earth's Magnetopause


Chairs/Organizers: Rungployphan Kieokaew, Kyoung-Joo Hwang,
Julia Stawarz, Benoit Lavraud, Vincent Genot

SpeakerTalk TitleTime
Kevin BlaslInduced secondary instabilities at the edges of the KH-waves and at the vortex arms during southward IMF10:00
Adriana SettinoKinetic features in the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability10:15
Katariina NykyriDiamagnetic cavities -high-latitude, dayside source of energetic particles in the Earth’s magnetosphere10:30
Rungployphan KieokaewDiscussion and summary (+short advertisements)10:45
Yi QiFlux rope interactions in the magnetosphere and beyond
Marcos SilveiraFlux transfer event with an electron-scale substructure observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission11:15
Rungployphan KieokaewOverview and recent advances in flux rope and interlinked flux tube studies in magnetospheric environments11:30
Joo HwangDiscussion and summary (+short advertisements)11:45

Poster Session & Social Gathering

Wednesday, April 7 (Afternoon)

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Eastern
(10a-12p Pacific; 7-9p Paris; 2-4a Tokyo)

General Contributions


Chairs/Organizers: Romina Nikoukar, Ian Cohen

Splinter Session #4

Thursday, April 8 (Morning)

10:00 am - 12:00 pm Eastern
(7-9a Pacific; 4-6p Paris; 11p-1a Tokyo)

Collisionless Shocks


Chairs/Organizers: Steve Schwartz, Hadi Madanian,
Lynn Wilson, Drew Turner, Lijen Chen

SpeakerTalk TitleTime
Takanobu AmanoPIC Simulations of collisionless shocks10:00
Michael StarkeyPick-up Helium at collisionless shocks10:20
Ivan VaskoElectric fields at collisionless shocks10:40
Imogen GingellCurrent sheets and reconnection in the context of the bow shock11:00
Drew TurnerFuture goals and mission/instrument ideas for collisionless shock research11:20
OpenOne-slide presentations and discussion11:40

Splinter Session #5

Thursday, April 8 (Afternoon)

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Eastern
(10a-12p Pacific; 7-9p Paris; 2-4a Tokyo)

Electron-only Reconnection


Chairs/Organizers: Julia Stawarz, Prayash Pyakurel

PresenterTalk TitleTime
Julia StawarzIntroduction1:00pm (5 min)
Steve Schwartz et al.Energy Conversion within Current Sheets in the Earth's Quasi-parallel Magnetosheath1:05pm
(10 + 5 min)
Imogen et al.Electron-only reconnection at the bow shock1:20pm (10 +5 min)
Mark Hubbert et al.Electron-Only Magnetotail Current Sheets and Their Temporal Evolution1:35pm (10 + 5 min)
Rick WilderInteractions between whistler waves and parallel electric fields in electron-only magnetosheath reconnection1:50pm (3 + 2 min)
Alexandros ChasapisElectron-scale structures and electron acceleration in magnetosheath turbulence1:55pm (3 + 2 min)
Riddhi BandyopadhyayDissipation in electron-only reconnection: insights from pressure-strain interaction2:00pm (3 + 2 min)
Julia StawarzTurbulence-Driven Reconnection in Earth's Magnetosheath2:05pm
(3 + 2 min)
Naoki BesshoElectron acceleration in electron-only reconnection in the Earth’s quasi-parallel bow shock2:10pm (3 + 2 min)

Mikhail Sitnov et al.

Electron and ion watersheds as precursors of the magnetotail reconnection: 3D PIC simulations and MMS observations2:15pm (3 + 2 min)
San LuElectron-only reconnection in the magnetotail: PIC simulations2:20pm (3 + 2 min)

Yi-Hsin Liu

The Effect of Thermal Pressure on Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection Rate2:25pm (3 + 2 min)
Kristina PritchardReconnection Rates and Guide Fields in the EDR2:30pm (3 + 2 min)
Prayash PyakurelElectron-only reconnection: Overview of simulations2:35pm (3 + 2 min)

Open Discussion2:40pm (20 min)

Splinter Session #6

Thursday, April 8 (Afternoon)

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Eastern
(10a-12p Pacific; 7-9p Paris; 2-4a Tokyo)

Particle Acceleration


Chairs/Organizers: Sasha Alexandrova, Barry Mauk, Rumi Nakamura, Dan Baker

PresenterTalk TitleTime
Barry MaukIntroduction2 min
Ian CohenOn energetic electrons near active magnetotail reconnection sites12 min
Drew TurnerOn electron acceleration related to reconnection in the magnetotail12 min
Harry Arnold

On self-consistent simulations of electron acceleration in magnetic reconnection

12 min
Jim Drake

On the energetic particle measurements with respect to MMS

12 min
Rumi Nakamura

On electron acceleration signature of a dipolarization front during a BBF

12 min
Filomena Catapano

On the ion energization between consecutive jet fronts in the magnetotail

12 min
Joachim BirnOn the oxygen ion acceleration12 min
Trevor Leonard

On substorm sequence observed by MMS in combination with several other observatories

12 min
Allison Jaynes

Investigating energetic electron acceleration in the low-latitude boundary layer

12 min

Open Discussion10 min

Plenary Session #2

Friday, April 9 (Morning)

10:00 am - 12:00 pm Eastern
7-9a Pacific; 4-6p Paris; 11p-1a Tokyo)

Summaries & Outbriefs from the Splinter Sessions


Chairs/Organizers: Ian Cohen

PresenterTalk TitleTime
Shan WangSplinter #1 - Reconnection, Turbulence, & Waves15 min
Rachael FilwettSplinter #2 - MMS as Part of the HSO

15 min

Rungployphan KieokaewSplinter #3 - Transient Processes at Earth's Magnetopause15 min
Lynn WilsonSplinter #4 - Collisionless Shocks15 min
Julia StawarzSplinter #5 - Electron-only Reconnection15 min
Sasha AlexandrovaSplinter #6 - Particle Acceleration15 min


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1 Comment

  1. Kudos to all for a great organizing job!