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NameAffiliation/InstitutionPoster Title
Richard DentonDartmouth CollegePolynomial reconstruction of the magnetic field with inferred structure velocity
Steve SchwartzLASP, CU BoulderEvaluating the de Hoffmann-Teller cross-shock potential at real collisionless shocks
Naritoshi KitamuraDepartment of Earth and Planetary Science, The University of TokyoObservation of non-gyrotropy of electrons caused by wave-particle interaction with intense whistler mode waves in mirror mode structures in the magnetosheath
Julia StawarzImperial College LondonElectron Vortices in the Earth's Magnetotail
Seung ChoiUniversity of Maryland-College park

Origin of whistler waves during asymmetric guide field reconnection

Sanjay ChepuriUniversity of IowaA Statistical Study of Magnetopause Boundary Layer Energetic Electron Enhancements Using MMS
James WebsterRice UniversityOut-of-Plane Reconnection Magnetic Field Topology at the Electron Scale
Steven HeuerUniversity of New HampshireAspect ratio of the electron diffusion region
Dominic PayneUniversity of New HampshireDescription of X-line Behavior Based on Spatial Distribution of Energy Density and the Arrow of Time
Daniel TeubenbacherSpace Research Institute GrazMulti-scale analysis of compressive fluctuations in the Earth's Magnetosheath
Owen RobertsSpace Research Institute GrazFPI in the solar wind: Comparisons with OMNI
Hadi MadanianSwRIImpacts of Solar Wind Magnetic Holes Associated with Reconnecting Current Sheets on Earth's Bow Shock


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