Special Issues

Physics of Plasmas
"Plasma Physics from the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission”

Submission Deadline: 31 August 2021 30 July 2021
Guest Editors: Julia E. Stawarz (Imperial College London) and Kevin Genestreti (Southwest Research Institute)

Submitted or planning on submitting? FAQs are herePlease take a min to let us know by filling in your name and prospective paper title here! This info helps us write an on-topic forward for the special issue.

MMS #7

Community Science Workshop
week of October 17, 2021

Roy Torbert and our University of New Hampshire team is hosting this Community Science Workshop at Waterville Valley, New Hampshire.

PREVIOUS arrangements, for info only → Logistics and Registration

At most a "hybrid" in-person/virtual meeting, the physical space will be limited to the first 40-85 registrants.  Space would only be secure once payment has been received, so be sure not to skip this step. This is the very popular peak-fall-foliage season. 

A final decision on the meeting format will be made in late June.

MMS #8

Community Science Workshop
7 Year Launch Anniversary
March xx-xx, 2022

at Campus of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University,
Daytona Beach, FL

MMS Science Telecons

Tuesdays, 10:00 am | Central US Time | ~1 hour

Join the meeting

August 10, 2021 

Dartmouth College, Hosted by Yi-Hsin Liu.

"Connecting X-line heating efficiency to the reconnection rate problem" by Yi-Hsin Liu
"Polynomial reconstruction with integrated velocity determination"  by Richard Denton

Telecon Schedule

When hosting, please feel free to think broadly about your approach. For example,

  • It is perfectly fine to have fewer, longer presentations rather than the standard three short presentations.
  • Consider simply leading a discussion of an open question, a new event, or an analysis/simulation technique tutorial.
  • Invite people to present that are “further afield” than your own team. (e.g., a newly published paper of interest.)
  • If your week overlaps with a major conference or MMS SWT, please anticipate that the telecon will be cancelled that week.

As always, every host prioritizes anyone from across our community that wishes to present their new material for feedback from the team, especially to check the use or interpretations of the datasets.

If you are a "late breaking" co-author addition to an about-to-be submitted paper, it is a good practice to ask them to also present at this forum for feedback.

Orbits / Formations / SROIs

Year 6

Find previous Years / Orbit Phases / SRIO maps here

Other Meetings of Interest:

  • MMS ISSI (by invitation) → currently, June 27-July 1, 2022

Links to Previous Meetings:

Want to add a meeting to this list?  Please feel free to log in and hit that "edit" button.
(both at the upper right corner of the screen).