EICS Summary Data Format (SDF)

SDF files have been cast in NASA's Common Data Format (CDF, version 2.5) with the Dictionary Keywords (as they were defined in September, 1995) adopted by the ISTP project to facilitate development of automated plotting software.

Software to read the CDF files is available below.

The CDF Skeleton Table documents the following items.

A listing of all available telemetry intervals which includes the N, C, and A quality flags can be found in the VERY LONG DE/EICS SDF data file

NASA Developed Software

NASA has developed an extensive set of software based on the Common Data Format.

The DE/EICS SDF format includes ISTP/IACG Dictionary Keywords (as they were defined on October 1, 1995). Use of these keywords will facilitate analysis of DE/EICS SDF data with general purpose software tools.

Fortran and C language interfaces to the CDF format are also available from NASA.

Lockheed Developed Software

An IDL procedure that reads and plots EICS SDF file was developed to validate the conversion of SDF from VAX binary to NASA CDF format. This procedure accepts two command line inputs: The file name (e.g. '81310_EICS_DE'), and the output format (e.g. 'x' or 'ps'). An output spectrogram from the 'x' output of the IDL procedure and the TEST.cdf file from which it was created are available at the LASP server site in the URLs:

https://lasp.colorado.edu/timas/DE/TEST.gif and
https://lasp.colorado.edu/timas/DE/TEST.cdf and

The code used to validate correct and complete transfer to the CDF format is provided as a template on which analysis and display software can be built. Note that an IDL version of 4.0 or higher is necessary to read CDF version 2.5 files.

Coverage and Availability

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Prepared by W.K. Peterson
Updated 08/19/2005 by Daryl Carr