Data Products

Rules of use: The CIRBE/REPTile-2 data are available for science research. Users should contact the PI, professor Xinlin Li, to discuss the possible issues and appropriate applications of these data. Users publishing results should provide appropriate acknowledgement, should provide the version number of the data being used, and could also offer co-authorship to the PI and other team members if helpful discussions have been provided by the CIRBE team.

The REPTile-2 data are packaged as netCDF files, one for each day that the science instruments were turned on and collecting data. Days where science data were not collected do not have a corresponding file. The data were packaged via MATLAB but can be restored in any environment that supports netCDF.

There are currently only L1 data products are available. This page will be updated when more data products are available.

Files are named ‘’ where xxxxxxxx is the date in yyyymmdd format. For example, the file for April 19th, 2023 is called ‘’. The download link leads to a Dropbox folder containing the files for each day there is data. You are free to download the files for the days you are interested in.

To convert counts information to fluxes, use the channel energies and geometric factors times energy channel width (GdE) found in the .xlsx file here. For more information about the instrument, click here.

We acknowledge the use of the IRBEM library (4.4.0), the latest version of which can be found at

Data Product LevelFull DescriptionDownload (netCDF)
Level 1 Level 1 Science Data Descriptionhere


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