Title: Tiny satellites can provide significant information about space
Authors: Owen, R.
Published: 10 May 2024. Eos, 105
Link: https://doi.org/10.1029/2024EO240211
Title: CORBES: Radiation belt survey with international small satellite constellation
Authors: J. Wu, L. Deng, J. Praks, M. Anger, P. Oleynik, W. Hajdas, J. D. Wang, S.Y. Zhang, B. Zhou, L. Zheng, J. Cao, D. Fischer, S. Liu, W. Chen, F. Wu, R. C. Xi, X. Li, D. S. W. Abrahao, C. M. Denardini, Y. Li, X. C. Yang, L. Dai, Y. Q. Ma, T. Yu, M. Cai, H. L. Yang, M. Ebrahimi, F. Maurizo, V. Kalagaev, W. Li, Y. Miyoshi, R. Nakamura, A. Petrukovich, D. Baker, J. C. Worms
Published: 2024. Science Direct
Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2024.04.051
Title: Unveiling Energetic Particle Dynamics in the Near-Earth Environment From CubeSat Missions
Authors: Xinlin Li
Published: 26 April, 2024. AGU Advances, Volume 5 Issue 3, e2024AV001256.
Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2024AV001256
Title: First Results From REPTile-2 Measurements Onboard CIRBE
Authors: X, Li, R. Selesnick, Y. Mei, D. O’Brien, B. Hogan, Z. Xiang, L. Khoo, H. Zhao, Q. Shiller, M. Temerin, D. N. Baker
Published: 2024. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Volume 51 Issue 3, e2023GL107521.
Link: https://doi.org/10.1029/2023GL107521
Title: On the challenges of measuring energetic particles in the inner belt: A Geant4 simulation of an energetic particle detector instrument, REPTile-2.
Authors: Khoo, L.-Y., Li, X., Selesnick, R. S., Schiller, Q., Zhang, K., Zhao, H., et al.
Published: 2022. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Volume 127 Issue 4, e2021JA030249.
Link: https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JA030249
Title: Two Generations of CubeSat Missions (CSSWE and CIRBE) to Take on the Challenges of Measuring Relativistic Electrons in the Earth’s Magnetosphere
Authors: X. Li, R. Kohnert, S. Palo, R. Selesnick, E. Bauch, S. Boyajian, and J. Cantilina
Published: 2022. Small Satellite Conference
Link: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/smallsat/2022/WD-S3-2022/