The MAVEN DIVIDE Toolkit is a set of functions for accessing and visualizing the MAVEN Key Parameter Data. You can use them to maintain an updated repository of Key Parameter data on a local machine, manipulate, search, plot, and visualize data across all the MAVEN instruments, and compare models with MAVEN data. This toolkit has both Python and IDL vesions, with both having similar but not exact capabilities.

Our GitHub Page is located here:
The IDL Toolkit routines REQUIRE the Berkeley SSL tPlot package. Users who have already installed tPlot on their machines will only need to download the MAVEN Toolkit. All other users will need to download and install both the Toolkit and tPlot.

  • IDL Toolkit User's Guide V2017-05-12
  • Toolkit Quickstart Guide
  • In-situ Key Parameter Data Sheet (pdf)
  • IUVS Key Parameter Data Sheet (pdf)
  • TPlot Tutorial
  • Toolkit Training Slides (.pptx)
  • Toolkit examples
  • Python
    A python MAVEN toolkit is also available. It can be downloaded via a "pip install" command, or from our github page.

    All documentation required can be found on the website:

    Additionally, the MAVEN SDC has been contributing to the pyspedas project located here It has the capability of loading in other MAVEN data types. Further integration between the two projects is expected in the future.

    Pydivide and pyspedas both rely on the libraries pytplot and cdflib, which currently are both run by the MAVEN SDC as well. Info about them can be found on our github page, or at and

    Created by Pydivides "fullplot" routine

    Your Browser doesn't support the object tag
    Created by loading in level 2 data directly into pytplot