The Satellite
The body of the SME spacecraft was a cylinder approximately 1.7 x 1.25 m and consisted of two major modules: the observatory module that housed the scientific instruments, and the spacecraft bus.
SME had five instruments.
UV Ozone Instrument
A dual channel Ebert-Fastie spectrometer which operated in the spectral range of 240–330 nm. It measured ozone absorption of Rayleigh scattered sunlight.
1.27μ Airglow Instrument
A dual channel Ebert-Fastie spectrometer which operated in the spectral range of 0.7–1.4μ and 1.2–2.4μ. It measured the O2 (1Δg) from ozone photolysis.
Visible Nitrogen Dioxide Instrument
A dual channel Ebert-Fastie spectrometer which operated in the spectral range of 312–640 nm. It measured NO2 absorption of Rayleigh scattered sunlight.
Four-channel Infrared Radiometer
A telescope with four passively cooled mercury-cadmium telluride detectors/filters. It measured ozone, water vapor, and temperature.
SME made the first systematic measurements of ozone in this region of the atmosphere and they have served as a basis for ongoing analysis and understanding of the chemical and temperature structure of the mesosphere.
Solar UV spectrometer
A spectrometer which operated in the spectral range of 15—300 nm. It measured solar irradiance.
This data is available at the LASP Interactive Solar Irradiance Datacenter (LISIRD).