NASA DRIVE Science Center

Next generation space weather prediction

Wave-induced Atmospheric Variability Enterprise

Next generation space weather prediction

NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) models

Model Description: The NASA GMAO generates a number of global model and data assimilation products that make extensive use of NASA satellite observations, provide support to satellite missions and field campaigns, and help with mission planning. In addition, these products support researchers funded by NASA and others. The GEOS (Goddard Earth Observing System) model and data assimilation system underlies various configurations including analyses and forecasts produced in real time, using the most recent validated GEOS system (GEOS-FP), a reanalysis of the period 1979 to the present (MERRA-2), and a “Nature Run” using a high-resolution version of GEOS, spanning two years (7km-G5NR). The GEOS atmospheric model component extends from the surface to approximately 80 km, with recent development focused on increasing horizontal and vertical resolution, enabling a more complete representation of the internal gravity spectrum.

See an example of waves on the Antarctic polar vortex during the spring of 2019 here: