
Arika Egan is a PhD candidate at the University of Colorado, Boulder in the Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences (APS) department. She is the lead graduate student on the CUTE CubeSat, leading the efforts in the optical characterization, developing the in-flight data processing routines, and assisting with the efforts towards integration and testing, mission operations, and science return.

As a senior graduate student, she mentors several undergraduates, supports several graduate students, and regularly participates in and enhances her research team’s dynamic (mostly with very witty jokes and one-liners often seem to go underappreciated, and the occasional well-curated meme).

After she earns her PhD in 2022ish, she aims to continue working on space missions and advancing ultraviolet technology. Her work in the CUSP research group has enabled a broad exposure to all things space missions, and she hopes to be a one-stop-knowledge-shop for developing successful future small space missions.

She manages the CUTE Twitter Account: @CUTECubeSat.

Projects: CUTE

Arika Egan

Space Science Building (SPSC)
University of Colorado
3665 Discovery Drive
Boulder, Colorado 80303

Phone: 303-735-0558 or 303-735-0304

Address and Contact Info

Space Science Building (SPSC)
University of Colorado
3665 Discovery Drive
Boulder, Colorado 80303

Phone: 303-735-0558 or 303-735-0304