Mission Operations

- TSIS is operated from LASP at the TSIS Science Operations Center (TSOC) through POIC in Huntsville
- Plans 1 week of instrument operations every Tuesday
- Loads command sequences to flight system on Thursday
- Loads are automatically started by the last week’s load on Monday
- TSDS (TSIS Science Data System) at LASP will be responsible for TSIS-1 science data management, processing, validation, and distribution. The TSDS will ensure that data are processed and released to the public within the required timeframes. In addition, the TSDS will develop web-based interfaces for accessing data and analysis tools, serve news items that are relevant to the TSIS-1 mission, and will coordinate the development of data analysis and visualization tools with the TSIS-1 science team. Specific TSDS responsibilities are summarized as follows:
- Develop, manage, and operate the systems needed to generate, validate, and
distribute TSIS-1 science data products
- Generate Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 science products
- Collect and archive associated software and documentation from Instrument Team Facilities.
- Disseminate science data products to the science community
- Deliver validated science data products from Level 0 to Level 3, to the GES DISC for archival and secondary public dissemination
- The real-time TSIS Telemetry is constantly streaming while ISS has a TDRS contact
- Telemetry is recorded at TSOC 24/7
- Telemetry cannot be recorded during TDRS coverage gaps
- Playback telemetry is available from POIC and includes data from TDRS gaps