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April 8th-11th, 2024  Agenda to MMS Spring 2024 SWT Meeting

Hotel reservation link

Registration link

April 8 — Splinter and meetup location for the extended eclipse viewing trip
Holiday Inn SeaWorld
10135 TX-151
San Antonio, TX 78251

April 9-11 — SWT
Southwest Research Institute
6220 Culebra Road
Bldg. 263
San Antonio, TX 78238                                                                     

*Use the left entrance lane at the main gate. Security at the gate may request identification. 

April 9- Team reception

Viola’s Ventanas

9660 Westover Hills Blvd

San Antonio, TX 78251

Tuesday, from 5:30 – 7:00 pm

Only In-person presenters. Submit the title to secure a presenter time slot by Monday, March 25th. To add your information, log-in, click the 'Edit' icon, fill out information on the table below, click 'update'. 

Presenters, upload your presentation in the appropriate folder once the schedule is released. There will be a presenter's computer on the podium, please upload before your session starts.

Please include in the focus column, any that apply:  'team/mission updates', 'reconnection, turbulence, & waves', 'electron-only reconnection', 'collisionless shocks', 

'particle acceleration', 'transient magnetopause processes', 'solar wind interactions near Earth', 'MMS among HSO (heliophysics system observatory)', and 'science methods and techniques'.

NAME (Affiliation)TITLEFocus
Joey Mukherjee (SwRI)About data mining and ML tools and their application to MMS datascience methods/technique
Justyna Sokol (SwRI)Preliminary results for an automated search for pristine solar wind intervals for HPCA PUI analysisscience methods/technique
Micheal Starkey (SwRI)Enhanced Helium Concentrations in CMEssolar wind interactions near Earth
Mitsuo Oka (UC Berkeley)Evolution and effect of pre-existing non-thermal (PENT) particles in magnetic reconnectionparticle acceleration
Katariina Nykyri (NASA GSFC)Fingerprinting plasma heating mechanisms during boundary layer/current sheets crossings using MMS FPI and FGM data: Are the power laws in kappa distributions of the heating rate universal for specific cross-scale heating mechanism?ion&electron heating/methods/technique
Stefan Eriksson (CU/LASP)MMS observations of oscillating energy conversion and electron vorticity in an electron-scale layer within a southward magnetopause reconnection exhaustreconnection, turbulence, & waves
Chris Riley (KBR/GSFC)MMS Operations StatusOperations
Trevor Williams (NASA/GSFC)FDOA Status and String of PearlsOperations
Gina Lafferty / Marcus Piquette (LASP)POC/IS StatusOperations
Weijie Sun (SSL/UC Berkeley)Relativistic electrons in Earth’s plasma sheet during magnetic reconnectionParticle acceleration
Marit Oieroset (UC Berkeley)

Scaling of ion bulk heating in magnetic reconnection outflows for the high Alfvén speed and low beta regime in Earth’s magnetotail

reconnection, turbulence, & waves
Prayash Sharma Pyakurel (UC Berkeley)

Detection of large guide field electron-only reconnection in a filamentary current sheet immersed in a large-scale magnetopause reconnection exhaust

'electron-only reconnection' and 'Reconnection, turbulence, & waves'  
Kevin Genestreti (SwRI)Normalized rate of electron-only reconnectionMagnetic reconnection
Steven Heuer (UNH)Scaling of the normalized reconnection rate with background plasma parametersMagnetic reconnection (after Kevin G's talk please)
Li-Jen Chen (GSFC)Earth's Alfven wing magnetosphere: Sun-Earth connection in the new light from MMS, HSO, and simulationssolar wind interactions near Earth/MMS among HSO/magnetic reconnection
Jason Beedle (UNH)Field-Aligned Current Structures during the Terrestrial Magnetosphere’s Transformation into Alfvén Wings and Recoverysolar wind interactions near Earth
Kylie Sullivan (UTSA/SwRI)An Investigation into Far-Flank Magnetic Reconnection at Earth’s Magnetopausereconnection, turbulence, & waves
Dinesh Radhakrishnan (UTSA/SwRI)Non-Linear KHI's at flanks of Earth's Magnetopausetransient magnetopause processes,solar wind interactions near Earth
Riddhi Bandyopadhyay (Princeton)Energy Transfer Across Scales in Turbulent Reconnectionreconnection, turbulence, & waves
Neha Pathak (LASP/ CU Boulder)

Detailed Observations of Parallel Electric Field Structures at the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer

Reconnection, turbulence & waves
Brandon Burkholder (UMBC/GSFC)Comparison of Foreshock Magnetic Fluctuations observed by MMS, MESSENGER, MAVEN, and CassiniMMS among HSO
Abhishek Rajhans (UC Berkeley)Energy partition between thermal and non-thermal components during magnetotail reconnectionparticle acceleration
Evgeny Panov (IWF-OeAW)Midtail Ballooning-Interchange Heads as observed by MMS and in the conjugate ionospheric datareconnection, turbulence and waves
Jim Burch (SwRI)Pressure-Strain Interactions and Parallel Electric Fieldsreconnection, turbulence and waves
Rachel Rice (UMD/NASA GSFC)Magnetopause Boundary Layers during Storm Recovery and Low Mach Solar Windtransient magnetopause processes, sw interactions
Yi Qi (LASP)Investigation of a magnetic reconnection event with extraordinarily high particle energization in magnetotail turbulenceReconnection, turbulence & waves
Dominic Payne (UMD)Multiscale Energy Exchange from Magnetic Shear Equilibration and ReconnectionReconnection, turbulence & waves, electron-only reconnection, 
Naoki Bessho (UMD/GSFC)Electron and ion acceleration in magnetic islands in shock turbulenceReconnection, turbulence
Tak Chu Li (Dartmouth)Electron-only magnetic reconnection in plasma turbulence: magnetic flux transport identification Electron-only reconnection, turbulence
Andrew Marshall (SwRI)Substorm Triggered by an IMF By Reversal During a Period of Northward IMFTransient Magnetopause Processes, solar wind interactions near Earth
James DrakeElectron and proton powerlaw formation during magnetic reconnectionReconnection/particle acceleration
Dan Baker (LASP/ CU Boulder)Long-duration Kelvin-Helmholtz wave activity along the magnetotail flanksMagnetic Reconnection
Jonathan Ng (UMD/GSFC)Electron acceleration by Lower hybrid waves in guide field reconnectionReconnection, turbulence and waves
Joachim Birn (SSI)

Electron acceleration in magnetotail reconnection events

Harsha Gurram (UMD/NASA GSFC)Earth’s Alfven wings from the perspective of electron distributionssolar wind interactions near Earth/MMS among HSO
Marc Swisdak (UMD)Numerical Simulations of Turbulence in the Structured Solar Windturbulence/solar wind
Alex Chasapis (LASP/CU Boulder)Unbiased Magnetosheath Campaigns 2023 & 2024: Unravelling the Turbulent Dynamics of Earth's MagnetosheathReconnection, Turbulence, & Waves
Bob Ergun (LASP/CU Boulder) (Alex Chasapis)Large Separation Campaignteam/mission updates

Guaranteed talks above this line ^ (K.LLera) 

**Thursday morning can accommodate 3-4 talks (15min slots)

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