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April 8th-11th, 2024 Agenda to MMS Spring 2024 SWT Meeting
April 8 — Splinter and meetup location for the extended eclipse viewing trip
Holiday Inn SeaWorld
10135 TX-151
San Antonio, TX 78251
April 9-11 — SWT
Southwest Research Institute
6220 Culebra Road
Bldg. 263
San Antonio, TX 78238
*Use the left entrance lane at the main gate. Security at the gate may request identification.
April 9- Team reception
Viola’s Ventanas
9660 Westover Hills Blvd
San Antonio, TX 78251
Tuesday, from 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Only In-person presenters. Submit the title to secure a presenter time slot by Monday, March 25th. To add your information, log-in, click the 'Edit' icon, fill out information on the table below, click 'update'.
Presenters, upload your presentation in the appropriate folder once the schedule is released. There will be a presenter's computer on the podium, please upload before your session starts.
Please include in the focus column, any that apply: 'team/mission updates', 'reconnection, turbulence, & waves', 'electron-only reconnection', 'collisionless shocks',
'particle acceleration', 'transient magnetopause processes', 'solar wind interactions near Earth', 'MMS among HSO (heliophysics system observatory)', and 'science methods and techniques'.
NAME (Affiliation) | TITLE | Focus |
Joey Mukherjee (SwRI) | About data mining and ML tools and their application to MMS data | science methods/technique |
Justyna Sokol (SwRI) | Preliminary results for an automated search for pristine solar wind intervals for HPCA PUI analysis | science methods/technique |
Micheal Starkey (SwRI) | Enhanced Helium Concentrations in CMEs | solar wind interactions near Earth |
Mitsuo Oka (UC Berkeley) | Evolution and effect of pre-existing non-thermal (PENT) particles in magnetic reconnection | particle acceleration |
Katariina Nykyri (NASA GSFC) | Fingerprinting plasma heating mechanisms during boundary layer/current sheets crossings using MMS FPI and FGM data: Are the power laws in kappa distributions of the heating rate universal for specific cross-scale heating mechanism? | ion&electron heating/methods/technique |
Stefan Eriksson (CU/LASP) | MMS observations of oscillating energy conversion and electron vorticity in an electron-scale layer within a southward magnetopause reconnection exhaust | reconnection, turbulence, & waves |
Chris Riley (KBR/GSFC) | MMS Operations Status | Operations |
Trevor Williams (NASA/GSFC) | FDOA Status and String of Pearls | Operations |
Gina Lafferty / Marcus Piquette (LASP) | POC/IS Status | Operations |
Weijie Sun (SSL/UC Berkeley) | Relativistic electrons in Earth’s plasma sheet during magnetic reconnection | Particle acceleration |
Marit Oieroset (UC Berkeley) | Scaling of ion bulk heating in magnetic reconnection outflows for the high Alfvén speed and low beta regime in Earth’s magnetotail | reconnection, turbulence, & waves |
Prayash Sharma Pyakurel (UC Berkeley) | Detection of large guide field electron-only reconnection in a filamentary current sheet immersed in a large-scale magnetopause reconnection exhaust | 'electron-only reconnection' and 'Reconnection, turbulence, & waves' |
Kevin Genestreti (SwRI) | Normalized rate of electron-only reconnection | Magnetic reconnection |
Steven Heuer (UNH) | Scaling of the normalized reconnection rate with background plasma parameters | Magnetic reconnection (after Kevin G's talk please) |
Li-Jen Chen (GSFC) | Earth's Alfven wing magnetosphere: Sun-Earth connection in the new light from MMS, HSO, and simulations | solar wind interactions near Earth/MMS among HSO/magnetic reconnection |
Jason Beedle (UNH) | Field-Aligned Current Structures during the Terrestrial Magnetosphere’s Transformation into Alfvén Wings and Recovery | solar wind interactions near Earth |
Kylie Sullivan (UTSA/SwRI) | An Investigation into Far-Flank Magnetic Reconnection at Earth’s Magnetopause | reconnection, turbulence, & waves |
Dinesh Radhakrishnan (UTSA/SwRI) | Non-Linear KHI's at flanks of Earth's Magnetopause | transient magnetopause processes,solar wind interactions near Earth |
Riddhi Bandyopadhyay (Princeton) | Energy Transfer Across Scales in Turbulent Reconnection | reconnection, turbulence, & waves |
Neha Pathak (LASP/ CU Boulder) | Detailed Observations of Parallel Electric Field Structures at the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer | Reconnection, turbulence & waves |
Brandon Burkholder (UMBC/GSFC) | Comparison of Foreshock Magnetic Fluctuations observed by MMS, MESSENGER, MAVEN, and Cassini | MMS among HSO |
Abhishek Rajhans (UC Berkeley) | Energy partition between thermal and non-thermal components during magnetotail reconnection | particle acceleration |
Evgeny Panov (IWF-OeAW) | Midtail Ballooning-Interchange Heads as observed by MMS and in the conjugate ionospheric data | reconnection, turbulence and waves |
Jim Burch (SwRI) | Pressure-Strain Interactions and Parallel Electric Fields | reconnection, turbulence and waves |
Rachel Rice (UMD/NASA GSFC) | Magnetopause Boundary Layers during Storm Recovery and Low Mach Solar Wind | transient magnetopause processes, sw interactions |
Yi Qi (LASP) | Investigation of a magnetic reconnection event with extraordinarily high particle energization in magnetotail turbulence | Reconnection, turbulence & waves |
Dominic Payne (UMD) | Multiscale Energy Exchange from Magnetic Shear Equilibration and Reconnection | Reconnection, turbulence & waves, electron-only reconnection, |
Naoki Bessho (UMD/GSFC) | Electron and ion acceleration in magnetic islands in shock turbulence | Reconnection, turbulence |
Tak Chu Li (Dartmouth) | Electron-only magnetic reconnection in plasma turbulence: magnetic flux transport identification | Electron-only reconnection, turbulence |
Andrew Marshall (SwRI) | Substorm Triggered by an IMF By Reversal During a Period of Northward IMF | Transient Magnetopause Processes, solar wind interactions near Earth |
James Drake | Electron and proton powerlaw formation during magnetic reconnection | Reconnection/particle acceleration |
Dan Baker (LASP/ CU Boulder) | Long-duration Kelvin-Helmholtz wave activity along the magnetotail flanks | Magnetic Reconnection |
Jonathan Ng (UMD/GSFC) | Electron acceleration by Lower hybrid waves in guide field reconnection | Reconnection, turbulence and waves |
Joachim Birn (SSI) | Electron acceleration in magnetotail reconnection events | Acceleration |
Harsha Gurram (UMD/NASA GSFC) | Earth’s Alfven wings from the perspective of electron distributions | solar wind interactions near Earth/MMS among HSO |
Marc Swisdak (UMD) | Numerical Simulations of Turbulence in the Structured Solar Wind | turbulence/solar wind |
Alex Chasapis (LASP/CU Boulder) | Unbiased Magnetosheath Campaigns 2023 & 2024: Unravelling the Turbulent Dynamics of Earth's Magnetosheath | Reconnection, Turbulence, & Waves |
Bob Ergun (LASP/CU Boulder) (Alex Chasapis) | Large Separation Campaign | team/mission updates |
Guaranteed talks above this line ^ (K.LLera) | ||
**Thursday morning can accommodate 3-4 talks (15min slots) | ||