Please do NOT post ITAR-restricted content on this site.
GOAL: Put all data appearing in publications on the public side – goal is to finish by submission of the 2022 Senior Review (Nov 2022)
- Start bi-weekly meetings of the DSWG
- add this topic to agenda, to address questions and clarify/adjudicate special cases
- Commissioning data that are L2 and/or have appeared in publications made public
- data directory structure to follow the current SDC scheme to place the commissioning data under its
appropriate directories in 2015, so spedas/SPDF data load software can find them without extra effort - mms*/edp/comm/l2
- mms*/scm/comm/l2
- additional commissioning datasets used in publications (instrument teams to identify these data products and provide them to Kris; an example publication used commissioning datasets here)
- data directory structure to follow the current SDC scheme to place the commissioning data under its
- All L2 data products made public
mms*/fpi/slow (there is no slow L2 data at the SDC)
- mms*/fpi/fast/trig
- any others?
- All L3 data products made public
- mms*/fpi/brst/l3
- mms*/fsm/brst/l3
- any others?
- mms*/feeps/srvy/l3
- AFG and DFG L2 pre-FGM data made public (no L2 AFG/DFG data as confirmed by the MAG team)
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