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NAME (Affiliation)TITLEFocus
Joey Mukherjee (SwRI)About data mining and ML tools and their application to MMS datascience methods/technique
Justyna Sokol (SwRI)Preliminary results for an automated search for pristine solar wind intervals for HPCA PUI analysisscience methods/technique
Micheal Starkey (SwRI)The effects of enhanced solar wind Helium concentration on ion heating at Earth’s bow shocksolar wind interactions near Earth
Mitsuo Oka (UC Berkeley)Evolution and effect of pre-existing non-thermal (PENT) particles in magnetic reconnectionparticle acceleration
Katariina Nykyri (NASA GSFC)Fingerprinting plasma heating mechanisms during boundary layer/current sheets crossings using MMS FPI and FGM data: Are the power laws in kappa distributions of the heating rate universal for specific cross-scale heating mechanism?ion&electron heating/methods/technique
Stefan Eriksson (CU/LASP)MMS observations of oscillating energy conversion and electron vorticity in an electron-scale layer within a southward magnetopause reconnection exhaustreconnection, turbulence, & waves
Chris Riley (KBR/GSFC)MMS Operations StatusOperations
Trevor Williams (NASA/GSFC)FDOA Status and String of PearlsOperations
Weijie Sun (SSL/UC Berkeley)Relativistic electrons in Earth’s plasma sheet during magnetic reconnectionParticle acceleration
Marit Oieroset (UC Berkeley)

Scaling of ion bulk heating in magnetic reconnection outflows for the high Alfvén speed and low beta regime in Earth’s magnetotail

reconnection, turbulence, & waves
Prayash Sharma Pyakurel (UC Berkeley)

Detection of large guide field electron-only reconnection in a filamentary current sheet immersed in a large-scale magnetopause reconnection exhaust

'electron-only reconnection' and 'Reconnection, turbulence, & waves'  
Kevin Genestreti (SwRI)Normalized rate of electron-only reconnectionMagnetic reconnection
Steven Heuer (UNH)Scaling of the normalized reconnection rate with background plasma parametersMagnetic reconnection (after Kevin G's talk please)