Libera does not produce the radiance to flux conversion for the standard ERB SW, LW and TOT fluxes required for SO.1 since it meets all requirements for CERES continuity, including flying with VIIRS; the RBSP generates those fluxes from Libera L1b filtered radiance. All of the higher level products produced by Libera are unique from CERES standard data products. All software will be provided to the RBSP.
Level-1B Continuity Product
Filtered broadband radiances for the TOT, LW, SW, and Split-SW channels for each 0.01 second measurement |
Geolocation and viewing geometry for every Earth-viewing measurement |
Instrument status, engineering temperatures and voltages for each scan |
Sun geometry, satellite position and velocity for each scan |
All raw engineering and status data from the instrument |
Data Level | Data Products & Formats | Data Rate (GB/day) | Data Vol. (TB/5-years) | Responsible Team | Delivery to DAAC |
L0 | Raw CCSDS SW, LW, TOT and Split-SW; binary |
0.104 | 0.20 | LASP | Archive after 3-month checkout phase |
Raw CCSDS WFOV Camera; binary | 1.00 | 2.92 | LASP | ||
L1B | Earth Scans product with 1-hours of radiance measurements at 100Hz frequency; HDF-5 | 0.82 | 1.50 | LASP, JPL, CSU | Archive after 6-month validation period |
WFOV Camera reconstructed images; HDF-5 | 1.20 | 2.19 | LASP, CIRES | ||
L2 | Cloud Fraction; HDF-5 | 0.75 | 1.37 | LASP, CIRES | Preliminary release 120 days after launch, archive after 9-month validation period |
Split-SW TOA and SFC flux; HDF-5 | 0.475 | 1.83 | UA, JPL, LBL | ||
Split-LW TOA flux; HDF-5 | 0.01 | 0.02 | UM, JPL, LBL | ||
Total: | 4.36 | 9 |
Level-0 contains the raw instrument data at full sensor resolution; Level-1A contains the raw instrument data at full sensor resolution, time-referenced, and annotated with ancillary information (including radiometric calibration coefficients and geolocation parameters such as platform ephemeris) computed and appended but not applied to the Level-0 data. Level-1B (Table E‑4) contains Level-1A data processed to sensor units and geolocated. These products contain 24 hours of instantaneous data recorded every 0.01-second with views of Earth, internal calibrations, solar calibrations and space. The SW, LW and TOT Level-1B products are used by the Langley RBSP to derive higher level irradiance/flux products.
For SO.2, Libera produces L2 TOA and SFC fluxes for the Split-SW channel based on heritage algorithms. To address SO.3 the WFOV camera has Nominal, Target and Campaign observing modes. An L2 cloud fraction data product is generated from the L1 imagery from a combination of adaptive thresholding and multi-angle techniques. An additional data product directed toward SO.1 will be Split-LW fluxes, derived from far-IR (50 mm ->100 mm) radiances that result from the subtraction of the LW+SW from the TOT channel.
The Libera L1-L2+ data products are produced in Hierarchical Data Format (HDF-5).