XPS Level 3 Data Product Description
The two SORCE XPS Level 3 data products are the XPS Level 2 data product averaged over a day and averaged over 6-hours intervals. The XPS Level 2 data product contains the solar irradiance from each of the photometers (diode) at instrument spectral resolution (broad bands of 7-10 nm resolution) and for each solar measurement (cadence of 10 seconds prior to 2006 and 1 minute starting in January 2006). The accuracy for the XPS Level 3 irradiance is 12-30%, photometer dependent, and the long-term repeatability is 1%/year.
Level 3 Photometer Bands are:
Diode 1: 0.1 – 7.0 nm
Diode 2: 0.1 – 7.0 nm
Diode 3: 17.0 – 23.0 nm
Diode 6: 0.1 – 11.0 nm
Diode 7: 0.1 – 7.0 nm
Diode 9: 0.1 – 7.0 nm
Diode 11: 121 – 122 nm
For those needing higher spectral resolution, the XPS Level 4 data product has the solar spectrum in the 0-40 nm range in 0.1 nm intervals, whereby the Level 4 product spectra are based on the CHIANTI spectral model scaled to match the XPS photometer currents (signals).