Friday, July 27th- NSO SPSC W312
- 2:00 PM- Alexis Vizzerra
- Exploring the Cool Pockets in the Solar Atmosphere
- Abstract | Presentation
- 2:30 PM- Sarah Szczpanski
- Long term trends of the Mg II, Ca II K, and UV color indices
- Abstract | Presentation
- 3:00 PM- Break
- 3:15 PM- Sabrina Poulsen
- Detecting Short-term Stellar Magnetic Variability and Extracting the S-index from LCO NRES
- Abstract | Presentation
- 3:45 PM- Valerie Syaldi
- Characterizing Energy and Momentum Deposition During Auroral Events Reported by Citizen Scientists
- Abstract | Presentation
Wednesday, August 1st- HAO CG1-3131
- 8:30 AM- Sam Hollenbach
- Understanding Solar Activity During the Last 400 Years
- Abstract | Presentation
- 9:00 AM- Austin Ortiz
- Changes to Solar Diameter & Calculating Limb Darkening at Ultra Violet Wavelengths
- Abstract | Presentation
- 9:30 AM- Break
- 9:45 AM- Mia Mancuso
- Analyzing Geomagnetic Activity in the Context of a 22-year Solar Magnetic Cycle
- Abstract | Presentation
- 10:15 AM- Liam Patterson
- Exploring the Eruption Potential from Solar Flares Measured by the Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE) on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)
- Abstract | Presentation
- 10:45 AM- Break
- 11:00 AM- Carolina Mather
- Machine Learning for the Prediction of Solar Flares
- Abstract | Presentation
- 11:30 AM- Megan Smith
- Automating the McIntosh Classification System using Machine Learning
- Abstract | Presentation
- 12:00 PM- Lunch (on your own)
- 1:00 PM- Elisabeth Tappert
- Sensitivity Test Specific to Venus of the Community Aerosol Radiation Model for Atmosphere (CARMA)
- Abstract | Presentation
- 1:30 PM- Christopher R. Totzauer
- Observations of a Flare-Associated Current Sheet in the Extended EUV Corona
- Abstract | Presentation
- 2:00 PM- Break
- 2:15 PM- Amanda Shackelford
- Deriving Plasma Temperatures for Solar Features
- Abstract | Presentation
- 2:45 PM- Blaire Ness
- Using NOAA and MWO Sunspot Data to Investigate the Impact of Joy’s Law Tilt on Simulations of Solar Cycle 22 with Advective Flux Transport Model
- Abstract | Presentation
- 3:15 PM- Break
- 3:30 PM- Marissa Hedlund
- Ensemble Alfvén Model for CHAMP Small-Scale Field-Aligned Currents
- Abstract | Presentation
- 4:00 PM- Kara McDonough
- Factory Acceptance Testing of the Visible Broadband Imager for the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope
- Abstract | Presentation
Thursday, August 2nd- LASP SPSC W120
- 8:30 AM- Aisha Al Hemeiri
- Comparisons of UV Emissions in Mars’ Dawn and Dusk Twilight Glow Using MAVEN’s IUVS Instrument
- Abstract | Presentation
- 9:00 AM- Hamda Alkhoori
- The magnetic field around Mars
- Abstract | Presentation
- 9:30 AM- Break
- 9:45 AM- Eden Harris
- Relating Geoeffective Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection to the Global Solar Field
- Abstract | Presentation
- 10:15 AM- Austin Killman
- Dust impact detection by Cassini’s Langmuir Probe
- Abstract | Presentation
- 10:45 AM- Break
- 11:00 AM- Nick Friedl
- Evolution of electron distributions inside the mirror mode structures from bow shock to the magnetopause using MMS observations
- Abstract | Presentations
- 11:30 AM- Micki Mullins
- Measurements of Energetic Particle Injections during Conjunctions between MMS and Van Allen Probes
- Abstract | Presentations
- 12:00 PM- Lunch (pizza will be provided)
- 1:00 PM- Katherine Lee
- Modern Tools for DKIST Science Exploitation
- Abstract | Presentation
- 1:30 PM- Chantelle Kiessner
- Applying and Evaluating the Performance of a non-Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium Archive for Spectral Inversion
- Abstract | Presentation
- 2:00 PM- Break
- 2:15 PM- Ian McComas
- The Sensitivity of Empirical Regression Models of Solar Irradiance to Underlying Methodology
- Abstract | Presentation
- 2:45 PM- Joshua Keith-Hardy
- Modeling the Effects of Observational Gaps on P-mode Oscillations
- Abstract | Presentation
Friday, August 3rd- LASP SPSC Lobby
- 9:00- 11:30 AM- Poster Session
- 12:00 PM- BBQ