Miniature X-ray Solar Spectrometer

Measured solar soft X-rays in a small package

The NASA-funded MinXSS CubeSat launched in late 2015 to study soft X-rays from the sun. There have not yet been long term studies of these soft X-rays, but observations show they provide important clues to understanding what heats the sun's upper atmosphere, called the corona, to a thousand times the temperature of its surface. Credit: LASP

The Miniature X-ray Solar Spectrometer (MinXSS) program was a four-year, student-led project to design, build, integrate, test, and operate a three-unit CubeSat. The science objective of the first MinXSS mission was to better understand the solar irradiance energy distribution of solar flare soft x-ray emission and its impact on Earth’s ionosphere, thermosphere, and mesosphere. MinXSS-2 had similar objectives, but made improvements on MinXSS such as being placed into a Sun-synchronous orbit at 575km altitude. MinXSS-3 is currently operating and was launched March 1st with the INSPIRE-Sat mission.

Mission Class:


Mission Status:


LASP Roles:

Research, Instruments, Data, Mission Operations, Lead Institute

Science Target:


Mission Focus:

Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere, Solar Irradiance, Solar Physics, Thermosphere

Primary Mission Site:

LASP Mission Site:

The NASA-funded MinXSS CubeSat launched in late 2015 to study soft X-rays from the sun. There have not yet been long term studies of these soft X-rays, but observations show they provide important clues to understanding what heats the sun's upper atmosphere, called the corona, to a thousand times the temperature of its surface. Credit: LASP

Launch date: December 6, 2015 (MinXSS); December 3, 2018 (MinXSS-2)
Prime Mission: 1 year (MinXSS); 5 years (MinXSS-2)

Lead Institution: LASP

Lead Funding Agency: National Science Foundation and NASA

Partners: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), NIST Synchrotron Ultraviolet Radiation Facility (SURF), Spaceflight Industries