2022 awardees chosen for the Charles A. Barth Scholarship for undergraduate space research
September 15, 2022
LASP: ‘Boldly going’ where no space science research institute has gone before
October 13, 2021
LASP researcher and Aerospace Engineering professor Xinlin Li elected a 2021 AGU Fellow
September 30, 2021
CUTE, LASP’s latest cereal box-sized spacecraft, to study ‘Hot Jupiter’ exoplanets
September 23, 2021
Decades of Mars research by CU faculty and students lays the groundwork for human astronauts
March 5, 2021
CU Boulder leads the nation in Cubesat launches
February 11, 2020
From concept to satellite instrument in three months
April 12, 2019
LASP-led CubeSat will study Earth’s inner radiation belt
March 15, 2018
Major space mystery solved using data from student satellite
December 13, 2017
LASP-led team to study evaporating atmospheres of “hot Jupiters”
October 31, 2017
Building education satellites: LASP leads international team
August 22, 2017
MinXSS CubeSat fills critical gap in measuring the sun
September 30, 2016
MinXSS CubeSat set to deploy from ISS, study sun’s soft X-rays
May 13, 2016
LASP cubesat will study the sun in soft X-rays
March 24, 2015
Latest CubeSat project strengthens partnership with aerospace industry
June 25, 2014
PRESS RELEASE: LASP instrumentation to explore harsh near-Earth space environment
August 20, 2012
PRESS RELEASE: Tiny student-built satellite launches to study violent solar activity
August 1, 2012
Student-built satellite delivered to California for upcoming launch
January 23, 2012
CU-Boulder students build NSF satellite to study space weather
May 24, 2011