LASP: ‘Boldly going’ where no space science research institute has gone before
October 13, 2021
CUTE, LASP’s latest cereal box-sized spacecraft, to study ‘Hot Jupiter’ exoplanets
September 23, 2021
LASP scientists, students primed for Juno arrival at Jupiter
June 23, 2016
LASP-built MinXSS CubeSat to study solar flares, X-rays emitted by the sun
December 3, 2015
MMS launches to study magnetic reconnection
March 13, 2015
CU-Boulder students to help control instruments on MMS from LASP
March 4, 2015
MMS Prepared for Launch to Study Earth’s Dynamic Magnetic Space Environment
February 27, 2015
Colorado aerospace leaders host program on MAVEN and Mars exploration
August 18, 2014