

Year: 2010

December 15, 2010

MAVEN will launch on an Atlas V launch vehicle

December 3, 2010

Solving problems as they come up on MAVEN

October 21, 2010

PRESS RELEASE: NASA Awards Launch Services Contract for MAVEN Mission

October 13, 2010

MAVEN gets the green light to go to the red planet

October 5, 2010

PRESS RELEASE: NASA gives LASP-led Mars mission green light

October 5, 2010

MAVEN mission to investigate how sun steals Martian atmosphere

September 13, 2010

MAVEN and the Mars Science Laboratory

August 16, 2010

2016 Trace Gas Orbiter Mission

July 28, 2010

MAVEN Passes Preliminary Design Review

July 7, 2010

MAVEN Preliminary Design Review

June 8, 2010

Being the MAVEN Principal Investigator