SEE Level 3 Solar Irradiance Data
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SEE L3 Calendar Access: Useful for finding data for a specific day.
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L3 Data Directory– download any data file
SEE L3 Merged NetCDF file (single file) of the daily SEE L3 data products
Level 3 SSI LISIRD – interactive data access and plotting
Level 3 Lines LISIRD – interactive data access and plotting
Level 3 Diodes LISIRD – interactive data access and plotting
Detailed Level 3 Description
README_SEE_L3_012.TXT – information for using SEE L3 data
SEE Level 3 data files contain one daily averaged solar irradiance spectrum in 1 nm intervals extracted from the EGS Level 2 and XPS Level 2 data products. Shortward of 27 nm, a solar model is scaled to match the XPS broadband data. SEE Level 3 data files also contain 38 emission lines extracted from EGS Level 2 spectra, and the XPS Level 2 diode irradiances.
For normal operations, SEE observes the Sun for about 3 minutes every orbit (97 minutes), which usually gives 14-15 measurements per day. The SEE Level 3 data are time averaged over the entire day, after applying corrections for atmospheric absorption, degradation, flare removal, and to 1-AU.
Reading the Data with IDL
With individual data files may be read using an IDL command such as:
The data will then reside in the returned structure “d”, with each tag in the structure defined in the attributes array “att”.
SEE Level 3 Software
- TIMED-SEE NetCDF README – Described IDL source code and gives examples using and
- – IDL procedure for reading NetCDF files as a structure
- – IDL procedure for writing a data structure (or array of structures) to a NetCDF file
- – IDL procedure for plotting level 3 data (works with the level 3 merged data file).
- – IDL procedure for plotting level 3 data for planet applications (works with the level 3 merged data file).
SEE Level 3 Solar Irradiance Data Format
Each data file contains an array of structures with 1 elements
L3_DATA STRUCT = -> Array[1]
Each L3_DATA structure has the following form:
** Structure <277ba8>, 7 tags, length=4736, data length=4728, refs=1: DATE LONG 2002039 EGS_DEGRADE_MODEL INT 0 XPS_DEGRADE_MODEL INT 0 COR_1AU FLOAT 1.02768 SP STRUCT -> Array[1] LINE STRUCT -> Array[1] XPS STRUCT -> Array[1] Nested structure SP ** Structure <277f18>, 4 tags, length=3120, data length=3120, refs=2:
WAVE FLOAT Array[195] FLUX FLOAT Array[195] ERR_TOT FLOAT Array[195] ERR_MEAS FLOAT Array[195] Nested structure LINE ** Structure <2eb9d8>, 6 tags, length=1368, data length=1368, refs=2: WAVE FLOAT Array[38] FLUX FLOAT Array[38] ERR_TOT FLOAT Array[38] ERR_MEAS FLOAT Array[38] NAME STRING Array[38] LOGT FLOAT Array[38] Nested structure XPS_SF ** Structure <277ab8>, 3 tags, length=12, data length=12, refs=2: QS FLOAT 1.00000 AR FLOAT 0.204324 FLARE FLOAT 0.00240766 Nested structure XPS ** Structure <2ebe48>, 7 tags, length=228, data length=228, refs=2: WAVE_XPS_1 FLOAT Array[9] WAVE_XPS_2 FLOAT Array[9] FLUX FLOAT Array[9] ERR_TOT FLOAT Array[9] ERR_MEAS FLOAT Array[9] CURRENT FLOAT Array[9] XPS_SF STRUCT -> Array[1]
NetCDF file attributes for day 2002039
GLOBAL: Title = SEE Level 3 Final Data Product - merged daily XPS and EGS data Source = SEE POC at LASP / CU Mission = TIMED Data_product_type = SEE Level 3 Data_product_version = 011 Data_product_revision = 01 Product_format_version = 010 Software_version = 11.01 Software_name = called from Calibration_version = 09.01 Description = Calibrated SEE EGS and XPS science data averaged over a day at 1nm intervals History = 10/08/02 Don Woodraska Added product_format_version. Filename = /titus/timed/testing/data/science_dp/level3/see_L3_2002039_011_01.ncdf Date_generated = Wed Sep 12 05:01:12 2012 DATE: Units = YYYY-DOY Description = Date of observation EGS_DEGRADE_MODEL: Units = None Description = Long value is 1 if degradation function is linearly extrapolated, 0 if linearly interpolated XPS_DEGRADE_MODEL: Units = None Description = Long value is 1 if degradation function is linearly extrapolated, 0 if linearly interpolated COR_1AU: Units = 1 / (AU^2) Description = AU correction factor for date SP.WAVE: Units = nm Description = 1nm bins at center of wavelength bin (half-integral) SP.FLUX: Units = W / m^2 / nm Description = Merged Solar irradiance for XPS and EGS flux at 1nm bins with gaps filled using Woods-Rottman 2002 VUV model. Below 26 nm, flux is result of solution of linear equations involving XPS diodes and scaled to the VUV model. EGS data is used above 26 nm except 114.5-120.5 and 122.5-128.5 nm where the VUV model is scaled to the EGS Lyman-alpha line. SP.ERR_TOT: Units = Fractional Description = Accuracy of solar irradiance SP.ERR_MEAS: Units = Fractional Description = Measurement precision LINE.WAVE: Units = nm Description = Reference wavelengths for spectral lines LINE.FLUX: Units = W / m^2 Description = Integrated spectral line irradiance LINE.ERR_TOT: Units = Fractional Description = Accuracy of spectral line irradiance LINE.ERR_MEAS: Units = Fractional Description = Measurement precision of spectral line irradiance LINE.NAME: Units = None Description = Text indicating the largest contribution to spectral line LINE.LOGT: Units = None Description = Logarithm of Temperature for spectral line XPS.WAVE_XPS_1: Units = nm Description = Lower limit for XPS diode bandpass filter XPS.WAVE_XPS_2: Units = nm Description = Upper limit for XPS diode bandpass filter XPS.FLUX: Units = W / m^2 Description = Daily median flux for the diode (Level 2) XPS.ERR_TOT: Units = Fractional Description = Accuracy of XPS level 2 irradiance XPS.ERR_MEAS: Units = Fractional Description = Measured uncertainty in XPS level 2 irradiance XPS.CURRENT: Units = nanoAmps Description = Median of Total-Dark-Visible currents from level 1 with FOV and 1-AU corrections XPS.XPS_SF.QS: Units = None Description = Scalefactor from XPS Level 4 model for daily Quiet Sun component XPS.XPS_SF.AR: Units = Nanometers Description = Scalefactor from XPS Level 4 model for daily Active Region component XPS.XPS_SF.FLARE: Units = Fractional Description = Scalefactor from XPS Level 4 model for flare component